The Minutes of the previous meeting (October 2012)


Members were reminded that the Council has a general duty to consider the following matters in the exercise of any of its functions - Equal Opportunities (race, gender, sexual orientation, marital status & any disability); Crime & Disorder, Health & Safety and Human Rights.
Jessica Vale, Parish Clerk


Robin Carpenter (Chairman), Peter Bysouth, Keith Blackwell, Vanessa May, Malcolm White, Bill Turner, Paul Vallis, Gina Seaton (District Councillor) and Cathy Bakewell (District and County Councillor).


Jessica Vale (Parish Clerk) and one member of the public.

Before the meeting commenced there was an opportunity for the public to speak.

    None received.
  2. MINUTES OF MEETING held on 16th October 2012 (Already Circulated)
    1. The minutes were approved and signed by the Chairman as a correct record of the meeting.
    There were none except for item 11a below, for which all Councillors had completed applications for dispensation on account of being Council Tax payers in respect of properties in Hardington Mandeville Parish, and all were accepted and were signed by the Clerk.
    Item 14cii; the Clerk had since received another communication from a member of the public expressing concern about the amount of water on this road.
    Gina Seaton had attended South Somerset District Council's recent Area South meeting. She will also shortly attend meetings of the Yeovil Markets Improvement group and is seeking the views of people who use these markets. On a recent planning tour of the District she and Cathy had seen some interesting architecture including Waterfalls on Primrose Hill. She also attended as an observer a recent emergency planning exercise involving both volunteers and the emergency services and was amazed at the range of skills shown by the volunteers. She noted that village halls might have a potential role as temporary accommodation in case of evacuations of property.

    Cathy Bakewell reported that the County Council will hold a Full Council meeting on the 21st of November but they will not know until the 19th of December how much money will come to the Council for the next financial year from central government. The Local Choices event to be held at Preston School on the 29th of November will include a choice of workshops. The Scrutiny Committee will meet on the 4th of December; there is to be a major review of the Library Service which will include the mobile library service in its remit.

