The Minutes of the previous meeting (April 2012)
Members were reminded that the Council has a general duty to consider the following matters in the exercise of any of its functions - Equal Opportunities (race, gender, sexual orientation, marital status & any disability); Crime & Disorder, Health & Safety and Human Rights. Jessica Vale, Parish Clerk |
Robin Carpenter (Chairman), Peter Bysouth, Vanessa May, Keith Blackwell, Bill Turner, Malcolm White, Gina Seaton (District Councillor), and Cathy Bakewell (District and County Councillor).
Jessica Vale (Parish Clerk) and 3 members of the public.
Before the meeting commenced there was an opportunity for the public to speak.
Apologies received from David Beckley. - ELECTION OF OFFICERS.
- Chairman; Robin Carpenter was proposed by Keith Blackwell, seconded by Vanessa May and elected unanimously.
- Vice Chairman; Peter Bysouth was proposed by Bill Turner, seconded by Malcolm White and elected unanimously.
- Village Hall representative; it was proposed by Robin Carpenter and agreed that Peter Bysouth would continue to represent the Parish Council on the Village Hall Committee. The Parish Clerk to write to the Secretary of the committee to that effect.
- Messenger Reporter; it was proposed by Robin Carpenter and agreed that the Parish Clerk would continue to report Parish Council items to the Messenger.
- Highways representative; a response is awaited from Rob Lloyd, who has been invited to continue in this role.
- Footpaths representative; it was agreed that Robin Carpenter will continue in this role.
- Parish Environment Officer; it was agreed that Vanessa May will continue in this role.
- MINUTES OF MEETINGS HELD ON 17th April 2012 (Already Circulated).
- The minutes were approved and signed by the Chairman as a correct record of the meeting.
The Parish Clerk reported that she had written to the landowner concerned in item 10a about the gate and stile, and the Council had received a prompt and positive response. The Clerk to also write to the landowner about a water leak on the same path. - DISTRICT AND COUNTY COUNCILLORS’ REPORTS (by invitation)
Cathy Bakewell reported that the uneven impact of bus service cuts on local villages was examined at a recent District Council Area South meeting. SSDC will also be adopting new rules about substitution of members sitting on the main Council committees. The County Council holds its annual meeting on the 16th of May, at which a new Leader of Council and new Cabinet members will be chosen. Cathy has received information about the schedule for introduction of self-service checking-out of media at the main County Libraries, including Yeovil. She will ask how the Performing Arts Library (at Yeovil) is affected by this, and whether there are plans to change the mobile library schedule. - PLANNING & PLANNING APPLICATIONS
- Planning Applications received. None.
- Any planning application received after publication of the agenda. None.
- Results of previous applications. App no 12/00856/OUT Mr W Turner. Erection of agricultural workers dwelling. Manor Farm, Hardington Mandeville. Application withdrawn. Noted.
- Results of previous applications received since publication of the agenda. Application no. 12/00707/FUL – alterations, erection of 1st floor rear extension and pitched roof over annexe and garage – part amended application to include surfacing with render, for Mr & Mrs M Wilson, Poachers Lodge, Moor Lane, Hardington Moor. Permission granted.
- Progress on enforcement file, The Stables, Partway Lane. The Clerk read out a communication from SSDC Planning section about their recent site visit. Councillors are concerned that the information provided is not accurate; further evidence is required to verify the situation.
- It was noted that there is activity at Woodentop Farm in connection with a new wind turbine, and there may be a new planning application relating to the site in the near future.
- Report from Highways Representative; Robin Carpenter reported on recent works commissioned by Somerset County Council Highways on North Lane’s drains, but it was noted that there is still subsidence in the road surface on one bend. The pothole previously reported at the entrance to Manor Farm still awaits repair. There is a new pot hole in Penn Lane. Recent rain has shown up the blocked state of several drains on Primrose Hill, with water running continually down the road. Robin unblocked a drain on Pig Hill and has advised County Highways of this.
- Parking in turning bay, Bishops Lane; Parish Clerk reported one more report of a vehicle there in the last month. On this occasion a registration number was obtained. Robin Carpenter has put up a laminated notice in the bay.
- Blocked culvert under spur road off North Lane to Hardington Moor; Robin Carpenter cleared a recent blockage but has reported the matter to County Council Highways as it needs a more lasting improvement.
- Traffic in village caused by recent temporary closure of the A30 at East Chinnock (works now completed); David Beckley had written to express his concerns about the two accidents and other incidents which had occurred on the village’s roads as vehicles moved between Haselbury and Yeovil. Not only were the incidents unacceptable, they were also a sign of potential future problems when more homes are built at East Coker. It was agreed that the diversionary signage provided was inadequate, especially regarding the narrow road near White Post. The Clerk was instructed to write to Highways about the points raised.
