The Minutes of the previous meeting (September 2012)
Members were reminded that the Council has a general duty to consider the following matters in the exercise of any of its functions - Equal Opportunities (race, gender, sexual orientation, marital status & any disability); Crime & Disorder, Health & Safety and Human Rights. Jessica Vale, Parish Clerk |
Robin Carpenter (Chairman), Peter Bysouth, Keith Blackwell, Vanessa May, Malcolm White, Gina Seaton (District Councillor) and Cathy Bakewell (District and County Councillor). Bill Turner joined the meeting at item 11.
Jessica Vale (Parish Clerk) and 4 members of the public.
Before the meeting commenced there was an opportunity for the public to speak. The Parish Council was again complimented on the new play equipment at the Community Field, giving so much pleasure to children.
None received. - MINUTES OF MEETING held on 18th September 2012 (Already Circulated)
- The minutes were approved and signed by the Chairman as a correct record of the meeting.
- MINUTES OF MEETING held on 1st October 2012 (Already Circulated)
- The minutes were approved and signed by the Chairman as a correct record of the meeting.
There were none. - DISTRICT AND COUNTY COUNCILLORS’ REPORTS (by invitation)
Cathy Bakewell reported that she attended a recent workshop organised by South Somerset District Council (SSDC) to consider the County Council’s new Health and Well Being Strategy and agree priorities which will now be fed back to the County Council. She organised a site meeting with County Highways to look at issues at Black House Lane and the spur road off North Lane by the Brook, which are covered at Item 8 of the minutes below.Gina Seaton reminded the Parish Council that there will be a workshop on Neighbourhood Plans coming up on the 8th of November in Yeovil and was pleased to be informed that a Parish Councillor from Hardington will be attending.
- Any planning applications received after publication of the agenda. There were none.
- Results of previous applications received since publication of the agenda. There were none.
- Report from Highways Representative: a) Report from Highways Representative; Neil Dyer reported that a pothole repair in Primrose Hill near Primrose Cottage has opened up due to water damage. He is also pressing for action to clear two blocked drains on Primrose Hill which are causing water to flow across the road creating the potential for hazardous ice. He has also reported to Highways that the edge of the tarmac in Lynch Lane opposite the entrance to Manor Farm is very sharp and could be hazardous. Mud on Primrose Hill had been noted but the Parish Council agreed that all necessary precautions had been taken. Mud on Wimborough Lane was noted. Neil Dyer will report to Highways three blocked drains on Coker Hill above livestock buildings.
- North Lane and Chinnock Brook repair work; it was NOTED that a site meeting between County Highways and the Parish Highways Representative took place on the 9th of October. As a result, County Highways will take actions to improve the works at both locations, although the Parish Council is concerned about how soon they will be done.
Cathy Bakewell left the meeting.
- It was AGREED that the Clerk should arrange with SSDC to obtain equipment for the Parish Council (P Bysouth to co-ordinate) to hold a litter pick event on the 10th November, starting outside the Village Hall at 10 a.m.
- Invoice from Playdale Playgrounds Ltd for play equipment; it was proposed by Keith Blackwell, seconded by Vanessa May and RESOLVED to pay the invoice for £6739.38 (incl. VAT)
- Invoice from Toy Barn Ltd for play tower; it was proposed by Keith Blackwell, seconded by Vanessa May and RESOLVED to pay the invoice for £3450.00 (incl.VAT). Robin Carpenter also reported that the tower has been inspected (15th October) for safety by Lee Constable, Somerset County Council’s Play Officer, who has issued a certificate for it.
- Invoice from Sign Solutions for signs; it was proposed by Peter Bysouth, seconded by Robin Carpenter and RESOLVED to pay £29.40 (incl. VAT).
- Somerset County Council Health & Well Being Scheme; the Clerk read out details of the scheme but there were no proposals for applying to it for the time being.
- Other matters; volunteers to be trained in quarterly operational inspections of play equipment will be needed. Robin Carpenter is investigating possible means of getting training. Clerk to write to thank Gordon Chapillon for making a new sign.
