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Members are reminded that the Council has a general duty to consider the following matters in the exercise of any of its functions - Equal Opportunities (race, gender, sexual orientation, marital status & any disability); Crime & Disorder, Health & Safety and Human Rights.
Nancy Chapman, Parish Clerk


Robin Carpenter (Chairman), Andy Webb, Ernest Kong, Clare Middleton, Malcolm White, Bill Turner, Paul Vallis and Gina Seaton (District Councillor).


Nancy Chapman (Parish Clerk) and 4 members of the public.

Before the meeting commenced there was an opportunity for the public to speak.

A parishioner asked the Parish Council if they had any information regarding the Moor End Nursery site buyers. The Chairman replied that that no further information had been received.

A parishioner commented that they thought the PC should consider adopting the Hardington Moor telephone box that is subject to BT's proposal for removal, as other uses could be considered such as a book library, a green house, etc. The Clerk reported that she had also received a phone call from a parishioner who would like to see the phone box retained.

    Apologies were received from Marcus Fysh (County Councillor).
  2. MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD ON 20th OCTOBER 2016 (Already Circulated)
    The minutes for October were approved and signed by the Chairman as correct records of the meeting.
    There were no declarations of interest.
    Gina Seaton reported that the new South Somerset CEO, Alex Parmeley, had attended his first SSDC Full Council meeting. The Senior leadership restructuring was discussed as part of the Transformation programme changes. The medium term financial strategy and plans were also agreed. SSDC have once again won a gold medal in this year's South West in Bloom competition.
    The Area South meeting included a highways update from Mike Fear, the assistant service manager for South Somerset. There was also a progress report on the Westlands Leisure Complex. The complex is to be called "Westlands", following public request! Bookings are being taken for the first event set for 27th March 2017. Gina also reported that the lantern parade and Christmas lights switch on would be taking place on Saturday 19th November from 5pm.
    Brympton Parish Council hosted a meeting to receive a presentation from Wessex Water regarding the Western Corridor highway and Wessex Water improvement plans, which could take up to 18 months, and cause major disruption to transport in this area.
    A report form Marcus Fysh had previously been circulated.
    1. Planning applications received after publication of this agenda:
      1. App no: 16/02372/FUL The siting of 2 additional permanent mobile homes, 2 touring caravans for nomadic use, erection of toilet/laundry room and formation of hard standing at The Stables, West Coker Hill, West Coker. Applicant: Mr and Mrs Robert and Abigail Small.
        A letter had been received from SSDC planning department regarding the current planning application (as given above). Following legal advice, the Local Planning Authority are proposing a new section 106 legal agreement to amend clauses relating to the size of the caravans and the number of vehicles on the site. A clause stating that the site should be occupied by no more than six family groups (one per mobile) was also proposed.
        The Clerk reported that comments had been received from a parishioner raising the following concerns: there are no restriction on the number of cars or motorhomes, there are limited restrictions regarding commercial use, there are no details of how chemical toilets would be dealt with, and also no restrictions relating to dog nuisance. While the parishioner did not view these as current issues, they were concerned they may be problems in the future. Following discussion of these points the Parish Council viewed that no further restrictions could be made as the proposed changes were a result of legal advice given to the Local Planning Authority. The PC felt that the only current concern related to the excessive lighting over the area. This issue was included in the previous letter regarding this application, which also highlighted concerns regarding sustainability and increased density on the site. A resolution was passed stating that the PC had no further comments to add, over those already submitted in July.
    2. Results of previous applications:
      1. App no: 16/03794/FUL The erection of a new dairy. Location: Royal Oak Farm, Moor Lane. Applicant: M & S White & Son Ltd. Application approved with conditions.
    3. There were no results of previous applications received after publication of this agenda.
    4. There were no other planning issues.
    1. Neil's report for November contained a number of newly identified potholes and road surface issues. Neil also reported that following his enquiry about the extent and quality of recent repairs to Penn Lane, Mike Fear has explained that the work is in preparation for surface dressing next year. He explained that it is carried out this far in advance so that the patch has time to cure before being dressed over.