- Update; FOHCS have obtained several estimates for more play equipment, but the situation regarding certification of equipment and compliance with SSDC’s grant requirements is still unclear. Robin Carpenter called in a contractor to clear ditches in the lower part of the field which had become swamped in recent heavy rain. A local family has offered a £2000 donation through CAF.
- It was proposed by Peter Bysouth, seconded by Robin Carpenter and RESOLVED to pay Mike Bickerton £116.59 including VAT in reimbursement of expenses for wild flower plants and seeds, now planted on the Field.
- Recreation Space Committee meeting agenda; it was AGREED that items for the agenda would include; review of opening event, maintenance issues, inspection regime. The full name of the field is to be the “Hardington Community Field”.
- Update on Diamond Jubilee event plans; as well as arrangements previously reported, the entertainment will include a fairground organ. If weather is wet, a marquee will be provided courtesy of the Royal Oak. An invitation list drawn up by the Clerk was checked and the Clerk will issue invitations.
- Parish Council insurance renewal; it was proposed by Vanessa May, seconded by Keith Blackwell and RESOLVED to accept the quotation of Came & Co for a three-year index-linked insurance agreement for the Parish Council, the premium for the year beginning 1st June 2012 being £296.61.
- PAYE compliance; the Clerk reported that she would shortly be completing forms required of the Parish Council by HMRC annually to record the Income Tax payments made in the past financial year for the Clerk’s salary. She had received notification of a new tax code for the new financial year which should reduce or stop the payments to HMRC.
- Risk Assessment for Audit; the financial risk assessment previously circulated was scrutinised. It was proposed by Peter Bysouth, seconded by Robin Carpenter and AGREED that it be accepted.
- Village website legal compliance; the Webmaster had provided information to the Council about new legislation concerning the use of cookies to track usage of the website. It was noted that in future the website will not use cookies and, although some statistical data will still be captured, it will not be possible for the Webmaster to find out the number of repeat visitors to the site.
- Annual return to the Audit Commission; It was proposed by Vanessa May, seconded by Keith Blackwell and AGREED that the accounting statements (section 1) be signed by the Chairman. It was further proposed by Keith Blackwell, seconded by Vanessa May and AGREED that the Annual governance statement (section 2) be signed by the Chairman. The Chairman signed both sections.
- Revised charge for meeting room hire; it was proposed by Malcolm White, seconded by Robin Carpenter and AGREED that the new rate would be paid from June onwards. The Clerk to bring a letter to the Bank to that effect to the next meeting for signature.
- Transfer of funds between bank accounts; this was considered but it was AGREED to take no action for the time being.
- Budget analysis; it was proposed by Robin Carpenter, seconded by Peter Bysouth and AGREED to accept the budget analysis for the current year as drawn up by the Clerk.
- The Clerk’s hours of work for April were accepted as presented.
- Robin Carpenter reported that he had sent his annual report to the County Council as requested. He commended the work done by the Lengthsman in April on Y10/7. He has put up some waymarks and mended a dog gate. There is currently a serious obstruction on Y10/45 where cattle have destroyed the stile in the corner of a field, but he has informed the County Council about this so they will take action.
- Stile and gate on Y9/4 at Lyatts; the Clerk wrote to the landowner concerned and the Parish Council has received a positive response from him.
- Scheme meeting 16th April; no-one from Hardington was able to attend, but the Clerk had received a report to the effect that no action is to be taken at present.
- April’s work; was carried out as requested. There are still 2 pieces of kerb lying by the side of Pig Hill to be collected.
- Work for May; this will take place on Thursday 17th May.
- remove mattress that has been dumped in a field gateway on Ridge Lane. Also remove rubbish tipped in sewage works area.
- clear undergrowth from south side of village hall
- strim path between Springfield Stores and Moor Lane, also footpath Y10/4 to Moor Plantation.
- check and trim Black House Lane.
- Correspondence to be circulated was received.
- Correspondence received;
- Peter Bysouth agreed to attend the SALC Area South meeting on 18th June at 7.30 p.m. but awaits confirmation of venue.
- Information about the new Power of General Competence for Parish Councils is to be circulated.
- The letter about the retirement of the Chair of Yeovil Parish Group was noted.
- Chairman; reminded everyone about the opening of the Community Field on the 5th of June.
- Councillors; nothing to report
- Clerk; obtained assurance that a risk assessment will be produced and passed to her for the Jubilee event.
The next Parish Council meeting will be held on Tuesday the 19th of June 2012 at 7.30 p.m. in the Village Hall, preceded by a meeting of the Recreation Space Committee at 7.15 p.m. The meeting closed at 9.10 p.m.