The Minutes of the previous meeting August 2014)
Members were reminded that the Council has a general duty to consider the following matters in the exercise of any of its functions - Equal Opportunities (race, gender, sexual orientation, marital status & any disability); Crime & Disorder, Health & Safety and Human Rights. Nancy Chapman, Parish Clerk |
Robin Carpenter (Chairman), Peter Bysouth (Vice Chairman), Bill Turner, Malcolm White, Paul Vallis and Marcus Fysh (County Councillor).
Nancy Chapman (Parish Clerk) and 3 members of the public.
Apologies were received from Vanessa May, Andy Webb, Cathy Bakewell (District Councillor) and Gina Seaton (District Councillor). - MINUTES OF MEETING held on 19th August 2014 (Already Circulated).
- The minutes were approved and signed by the Chairman as correct records of the meeting.
There were no declarations of interest. - MATTERS OF REPORT ARISING FROM THE PREVIOUS MINUTES.
- The Chairman gave his apologies for not placing a note regarding affordable housing in September’s Messenger, as he missed the deadline. He agreed to put the details in the next issue.
- Neil Dyer has volunteered to be included on the list of people willing to help with community field maintenance tasks.
Marcus Fysh stated that the report back from the Social Care department was that things are improving. They are having a problem recruiting permanent staff, and currently a third of staff are locums. Despite the recently appointed child services chief, Peter Lewis, receiving adverse media attention relating to the high cost of employing him, Marcus’s view was that he is the best person in the country for the job. Ofsted have found the council’s safeguarding to be ‘inadequate’ and it is essential to get this back on track and Mr Lewis is the right person to do this.Due to budget cuts, with regards to hedge cutting, from now on visibility splays will only be cut when an issue is reported. There is now a budget gap in the region of £40 million and there is no extra money for things such as this.
Marcus has once again been allocated a Health and Well-Being fund of £5K for his area. This is to be allocated to help new groups or new projects that encourage physical activity. The deadline for applications is sometime in November.
Cllr Cathy Bakewell was unable to attend the meeting, therefore the Chairman read her report. The Area South meeting included 3 planning applications; One for six flats at Grove Avenue; one for a chalet bungalow at Huntsfield Nursery, East Coker; the third was for widening parking access in East Street, West Coker. The first was refused and the second two approved.
The County Council’s Archaeologist gave a presentation which included information about historic evidence found at the Lyde road and Bunford sites.
The strategic partnership, South Somerset Together, is holding a Housing Assembly on 23rd October from 4.30 to 7.30 at Brympton Way. - PLANNING & PLANNING APPLICATIONS
- There were no planning applications on the agenda.
- There were no planning applications received after publication of the agenda.
- The following results of previous applications were received:
App no: 14/02898/FUL Partway, Partway Lane, Hardington Mandeville –The erection of a detached garage with store over. Applicant: Mr and Mrs D. Marr. Approved with conditions. - There were no results of previous applications received after publication of the agenda.
- Regarding the former Moor Lane Nursery site, there were no further updates other than to report that the sale to Halsall Homes is now complete and the site is vacant. Various surveys were being carried out, including slow worms and bats.
- A parishioner has brought to the attention of a member of the PC, an advert in a national newspaper advertising the sale of caravans from The Stables, Partway Lane. There is currently no business use authorized from this site and this has therefore been reported to the Planning department who have said they will investigate.
- Following refusal by SCC highways to repair the drain at the entrance to the community field, the Parish Council discussed Neil’s suggestion to fill in the online form requesting local area budget details for surface water drainage under the Freedom of Information act. Marcus felt this may create more work than necessary and agreed to make enquiries regarding the budget on the PC’s behalf. It was therefore agreed to defer Neil’s request for a month, pending the outcome of Marcus’s enquiries.
- The Chairman reported that a local farmer has discussed the drain that runs off the surrounding fields and under the former Moor Lane Nursery site with Halsall Housing. This drain sometimes causes a problem for some Moor Lane residents. A suggestion was made that a new storm drain could be created, that would run alongside the community field. The drain at the community field entrance would therefore need to be much larger than at present. Marcus said he would bear this in mind as he would be on the planning committee for this application.
- Neil’s written report included confirmation that SCC Highways intend to upgrade the drainage at White Post. They also intend to improve the road surface at Holywell Cross, the eroded edge of the surface running form Primrose Hill into Lyatts Hill and several areas of faded white lines.