    1. Planning Application received: Application no. 12/04089/FUL erection of first-floor extension to existing bungalow to include pitched roof to garage, porch canopy and insertion of dormer window, Winyards, Penn Lane Hardington Mandeville for Mr & Mrs R Grave. A neighbour had contacted the Parish Council due to concerns about the ground level shown in the plans; this had been checked and amended by the architect. The Parish Council had no objections, but noted a discrepancy in the details between the current type of stonework and that to be used on the new areas of wall.
    2. Any planning applications received since publication of the agenda. There were none.
    3. Results of previous applications received:
      1. Application no. 12/03060/FUL demolish existing buildings and build new house and garage (revised application) at Underhill Cottage, Hardington Moor, for Mr H Siebert-Saunders; permission granted subject to conditions. NOTED.
      2. Application no. 12/03364/COL certificate of Lawfulness for dormer window and window in side elevation of Cherry Tree House, Broadstone Lane, Hardington Mandeville, for Mr B R Middleton; application refused because the plans submitted were not sufficiently detailed. A full application will be needed. NOTED.
      3. Application no. 12/03214/FUL temporary siting of mobile home for agricultural worker's dwelling (retrospective) at Manor Farm Hardington Mandeville, for Mr W Turner; approved with conditions. NOTED.
    4. Results of previous applications received after publication of this agenda: there were none.
    1. Report from Highways Representative; Neil Dyer has reported to Highways that a pothole repair in Primrose Hill near Primrose Cottage has opened up due to water damage. Highways have repaired another area on Primrose Hill where another earlier patch had failed. The edge of the tarmac in Lynch Lane opposite the entrance to Manor Farm has been repaired. Neil Dyer will report to Highways several blocked drains at the bottom of Partway Lane- Coker Hill. He has reported a failed repair to tarmac on the eastern part of Primrose Hill near Hatherstone Wood, and this has been marked by Highways for repair. He has reported two small potholes near The Haunt in the High Street, 3 potholes in Barry Lane between Struckmead Farm and The Laurels, and broken edging to Penn Lane west of Prospect Farm. It was reported that there is water lying across the road to Haselbury to the south-west of the turning to Hardington Marsh, due to Broad River not flowing fast enough to take the water away; the person/organisation responsible for clearing the River has not been identified. Water coming onto the road at Lyatts from a field at Dairy Cottage was also noted.
    2. Statement from County Councillor Cathy Bakewell (previously circulated); Cathy explained that it was issued to all parishes in her ward, and she acknowledged that roads do retain mud even after farmers had done their best to clear them. In response to a question from Robin Carpenter as to whether she felt that there would be potential for a village taking on responsibility for clearing of roads, she said that this might be possible for smaller matters. The Local Choices event coming up would be an opportunity to look into this further.
    3. Any other issues: reports of fly-tipping; Councillors reported to Cathy that this had occurred
      1. In the gateway to the sewage works,
      2. In a gateway at Cott Farm (East Coker)
      3. A sofa inside a field gateway on Ridge Hill west of the junction with Chur Lane.
      Cathy Bakewell left the meeting.
    1. Outcomes of Litter Pick event: Peter Bysouth wished to thank 10 people for taking part. Several bags of rubbish had been collected, but not as much as usual because the undergrowth has not yet died down enough. It was AGREED that another litter pick should be held next spring.
    2. Neighbourhood Planning Workshop; Peter Bysouth reported from this meeting and a copy of the notes was put in the Correspondence Pack. It is considered that the process of producing a Neighbourhood Plan would cost in the region of £20,000 - £30,000. Input from a Planning Inspector and a referendum of the parish electorate are essential parts. Gina Seaton explained that SSDC has a fund to support parishes in the process. The Plan produced is essentially a legal document and would influence development of the parish in a positive way. It would not stop all development. There is a proposal to allow development for villages outside their current boundaries. With a Neighbourhood Plan in place, a village would be in a good position to identify an improvement project quickly should developer-funding become available. Peter Bysouth pointed out that for affordable housing to be considered, a new survey of villagers will have to be made. Gina Seaton recommended the Parish Council to invite Martin Woods from SSDC or the Chairman of Queen Camel Parish Council (which has gone through the planning process) to a Parish Council meeting. She was not clear how a Neighbourhood Plan would relate to the District Structure Plan; there is a need for more housing but, being without public transport, Hardington would not be considered suitable for housing for people without their own cars. The Chairman suggested that the matter be discussed further at a future date.
    1. Report from Recreation Space Committee meeting; Robin Carpenter advised on the decisions taken about inspections for compliance with insurance requirements. The Clerk was asked to send round the minutes of the meeting.
    2. Any other matters of report; there were none.
    1. Renewal of Community Premises Licence; it was proposed by Peter Bysouth, seconded by Robin Carpenter and RESOLVED to pay South Somerset District Council's annual invoice for £70.00.
    2. Changes to bank account signatories: it was proposed by Vanessa May, seconded by Keith Blackwell and RESOLVED to amend the authorised signatories in the current mandates of the Parish Council's bank accounts (remove David Beckley and add Paul Vallis) as set out in sections 2 and 5 of the form provided for that purpose by the Bank.
    3. Renewal of Village Hall insurance: after discussion it was proposed by Peter Bysouth, seconded by Bill Turner and RESOLVED to enter into a three-year agreement with Came & Co. insurance brokers for the sum of £1059.92 in each year.
    4. Progress on PAT testing of Village Hall appliances: Robin Carpenter reported that he has been told that testing was completed in March 2012, apart from some equipment which does not belong to the Hall. He will make further enquiries about this.
    1. Revised draft of Parish Precept for 2013-4: some amendments were agreed to be made to the sums, and it was then proposed by Bill Turner, seconded by Malcolm White and RESOLVED to fix the Precept at the same level as before i.e. £15,000. The Clerk to provide a final version at the January 2013 meeting.
    2. removed from agenda - Clerical error.
    3. Current account update: the Clerk reported that from the latest bank statement she estimates that the current account balance (the account from which cheques are drawn) will stand at about £3676 at the end of the financial year. The precept should be received in mid-April. She brought to Councillors' attention a different type of reserve account offering a slightly better interest rate than the present reserve account, and was asked to make further enquiries about this at the bank.
    4. Confirmation of Clerk's hours for October: AGREED at 38.5 hours.
    1. Report from Footpath Representative; Robin Carpenter reported that he had found out that the footpath diversion scheme previously reported is only applicable to Somerset, and that farmers must notify the County Council in advance. Clerk to notify the County's footpaths officer of a dip in the middle of the footpath between the shop and Moor Lane, where it crosses over the Brook, which needs infilling with tarmac.
    1. Report from meeting of members of the Coker Division Lengthsman Scheme 7th November: Malcolm White attended and he reported that the post will be titled Community Warden from April 2013 onwards. The post will be advertised in January at a salary of about £20,000 per year for 4 days per week, and it is thought that there will be several candidates. A working group will finalise details at a meeting on the 29th of November. There may be financial support from the County Council.
    2. October's work; carried out as requested was noted. The Clerk reported that she had had a telephone call from a resident of Hardington Marsh concerned about the water flowing down the road above Chasers Farm, who said that Wessex Water had looked at the problem.
    3. Work for November:
      1. clearance of drains in Penn Lane west of High Street turning.
      2. collection of 10 bags of road salt from County Highways depot and delivery to various parts of the parish.
      3. clear blocked soakaway at the junction of Barry Lane and Penn Lane.
      4. clear ditch by sewage works and any other clogged drain gratings.
      5. clear ditch at the Moor Lane end of the footpath between Moor Lane and the shop.
      6. investigate cause of water running on south side of road in centre of dog-leg bends at Lyatts and remedy if possible.
    1. Correspondence to be circulated was issued.
    2. Correspondence received:
      1. Request for Grant from Hardington & West Coker Cricket Club: it was proposed by Bill Turner, seconded by Vanessa May and RESOLVED to make a grant of £500.00 towards the cost of a new artificial wicket.
      2. Notification of free road salt collection from Highways: Lengthsman to obtain and bring to Hardington.
      3. Questionnaire about flood risk awareness: Clerk to forward this to Robin Carpenter to complete.
      4. Annual Precept notification request from SSDC: noted, arrangements to be as in previous years.
      5. Additional item circulated by email: Community Right to Bid powers arising from the Localism Act; noted.
    1. Chairman: none to report.
    2. Councillors:
      1. Keith Blackwell and Bill Turner noted the appearance of ash dieback on some trees around the village. Keith suggested that planting of more trees should be considered.
      2. Peter Bysouth intends to go to the SALC area meeting on the 10th of December.
      3. Peter Bysouth apologised for the failure of an external light at the Hall entrance due to damp. A meeting of the Village Hall Committee on the 21st November will discuss works to the kitchen, and a volunteer cleaning rota to replace the work previously done by the cleaner. Gina Seaton pointed out the possibility of obtaining grants towards improvements from SSDC (Section 106 money) or the Well Being of Yeovil Association.
    3. Clerk: none.
    The next Parish Council meeting will be held on Tuesday the 15th of January 2013 at 7.30 p.m. in the Village Hall. The meeting closed at 9.30 p.m.