The Minutes of the previous meeting September 2014)
Members were reminded that the Council has a general duty to consider the following matters in the exercise of any of its functions - Equal Opportunities (race, gender, sexual orientation, marital status & any disability); Crime & Disorder, Health & Safety and Human Rights. Nancy Chapman, Parish Clerk |
Robin Carpenter (Chairman), Peter Bysouth (Vice Chairman), Bill Turner, Malcolm White, Paul Vallis, Vanessa May, Andy Webb and Gina Seaton (District Councillor).
Nancy Chapman (Parish Clerk) and 3 members of the public.
None. - MINUTES OF MEETING held on 16th September 2014 (Already Circulated).
- The minutes were approved and signed by the Chairman as correct records of the meeting.
There were no declarations of interest. - MATTERS OF REPORT ARISING FROM THE PREVIOUS MINUTES.
- Sarah Dyke-Bracher, Programme Manager for the Heart of Wessex Local Action Group will be giving a 15 minute presentation at 7pm on the 18th November prior to the PC meeting.
Gina Seaton reported that there were no planning applications relevant to the Coker ward at the Area South meeting. If the Parish Council is interested in discussing the Section 106 "developer contributions" then they should contact Linda Pinkam or Natalie Ross. S106 agreements are a mechanism which make a development proposal acceptable in planning terms, that would not otherwise be acceptable. This includes various contributions to leisure including youth facilities and community halls and is relevant to developments with more than 5 properties (such as the potential Moor End nursery development).Yeovil bus station has been reopened. The Citizens Advice Bureau has now been relocated to Petters Way. There is concern over the council's ability to provide enough school places to meet demand in the near future. Two new primary schools are planned for Lufton and Wyndam Hill.
Simon Fox, from SSDC Developmental Control, has said that he is happy to meet with the people that submitted the letter regarding concerns relating to unauthorised activities at Woodentop Farm. - PLANNING & PLANNING APPLICATIONS
- The following planning application was discussed: App no: 14/04063/OUT Woodentop Farm, West Coker Hill. Outline
application for the erection of an agricultural workers dwelling.
The application did not contain any design features for the dwelling. It included a design and access statement and an agricultural appraisal. The emphasis for the appraisal related to the farm shop, although the PC was not aware the shop had planning consent. It was queried as to whether this shop would generate a sustainable income particularly as the labour used is rumoured to be free at present. The anonymous letter received from ‘West Coker Hill residents’ also raised a number of concerns relating to unauthorsied activities taking place there. In view of this the council resolved to submit a response to the planning department stating the Parish Council feel that there is not enough information given in the application to make a decision, and making the following points:- The agricultural appraisal is largely based on the farm shop, for which planning may not exist.
- Emphasis is made of the fact that the business depends on a changing group of unpaid volunteer workers, inevitably unskilled. Can a case be made for profitability, which depends on the continued use of such labour? There is also concern that these people are left in charge of 'dangerous wild animals' during Mr Richards' fairly frequent trips abroad.
- Further assurance of economic viability is required.
- There were no planning applications received after publication of this agenda.
- The following result of a previous application had been received:
App no: 14/03179/FUL Barry House, Broadstone Lane. The change of use of land from agricultural to extension of residential garden and the renovation and extension to dwelling house. Applicant: Mr & Mrs A Middleton. Approved with conditions. - There were no results of previous applications received after publication of this agenda.
- The Chairman reported that since the last PC meeting, Hallsall homes had produced a
drainage plan for the former Moor End Nursey site and a slightly modified
layout plan. The drainage plan included an open swale which gave the local
residents cause for concern as they felt if there was any persistent heavy
rain, the water from the North-East corner would wash into their gardens.
This prompted residents to request a meeting with David Matthews and
Richard Hughes of Hydrock Drainage Consulatants to discuss this issue.
Improvements were suggested and a new plan is to be drawn up. The exisiting
375mm pipe that goes under the middles of the site will be used, and the
water will then go behind Ernests’s garden into an open ditch and
alongside the East side of the community field.
The new layout still included 15 houses, although some of them had been reduced in size. Gina Seaton expressed concern that given current guidelines, not enough car parking spaces had been provided for on the plans.
A parishioner asked if the PC had the right to receive details of Simon Fox’s discussions relating to this site. It was agreed that the Chairman would contact Simon Fox requesting that he keeps the PC informed of any relevant discussions.
It was reported that the highways department have the right to change verges along the edge of Moor Lane into passing spaces if required. The Chairman’s view was that there is usually enough space to pass another car in various gateways and that it would not be desirable to change the verges to passing points as this would change the character of the lane.
