The Minutes of the previous meeting (April 2014)
Members were reminded that the Council has a general duty to consider the following matters in the exercise of any of its functions - Equal Opportunities (race, gender, sexual orientation, marital status & any disability); Crime & Disorder, Health & Safety and Human Rights. Nancy Chapman, Parish Clerk |
Peter Bysouth, Bill Turner, Malcolm White, Vanessa May, Paul Vallis and Cathy Bakewell (District Councillor).
Nancy Chapman (Parish Clerk) and 7 members of the public.
Before the meeting there was an opportunity for the public to speak.
Having been to the Hallsall Homes exhibition on the 1st May, a Parishioner commented that they hoped the Parish Council are as horrified as they are at the number of homes proposed in their plans. There were 18 houses and 48 parking spaces. There are currently only 27 houses on Moor Lane. The parishioner felt this was unfair on the current residents. The parishioner also felt there should have been a representative from the housing association at the meeting on the 1st May.
Nick Lunt, who has offered to carry out the internal audit of the Parish Council accounts, stated that he is prepared to write a letter responding to the external auditor’s comments regarding the inclusion of fixed assets at their original cost. Nick emphasised that it was very important for the Council to have a Fixed Assets Register. The Vice Chairman responded that there was a list of assets compiled in 2009 and also a schedule of items purchased for the community field. These could be used as a starting point.
On behalf of the Hardington Players, Elaine Peters explained that the current lighting system needed replacing and that they would like to make an application for funding help from the Parish Council at next months meeting. Cathy Bakewell offered to talk to Natalie Ross to determine if there were any funding opportunities available from SSDC.
Apologies were received from Robin Carpenter (Chairman), Andy Webb, Marcus Fysh (County Councillor) and Gina Seaton (District Councillor). - ELECTION OF OFFICERS
- Robin Carpenter was elected as Chairman. The Declaration of Acceptance of Office will be signed before the next meeting.
- Peter Bysouth was elected as Vice Chairman.
- Peter Bysouth was elected as Village Hall Representative.
- Nancy Chapman was elected as Messenger Reporter.
- Neil Dyer was elected as Highways Representative.
- Robin Carpenter was elected as Footpaths Representative.
- Vanessa May was elected as Parish Environment Officer.
Andy Webb sent his apologies that he was unable to attend the meeting. The council co-opted Andy Webb and agreed to ask him to sign the Declaration of Acceptance of Office for the next meeting. - MINUTES OF MEETING held on 15th April (Already Circulated).
- The minutes were approved and signed by the Vice Chairman as correct records of the meetings.
Cathy Bakewell reported that the Area South meeting including a presentation from YDH on their long term plans. These include a new reception to give the hospital more presence. Currently many people think the A&E reception is the main reception. A new car park will be built on the site of a current accommodation block. Pedestrians will have priority crossing from the car park to the new reception. A complimentary service centre which will include two physiotherapy and other related services is planned for the old car park site. There will be a change in priorities over traffic flow to make the whole area safer. The car park will be decked with two floors below the ground and two above the ground, so as not to impose too much on surrounding dwellings.At the full Council meeting the YDH Chief Exec and Director presented their objection to the Stroke center being moved to Musgrove. The time from the Stroke happening to arrival at hospital is critical. The Council passed a resolution to write to the CCG objecting to the possible closure of the Yeovil Stroke Centre and fully supporting the retention of these service for the residents of Yeovil and surrounds.
The Vice Chairman reported that Alan Tawes of Yeovil town council had informed us that a memorial bench has been put up in St John's churchyard for Jessica Vale. - PLANNING & PLANNING APPLICATIONS
- The following application was received after publication of the agenda:
- App no: 14/02217/FUL. The erection of a two storey extension to rear of dwelling house at Hill End Cottage, Hill End. Applicant: Mr Martin Pease. It was noted that this was a re-submission of the same application that had been received 5 years ago, but had since expired. There were no objections.
- The Vice Chairman reported that a ‘Screening and Scoping’ application for the old Moor Lane Nursery site has been submitted by Origin3 on the 28th April. This relates to any special architectural, environmental and other issues which might apply to the site.
- The following results of previous applications were received:
- App no: 14/00984/FUL Weavers Cottage, Moor Lane, Hardington Moor - The erection of a garden room extension to west elevation of existing garage. Applicant: Mr Robin Carpenter. Approved with conditions.
- App no: 14/01223/FUL Woodlands, Hardington Moor - The erection of a single storey side and rear extension to dwelling. Applicant: Mr Andrew Jones. Approved with conditions.
- App no: 14/01218/FUL Land at Milcombe Farm, Coker Hill Lane – The erection of a cover to silage pit. Applicant: R J Turner & Partners. Approved with conditions.
- There were no other planning issues.
- The following application was received after publication of the agenda:
- Neil Dyer’s report included potholes at Primrose Hill, road surface problems at Holywell Crossroads and the large puddle at the Whitepost Juction. Neil also reminded SCC that the verge at St James Terrace, where previous work on the gully had been carried out, needs tidying up.
- The Vice Chairman reported that there are a couple of potentially damaging potholes along Broad Lane on the way to Crewkerne.
- Paul Vallis suggested that the area at the bottom of Lyatts opposite the Brook’s entrance could benefit from some scrapings to fill some holes.
- The Hallsall Homes proposal for 18 houses (9 affordable and 9 open
market) to be built at the Moor Lane Nursery site was discussed. Bill
Turner read an extract from the Parish Plan stating “the Parish
Council welcome limited development for affordable housing”. He felt
that 18 houses was far too many for the site. Peter referred to his notes
on Ric Pallister’s talk last November. Ric stated development can
take place in a village if the village wants it. This can be of a size and
type that will meet their needs. Peter felt that the village needed to be
kept sustainable. Local groups such as the WI and Hardington Players were
struggling to recruit new members. The village had an ageing population and
some parishioners were keen to downsize into smaller homes. The proposal
did not meet this identified need.
