The Minutes of the previous meeting (August 2012)
Members were reminded that the Council has a general duty to consider the following matters in the exercise of any of its functions - Equal Opportunities (race, gender, sexual orientation, marital status & any disability); Crime & Disorder, Health & Safety and Human Rights. Jessica Vale, Parish Clerk |
Robin Carpenter (Chairman), Keith Blackwell, Vanessa May, Bill Turner, Gina Seaton (District Councillor) and Cathy Bakewell (District and County Councillor).
Jessica Vale (Parish Clerk) and 4 members of the public.
Before the meeting commenced there was an opportunity for the public to speak.
Apologies received from Peter Bysouth and Malcolm White. - MINUTES OF MEETINGS HELD ON 21st August 2012 (Already Circulated).
- The minutes were approved and signed by the Chairman as a correct record of the meeting.
Bill Turner and Robin Carpenter both declared a prejudicial interest in Item 6aii. - MATTERS OF REPORT ARISING FROM THE PREVIOUS MINUTES.
- A response received from SSDC about their current practice in Affordable Housing (previously circulated) was considered.
- Parish Council and Village Hall insurance; the matter of a combined policy to be taken up by the Clerk shortly with the insurers, to be followed by consultation with the Village Hall committee.
Cathy Bakewell reported that she is involved in progressing the County Council body set up to improve the current practices relating to children in care, following the Ofsted inspection report earlier in the year. Since the recent publication of an article in the local newspaper about poor repairs to Black House Lane and the spur road off North Lane by the Brook, there has been a report to the Highways Department. At District Council level, she has had a response from the Planning Department about their lack of consultation with Hardington Mandeville Parish Council over a recent planning application for a property at Primrose Hill situated in East Coker Parish.
Gina Seaton reported that both she and Cathy have been elected to SSDC’s Market Improvement Committee, for Yeovil Market, but it has yet to hold a meeting. The District Council is currently consulting the public about the proposed changes to Council Tax relief; anyone preferring to use telephone to respond to SSDC rather than internet access should ring Ian Potter on 01935 462404. - PLANNING & PLANNING APPLICATIONS
- Planning applications received:
- Application no. 12/03060/FUL Demolition of and erection of Under Hill Cottage, Coker Hill Lane, Hardington Mandeville for Mr H Siebert-Saunders. The Parish Council supports this application.
- Application no. 12/03214/FUL siting of mobile home for temporary agricultural worker’s dwelling (retrospective), Manor Farm Hardington Mandeville for Mr W Turner. Because of the declarations of interest stated above and the absence of 2 Councillors, there did not remain a quorum of the Council, so this item could not be discussed. Clerk to try to arrange another date for discussion of this application.
- Any planning applications received after publication of the agenda: there were none.
- Results of previous applications:
- Grant of Application no. 12/02396/FUL Agricultural worker’s dwelling (in addition to that approved under 11/02843/OUT) Lime Kiln Farm, Broad Hill; noted.
- Agricultural Application no. 12/02706/AGN erection of extensions to existing agricultural building, Kingswood Farm, Common Lane, Hardington Mandeville for Mr G Samways; noted that prior approval not required.
- Results of previous applications received since publication of the agenda: there were none.
- Planning applications received:
- Report from Highways Representative: Neil Dyer reported that the two potholes in Primrose Hill have been filled. He has also reported a pothole outside the parish on the south side of the road to Hardington from the White Post junction. Neil will forward to the Clerk details of a licensing scheme offered by SSDC under which the Parish Council may be able to obtain copies of Ordnance Survey maps for the Council’s use.
- Repairs to riverbank at North Lane spur; Neil had reported the defects to County Highways but has not had any response and the situation is unchanged to date. It was AGREED that Neil should write again to report the Parish Council’s opinion that the works are hazardous to the public. Robin Carpenter reported that the footpath alongside was badly flooded in recent heavy rain due to the drain from the north side still being blocked.
- Robin Carpenter reported from the Recreation Space Committee on developments, notably further play equipment recently installed and the successful post-installation inspection. More signage is under production and 2 benches have been donated.
- The Clerk produced a financial update which shows that the Parish Council currently appears to be committed to spending at least £291 more than has been budgeted for the Community Field this year; the Friends of Hardington Community Space have been made aware of this for further fundraising action. She has received notice of payment of the £5,000 Youth Facilities Grant from SSDC.
- Somerset County Council Health & Well Being Scheme; the parameters of this grant scheme were noted and will be considered further.
- New Code of Conduct for Parish Councillors; it was proposed by Robin Carpenter, seconded by Vanessa May and RESOLVED that the draft Code prepared by Peter Bysouth and previously circulated be adopted.
- Standing Orders for Parish Council; it was proposed by Robin Carpenter, seconded by Keith Blackwell and RESOLVED that revised sections of the Standing Orders previously circulated be adopted. Clerk to ensure that the village website is updated accordingly.
- Renewal of insurance cover for Village Hall from 17th November; the Clerk was instructed to get quotations for comparison from 3 insurers, covering both Hall and Parish Council jointly and Village Hall alone.
- Progress on PAT testing of Village Hall appliances: Robin Carpenter to investigate and report back. Clerk to check on previous information about testing of occasional equipment.
- Vacancy on Parish Council: no requests for an election having been received, the Council should proceed with co-option. A notice asking for expressions of interest to be placed on noticeboards and sent to the Messenger forthwith.
- Clerk’s hours for August 2012 (25.75 hours) were confirmed as presented.
- Somerset County Council Community Enablement Fund: it was agreed that the Chairman should draw up a specification for works to repair the bank of the Chinnock Brook and drain on the north side under the spur road off North Lane, to repair the bank to the west of the bridge carrying North Lane and get quotations with a view to applying to this Fund.
- Robin Carpenter reported that the County Council’s footpaths team has replaced a stile with a gate on path Y10/5. From 2013 onwards, farmers who plant arable crops across footpaths may apply to the County Council for permission to temporarily divert a footpath around the edge of a field as long as this is not an elongated route and the headland is passable on foot.
- Keith Blackwell reported on the outcomes of a meeting of members of the Coker Division Lengthsman Scheme held on the 5th of September. It was RESOLVED unanimously that Hardington Mandeville Parish council should remain a member of the scheme in the coming year. Clerk to contact Scheme Administrator.
- August’s work was carried out as requested except for strimming around village signs and tyre plant container.
- Work for September:
- collect litter from the path between Moor Lane and Springfield Stores
- strim around salt bins on Primrose Hill, Pig Hill and Elliots Hill
- return Parish noticeboard to Hardington Marsh
- clear drain on Pig Hill currently blocked with grit
- strim around tyre and village sign in Primrose Hill
- It was proposed by Vanessa May, seconded by Keith Blackwell and RESOLVED to pay Coker Division Lengthsman Scheme invoice £617.24 (corrected from agenda).
- Correspondence to be circulated was issued.
- Correspondence received:
- SALC AGM 29th September 10a.m. at Somerton. Noted.
- SSDC bulb-planting offer: Community Field to be planted.
- Notification of Mobile Library timetable for Hardington: 2 visits every 4 weeks, details posted on noticeboards.
- Information from Somerset Rural Youth Project: noted
- Invitation to SSDC Rural Housing Week event in Yeovil 24th September 2.30 p.m: noted, a Councillor to attend if possible. Clerk to forward the email again.
- Chairman: none to report
- Councillors: none to report
- Clerk: will bring a first draft for next financial year’s precept to the October meeting.
The next Parish Council meeting will be held on Tuesday the 16th of October 2012 at 7.30 p.m. in the Village Hall. The meeting closed at 9.05 p.m.