It was also reported that discussions had taken place regarding the possibility of routing the site traffic through the Royal Oak farm in order to minimise disruption on Moor Lane. - The Chairman reported that he had received a letter from the planning department in response to the PC’s letter that residents had reported evidence of business use at The Stables, Partway Lane. They stated they had looked into it and no evidence of business use had been found.
- There were no other planning issues.
- The following planning application was discussed: App no: 14/04063/OUT Woodentop Farm, West Coker Hill. Outline
application for the erection of an agricultural workers dwelling.
- Neil Dyer’s monthly report included road surface issues and blocked drains at Primrose Hill. Road surface issues outside Briar Patch, Moor Lane have been fixed. The drain on Pig Hill is still causing problems. This has now been reported to Mike Fear by Neil and the Chairman. The highways believe this is a privately owned drain.
- Neil was asked to raise the question as to whether the wide area at the top right of Bishop’s lane is a turning bay or parking space. This has been the subject of debate previously. It was agreed that Neil should write to the highways department asking for clarification.
- Prior to the meeting, Clive Setter of AED Locator gave a presentation on their public access defibrillator. There are already several volunteers who are willing to be trained in its use, and it was decided a defibrillator should be acquired for the village. A guardian is required to check the defibrillator every 2 weeks. There is an annual running cost of approximately £25 which the PC could cover. The total purchase cost of £2,300 (including training) needs to be met from fund-raising or included in next year’s precept. The clerk agreed to contact Natalie Ross and the Community Council for Somerset to ask if there are any grants available for this.
- An application for an SSDC grant to cover the additional printing costs of the Messenger has been submitted. The team are looking at the possibility of using the Martock Church printing facility at a monthly cost of approximately £37. The only problem with this is getting someone to collate and staple the newsletter. The team are experimenting with font size and format in order to overcome this issue.
- The Chairman read an email from the Hardington and Pendomer WI asking if the PC would mind a rose produced for the occasion of the WI’s centenary, to be planted in the garden around the parish pump. The PC was quite happy with this, but suggested approval from those that maintain the grass around the pump should be sought.
- The autumn village litter pick was scheduled for 22nd November at 10am. The clerk agreed to book the necessary equipment.
- The Chairman thanked the organizers of the Hardington Horse & Dog show for their £250 contribution towards the Gazebo fund. The Chairman believes the most suitable location for the Gazebo is between the swings and the football pitch, but would like to hear views from others on this.
- The Community Field has received an RHS “It’s Your Neighbourhood” award, which the Chairman has collected.
- It was agreed the PC would purchase a plaque for the picnic table donated by the Hardington & Pendomer WI. A resolution was passed to approve the purchase of 3 signs including the WI plaque, a notice for the barbeque and a notice for closing the gates.
- The Chairman thanked Ben Turner for cutting the hedges around the community field.
- The Chairman reported that he has asked SLL to mow the wild flower area on their next visit.
- A resolution was passed to approve the Village Hall Committee Insurance renewal for £1124.47.
- The Chairman stated that he was disappointed by the lack of response to emails within the PC. When he recently emailed the council asking for their input on a planning issue, only one response was received. He asked that all councilors should check their emails regularly.
- The Bank Reconciliation at 30th September 2014 was approved.
- The Budget Analysis at 30th September 2014 was reviewed.
- The Clerk’s hours for September (22.5 hours) were confirmed.
- A resolution was passed to pay the Clerk salary for July, August, September (£553.50), expenses (£50.62) and mileage (£17.10) = £621.22
- A resolution was passed to pay the following invoices:
- Rob White – Reimbursement for sand & cement from Bradfords for BBQ (VAT 6.41) £38.48
- SSDC Ranger Scheme Qtr 2 (£377.40 + VAT £75.48) £452.88
- Ben Smith Electrical (Village hall lighting) £570.52
- The Chairman agreed to contact the Parish ranger regarding clearance of, and repairing the stiles along footpaths Y10/45 and Y10/11.
- The Chairman stated that the deadline for objections to the Coker Hill Bridleway was 16th October, so he assumed that the modification order had now been officially made. Western Power have put some stone down along the lane, but more would be required.
- Other than those discussed previously, there were no new jobs to be added to the Ranger’s task list.
- The Chairman reported that he had booked himself a place on the South Somerset Together Housing assembly. The meeting runs from 4.30-7.30 pm and it was agreed the Vice Chairman would attend the second half of the meeting as the Chairman had to leave early.
- Chairman: Nothing to report.
- Councillors: Nothing to report.
- Clerk: Nothing to report.
The next meeting will be held on Tuesday 18th November 2014 at 7.30 p.m. in the Village Hall. The meeting closed at 9.20 pm.