    2. The Chairman read out Chris Cooper's email clarifying the previously quoted cost of drain gully clearing was based on an hourly rate of £33 and that they hoped to clear 3 per hour. There was concern that the Hardington drains were more severely blocked than those in Haselbury and therefore a quote of £20 per gully had been given. A resolution was passed giving the go-ahead to approve a day’s work of un-blocking by the Streetscene team (an approximate cost of £264). Neil has identified which drains are the highest priority for unblocking and therefore agreed to liaise with Chris Cooper.
    3. The Chairman reported that he had checked all the grit bins in the area and that none required re-filling at this time. He also reported that the grit bin at Chasers Farm, Hill End had been up-ended and damaged, and that he had repaired this.
    4. With regards to the SSDC provision of de-icing material, as several people still had bags from previous year's supplies, it was agreed that Pendomer could make use of this allocation for their public highways.
    1. BT's proposal to remove the Hardington Moor Telephone Box was discussed. Although no use has yet been identified it was viewed that as several parishioners have stated they would like to see it remain and as it only cost £1 to adopt it would be worth doing this, even if it needed to be sold at some future point (as profit could be made). A resolution was passed approving the adoption of the box.
    2. The Chairman reported that following complaints from a West Coker resident, English Nature are holding a local meeting on the 28th November, to discuss the option of planting trees to provide a screen between the Nature Reserve and the former Underhill Cottage, Coker Hill Lane. Following discussion, it was decided that there was no requirement for the PC to be involved at this time and a resolution was passed to take no further action.
    3. There were no other issues.
    1. The Chairman reported that he had attended a very successful Fireworks night and gave his thanks to Jack Clotworthy and his team of helpers for organizing the event.
    2. The Chairman reported that the area of grass where the wedding marquee had been erected was finally recovering.
    3. At Mike Bickerton's request it was agreed to ask SLL that if they are intending to do any further grass mowing in the community field this year, for them to mow over the wild flower area as it is still quite rough following the scything.
    4. There were no other issues.
    1. There were no issues.
    1. The first draft of the 2017-2018 proposed budget and precept was reviewed and discussed. As current reserves were quite high, the clerk proposed reducing next year's precept from £15500 to £15000, which is roughly equal to the planned spend for the year. It was also agreed to reallocate the affordable housing reserve which had no planned use, to the Village Hall reserve which was reduced to zero following purchase of the heating system. The Clerk agreed to make the proposed amendments. It was agreed that if Councilors had any further comments these should be communicated to the Clerk prior to January's meeting where the final budget plan and precept needs to be approved.
    2. The Clerk's hours for October (21 hours) were approved.
    3. A resolution was passed to pay the following invoices:
      - SSDC Annual Premises Licence - Hardington & Pendomer Community Licence​ £70.00
      - SSDC Parish Ranger Scheme Qtr 2 (Jul-Sept 2016) (£382.50+ VAT £76.50)​ £459.00
    1. There was no update regarding the required maintenance to the path between the Post Office and Moor Lane (Y10/51).
    2. The Chairman agreed to chase up the possibility of getting Coldharbour Lane altered to bridleway status by dedication.
    1. After several chasing emails, a progress update for October had been received from Nick Allen, the new Ranger Supervisor. The following tasks have been completed:
      • Strimming around triangle.
      • Cutting back weeds from church wall and clearing.
      • Clearing mud from bottom of church wall.
      • Strimming both sides of steps and cutting back hedge on footpath leading onto Broadstone Lane.
      • Clearing tops of drains in Broadstone Lane.
      • Checking stiles for repair.
      The Ranger had not attended the village in November due to illness.
    2. As no tasks had been carried out in November, the following tasks are on the Ranger's current list:
      • Installation of a dog slide for stile at top of steps on Y10/9 at OS 351769/112028.
      • New footsteps on stile on path Y10/11 at OS 351553/111694.
      • General clearing of drain grills.
      • Clear over-hanging branches on the bridleway Y10/51.
    1. The Clerk reported that she had received an SSDC consultation letter regarding proposed Public Space Protection Orders to replace the current Dog Control Orders at Ninesprings Park. Any comments needed to be submitted by the 8th January, 2017. The Clerk agreed to circulate the details of the letter by email.
    2. The Chairman reported that the date for the next Community Forum meeting of Monday, 6th February 2017, had been provided and that further information would follow.
    1. Chairman: Nothing to report.
    2. Councillors: Nothing to report.
    3. Clerk: Nothing to report.
    The next meeting will be held on Tuesday 17th January 2017 at 7.30pm in the Village Hall. The meeting closed at 8.51pm.

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