Members are reminded
that the Council has a general duty to consider the following matters
in the exercise of any of its functions - Equal Opportunities (race,
gender, sexual orientation, marital status & any disability); Crime
& Disorder, Health & Safety and Human Rights. Nancy Chapman, Parish Clerk |
Robin Carpenter (Chairman), Andy Webb, Clare Middleton, Paul Vallis, Ernest Kong and Bill Turner.
Nancy Chapman (Parish Clerk) and 2 members of the public.
Before the meeting commenced there was an opportunity for the public to speak.
Apologies were received from Malcolm White, Cathy Bakewell (District Councillor), Gina Seaton (District Councillor) and Marcus Fysh (County Councillor). - MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD ON
16th FEBRUARY 2016 (Already Circulated)
The minutes for February were approved and signed by the Chairman as correct records of the meeting. - DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST.
Claire Middleton gave a summary of the Coker Councils Forum Event. Most local Parishes were represented and it was proposed that this event is held 4 times a year. The Parish Ranger Scheme has raised some concerns, mainly due to the lack of feedback reporting. Ric Pallister agreed to look into this. Neighbourhood plans, Parish Plans and Village Design Statements were also discussed in some detail. Parish reps gave details of their Queens 90th birthday celebration plans. Ric Pallister also talked about his plans to visit Parish Councils to discuss the Westlands Leisure Complex rescue package. The Clerk reported that Mr Pallister would be attending the June Parish Council meeting to discuss this with Hardington PC. The minutes of the Coker Councils Forum will be circulated once available. - DISTRICT AND COUNTY
The Chairman summarised Cathy Bakewell's previously circulated report. This included details of the following:- There will be a rise in Council Tax for the district of 1.95% (£2.88) on a Band D household.
- The strategic alliance with Sedgemoor District Council.
- The "Clean for the Queen" litter pick.
- The "X Marks the Spot" campaign to encourage people to register to vote.
- The CPRE Yeovil Green Belt campaign.
- The latest progress regarding the Westlands Leisure Complex.
- The former Moor End Nursery site planning application approval.
- The approval of 14 bungalows in East Coker.
- Planning applications received:
- App No: 16/00719/OUT Outline planning for the demolition of existing Building and erection of detached single storey dwelling with associated access and works. Location: Land adjacent Finials, Rectory Lane, Hardington Mandeville. Applicant: Mr B White. While the Parish Council had no objection to the outline planning for a single storey dwelling, concerns were raised about the loss of off-road parking for the property "Finials". Currently, the site where the proposed dwelling is located is used to provide off-road parking for residents of Finials. It was agreed the Clerk would write a letter asking Planning Officers to give consideration to preventing this loss of off-road parking, perhaps by proposing part of the potential new site remains as parking for Finials.
- App no: 16/00202/FUL Conversion of courtyard buildings for equestrian use and ancillary staff accommodation and amended scheme for replacement dwelling. Location: Broad Farm, Broad Hill, Hardington Mandeville. There were no objections.
- There were no planning applications received after publication of the agenda.
- Results of previous applications:
App no:16/00130/FUL Alterations and erection of single storey rear extensions, replacement garage doors, erection of a summerhouse (retrospective), erection of a timber storage box with retaining walls, steps and landscaping at 350 High Street, Hardington Mandeville. Applicant: Mr and Mrs M Dickson. Approved with conditions.
- There were no results of previous applications received after publication of the agenda.
- The Chairman reported that, subject to the completion of the S106 legal agreement, SSDC passed a resolution to grant permission for the Halsall Homes scheme of 10 dwellings on the Moor End Nursery site. On receipt of this planning permission, Halsall intend to withdraw their appeal for their scheme of 14 homes.
- A Parishioner has raised concerns that additional temporary buildings were being sited on land at Holtens, Broad Hill. It was agreed that this should be investigated.
- Planning applications received:
- Following a request from the PC to Simon Fox, regarding the renewal of the inadequate drain near the Community Field Pedestrian entrance, David Matthews of Halsall Homes has agreed to have a survey carried out to look into this problem.
- Neil agreed to draft a letter to SCC requesting they carry out a survey of the Moor Lane road condition, prior to any development work commencing.
- Following receipt of a letter from the PC requesting work is carried out to prevent the steady stream of stony water from the gateway of the quarry field onto Pig Hill when it rains, a small gully has been dug, so that water now goes into the drain.
- The Chairman reported that the Mandeville Arms was now listed on the register of Community Assets held by SSDC.
- The WI are holding a "Clean for the Queen" Litter Pick event on Saturday 2nd April, at 10.00 am. The Parish Council have been asked to join in with them
- CPRE Somerset Yeovil Green Belt Campaign. The PC agreed to support the campaign in principle, but would like to hear more details. It was agreed the Clerk should ask Mr.Whitsun-Jones to speak about the campaign at the PC's June meeting.
- The Chairman reported that he had asked Adam Taylor to deliver some gravel, in order to repair the Bike Track.
- Mrs Ivory visited the Toy Barn in Sherborne and saw a small wooden toy boat which they thought would be suitable addition to the playing field. The cost is £655 plus VAT. The Chairman agreed to follow this up.
- The Chairman reported that he had planted some hedging plants to fill the gap in the hedge where the new pedestrian entrance was being considered.
- Mike Bickerton had written a letter to the PC asking that the wild flower area in the Community field is scythed rather than strimmed, as this does less damage to the plants. Bill Turner agreed that his scythe could be used for this purpose.
- There were no issues arising.
- The Clerk's hours for February (21 hours) were confirmed.
- The Clerk reported that the Transparency funding of £333 had been received. This money would be used to purchase a new laptop for the Parish Council.
- A Resolution was passed to pay the following invoices:
- SSDC Ranger Scheme January 2016 (£127.50 + VAT £25.50) £153.00
- Mr B Dodd - re-imbursement for 10 yrs website domain credits (£89.25 + VAT£17.85): £107.10
- The Chairman had met with Les Braunton (SCC) to discuss the muddy area of path, on the bridleway between Moor Lane and North Lane. Mr. Braunton proposed making a width of surfaced path with board alongside. A sign could then be placed asking horse riders to keep to one side. This would be subject to available funding in the next years budget.
- The Chairman reported that he would be obtaining some Waymarks to signpost the bridleway between Moor Lane and North Lane.
- The Chairman reported that his annual PPLO Report was due.
Asking the Ranger to carry out external painting to the village hall was discussed, but it was felt money could be saved by getting quotes from painters. The following jobs were added to the Rangers list of tasks:- Fill in the pest holes around the Village Hall Courtyard
- Clear leaf debris around the Village Hall and Church.
- Weed areas around the Village Hall and Church.
- It was agreed that Mr. Rhys Davies of the Somerset Micro-Enterprise Project would be the guest speaker at the Annual Assembly.
- The Chairman confirmed that invitations to the Annual Assembly had been sent to village groups.
- The next South Somerset Together Assembly is being held on Thursday 17th March 9.30am - 13:00pm and the main topic is changes to the welfare system.
- Details of Marcus Fysh's Spring Constituency Tour have been received and it was agreed that the supplied posters would be put up on the notice boards.
- Chairman. Nothing to report.
- Councillors: Nothing to report.
- Clerk: Nothing to report.
The next meeting will be held on Tuesday 19th April 2016 at 7.30 p.m. in the Village Hall. The meeting closed at 8.50pm.