- The Chairman reported that he had contacted Mike Fear, to give details of the poor condition of the blocked drain at Pig Hill, just above the entrance to the bungalow. The outfall pipe is almost totally blocked by solid material, probably limescale deposits
- The Chairman had received an email from the Ambulance Service regarding a parish defibrillator, whose scheme is now fully subscribed due to popular demand. The Chairman followed their recommendation to contact another supplier, AED. Their cost is about £2,000, including training. A ‘Guardian’ needs to check the defibrillator every 2 weeks. It is usually stored in a locked box with a digital combination. The box is powered and heated with running costs of approximately £25 pa. The PC could try for grants from local businesses, SSDC, The British Heart Foundation, etc. to help towards the cost. The PC agreed to invite AED to hold a presentation at 6.30 pm on the 21st October, prior to the PC meeting. The Chairman agreed to put a note in the Messenger to advertise this.
- The Chairman reported that Gina Seaton had arranged a potential grant to cover the cost of the Messenger printing in the short term. An application for this had yet to be made. Following discussion the Chairman agreed to write another letter from the PC stating they were unhappy with the sudden increase in cost.
- The Chairman reported that the Community Field now has a beautifully made permanent brick Barbeque. The Clerk agreed to write a formal letter to Robert White thanking him for all his work in building the BBQ. The Chairman also thanked Malcolm White for supplying the bricks and Ray Turner for capping slabs. The Chairman passed around a proposed temporary notice giving details of correct use for disposing of waste following the use of the BBQ. The Chairman also agreed to put a note in the Messenger advising that the BBQ is now available for use. The Chairman passed two Bradfords invoices for sand and cement from Rob White to the clerk. It was agreed these should be put on the agenda for re-imbursement at October’s meeting.
- The Chairman thanked Rod Heal and all those involved in the Flower & Craft Show for the £50 donation towards the Gazebo fund. A working party needs to be formed in order to make a concrete base to bolt the gazebo to. Sand, cement and hardcore would also be needed.
- There were no updates regarding the renovation of the village bier.
- The recommendation given in the Social Media Policy, which advises that every councilor should have a dedicated email address for parish council related work, was discussed. It was felt that this was not necessary. A resolution was then passed to approve the previously circulated External Communications Policy and Social Media Policy.
- The Clerk’s hours for August (18 hours) were confirmed.
- A resolution was passed to pay the following invoices:
- SSDC - Community field Annual Playground Inspection and Risk Assessment 2014 (£78.50 + £15.70 VAT) £94.20
- H M Village Hall – Hire for Halsall Presentation 01/05/2014 £40.00
- A formal notice of The Somerset County Council (no.5) Modification Order has been received and advertised on the village notice boards. Any objections must be received no later than 16th October.
- The Chairman has reported the following footpath issues to Les Braunton: Y10/44 temporary diversion – headlands not cleared and impassable in places; a similar problem has been reported on Y10/26; Y10/46 and Y10/44 obstructed by unprotected electric fence.
- The Chairman reported that he had contacted Western Power to inform them there is some ground subsidence where they carried out their work on Coker Hill Lane. Some hardcore is required to stabilize this.
- Malcolm White commented that the Ranger had done a very good job of clearing the footpath between Moor Lane and the shop. The stile by Jim Hedges has now been fixed.
- It was agreed the following jobs should be added to the Ranger’s
task list:
- Footpath 10/44 stile at map ref 3507/1127 requires clearing.
- An email had been received from Sarah Dyke-Bracher, Programme Manager for the Heart of Wessex Local Action Group asking if the PC would like her to attend a future PC meeting to outline the funding opportunities available. It was agreed that the Clerk would contact Sarah to invite her to give a 15 minute talk at 7 pm, prior to November’s PC meeting.
- Chairman. Nothing to report.
- Councillors: The Vice Chairman reported that the Village Hall Committee are introducing a new charging system to encourage people to drop in to the art group. He is chasing Barry Knibbs to carry out the work required to the village hall. They are also hoping to improve the lighting at the front of the hall, including replacing the sensor for the porch.
- Clerk: Nothing to report.
The next meeting will be held on Tuesday 21st October 2014 at 7.30 pm. in the Village Hall. The meeting closed at 8.49 pm.