Cathy Bakewell said that when they met with Simon Fox, the Development Management Area Lead Officer, it was agreed a smaller number of houses would be acceptable for the site. Simon had commented that the advice discussed at the pre-application meeting had not been followed. The problem is that fewer units may not justify the cost of the infrastructure. The cost of clearing the site involved a six-figure sum. The existing house needed to be knocked done due to the visibility splay requirements on the access road.
Cathy stated that in order to qualify for the affordable housing, whether for renting, or for shared equity, you need to be on the housing list. It was agreed a note to this effect should be included in the Messenger.
It was questioned as to whether the Housing survey results were up-to-date and if the requirement for affordable housing still existed. Cathy stated it would be up to Origin3 to prove there is a requirement.
Cathy said she would clarify the details of the Screening & Scoping application and get the latest details from Simon Fox.
Although there was no formal planning application to respond to, it was agreed the clerk would write a letter to Halsall Homes making the following points:- The Parish Council would like the site to provide 3-4 affordable homes.
- The Parish Council would like to ensure that the type of affordable housing provided meets the needs of the village.
- The Parish Council are concerned that the plans show the affordable housing in a segregated block, rather than being integrated amongst the open-market houses.
- The Parish Council believes that the 18 houses given on the plans is far too many more than is acceptable for the site and would result in too much traffic.
- Peter stated that the Parish Council’s understanding of affordable housing had already been covered.
- The Chairman had requested that a written response should be made to the letter from several parishioner’s regarding the interpretation of the affordable housing survey results, as this was not properly addressed at April’s meeting. It was agreed the Clerk should compose a letter stating that the PC share their concerns and are seeking more expert advice on the subject.
- It was reported that Jim and Elsa Hedges were attending a course in June where the use of defibrillators would be covered and they have been asked to pass on any useful information to the PC.
- The problem of the collapsing Village Hall Garage roof was discussed. As the roof cannot be repaired the options were to rebuild a new roof, or demolish the whole garage. Rebuilding a new roof was likely to be very expensive and given the garage has limited use, the view was that it would not be worth it. This was also the view of the Village Hall Committee. Bill Turner and Malcolm White agreed to organize the demolition of the garage.
- The Vice Chairman reported that Karen Dodges Son-in-Law, who works for Martock Panelcraft, which repairs motor vehicles and carts, had kindly offer to renovate the Bier free-of-charge. Peter agreed to contact him to make arrangements.
- At April’s meeting, the PC decided to take no further action regarding a letter from a parishioner that expressed concerns over the planting of cultivated garden bulbs in countryside verges and lanes. Subsequent to this it came to light that SCC and SSDC have policies of planting native species outlined in the Somerset Highways Bio-diversity Action Plan. It was agreed that a note to this effect should be included in the Messenger article.
- The Hallsall Homes proposal for 18 houses (9 affordable and 9 open
market) to be built at the Moor Lane Nursery site was discussed. Bill
Turner read an extract from the Parish Plan stating “the Parish
Council welcome limited development for affordable housing”. He felt
that 18 houses was far too many for the site. Peter referred to his notes
on Ric Pallister’s talk last November. Ric stated development can
take place in a village if the village wants it. This can be of a size and
type that will meet their needs. Peter felt that the village needed to be
kept sustainable. Local groups such as the WI and Hardington Players were
struggling to recruit new members. The village had an ageing population and
some parishioners were keen to downsize into smaller homes. The proposal
did not meet this identified need.
- The County Council grant secured by Marcus Fysh from the Health and Well-Being fund had not yet been received.
- The Chairman had emailed the original FOHCS members to ask if they would like to help fund-raise for the Gazebo, but had not yet received any responses. An anonymous donation of £250 has been received to kick-start the fund.
- The Vice Chairman reported that an offer to build a permanent brick BBQ had been received from a parishioner. Malcolm and Bill agreed to supply the bricks. It was agreed the next step was to choose a suitable design.
- Bill Turner stated that he was still very unhappy that telegraph poles were being installed along Coker Hill Lane. Hedge trimming would be extremely difficult and the poles would have to installed where there should be a ditch. It was felt that little could be done and that it was now too late.
- No current issues arising.
- The Vice Chairman agreed to look through the PC records to find details in order to compile a Fixed Assets Register. A resolution was passed to approve the accounting statements for the year to 31st March 2014. A resolution was passed to approve the Annual Governance Statement.
- Clerk’s hours for April (25 hours) were confirmed.
- A resolution was passed to approve payment of £391.27 for the PC insurance due 1st June 2014. This included a minor increase for the new community field equipment and an inflation allowance.
- A resolution was passed to remove Keith Blackwell’s signature from bank accounts and add Andy Webb’s signature.
- A resolution was passed to transfer £7000 from the PC’s current a/c to the reserve a/c.
- The PPLO requested that landowners ensure temporary electric fences are marked and fitted with protective cover when crossing footpaths.
- A draft report from Wendy Burge of SCC Rights of Way team has been received containing findings relating to the addition of a bridleway at Coker Hill Lane. The report recommends an order should be made, the effect of which would be to add to the Definitive Map and Statement of public rights of way, a bridleway along Coker Hill Lane.
- It was noted that the requested strimming of the footpaths had not yet been carried out.
- Chairman. Nothing to report.
- Councillors: Nothing to report.
- Clerk: Nothing to report.
The next meeting will be held on Tuesday 17th June 2014 at 7.30 p.m. in the Village Hall. The meeting closed at 9.13 pm.