- Election of councillor to fill vacancy by co-option; the Clerk reported that 2 people had offered themselves for co-option. Paul Vallis was proposed by Peter Bysouth and seconded by Robin Carpenter. Giles Wareham was proposed by Keith Blackwell and seconded by Vanessa May. The election was conducted by show of hands and the Chairman declared Paul Vallis to be co-opted onto the Parish Council. The Clerk to write to Giles Wareham to thank him for his interest in the position. Peter Bysouth proposed that Paul, being present at the meeting, be allowed to sign the Declaration of Acceptance of Office. This was seconded by Robin Carpenter and AGREED. Thereupon Paul Vallis signed the Declaration and joined the meeting.
- Renewal of Village Hall Insurance from November 2012; the Clerk presented details of 4 quotations received. Although combined Village Hall and Parish Council insurance had been requested, none of the insurers contacted had been able to provide quotations for this, indeed one major company had declined on the basis that the Hall Management Committee and the Parish Council are separate legal entities. Peter Bysouth proposed and Vanessa May seconded that the Parish Council should accept the quotation from Came & Co for one year’s cover.
- Progress on PAT testing of Village Hall appliances: Robin Carpenter had contacted the person concerned but received no response so far.
- Correspondence with HMRC; the Clerk reported that HMRC had sent the Parish Council a cheque to reimburse them for the fine paid. This would be reclaimed by the Clerk through expenses.
- Clerk’s hours for September 2012 (27.75 hours) were confirmed as presented. It was proposed by Vanessa May, seconded by Keith Blackwell and RESOLVED to pay the Clerk £646.13 in salary for July – September 2012 and £143.85 in reimbursement of expenses and mileage.
- It was proposed by Peter Bysouth, seconded by Keith Blackwell and RESOLVED to accept the quarterly bank reconciliation as presented.
- The Budget Comparison was considered and NOTED.
- The first draft of the precept plan for 2013-4 was considered. Clerk and Peter Bysouth to meet before the next Parish Council meeting to firm up details especially Village Hall and Community Field budgets.
- Specification for works to repair the bank of the Chinnock Brook and drain on the north side under the spur road off North Lane: no further action for the time being following the actions noted in item 8b above.
- Representative had nothing to report.
- Representative of Parish Council to attend meeting of members of the Coker Division Lengthsman Scheme on the 7th of November. It was agreed that Malcolm White will attend. Clerk to contact Scheme Administrator.
- September’s work; carried out as requested was noted.
- Work for October:
- clearance of gullies in north side of Penn Lane east of Pen Cottage.
- investigate cause of water running down west side of road north of Chasers Farm and remedy.
- clear blocked drain/ditch at the junction of Barry Lane and Penn Lane.
- clear drains on Primrose Hill and ditch by sewage works.
- Correspondence to be circulated was issued.
- Correspondence received:
- Invitation to attend SSDC neighbourhood planning workshop on 8th November: noted. AGREED that Peter Bysouth will attend.
- Request for clarification on insurance terms for Village bonfire from organiser: Clerk reported that she had sent organiser the information from insurers.
- General request from Messenger team for funding Messenger newsletter: noted, but no action required by Parish Council.
- SALC request for host for Area South meeting 10th December: noted but not possible due to lack of car parking at Village Hall.
- Somerset County Council new policy on speed indicator devices: noted but no further action required.
- Chairman :none to report.
- Councillors: none to report.
- Clerk: will notify insurers of new equipment at Community Field. To contact insurers to find out what inspections of equipment they require to cover the Community Field. To find out what those inspections will cost and add details to precept draft. To include resolutions necessary to add Paul Vallis as a bank signatory on the agenda of the next meeting.
The next Parish Council meeting will be held on Tuesday the 20th of November 2012 at 7.30 p.m. in the Village Hall, preceded by a meeting of the Recreation Space Committee starting at 7 p.m. The meeting closed at 9.00 p.m.