The Minutes of the previous meeting February 2015)
Members were reminded that the Council has a general duty to consider the following matters in the exercise of any of its functions - Equal Opportunities (race, gender, sexual orientation, marital status & any disability); Crime & Disorder, Health & Safety and Human Rights. Nancy Chapman, Parish Clerk |
Robin Carpenter (Chairman), Peter Bysouth (Vice Chairman), Bill Turner, Malcolm White, Paul Vallis, Andy Webb and Gina Seaton (District Councillor).
Nancy Chapman (Parish Clerk) and 19 members of the public.
Before the meeting commenced there was an opportunity for the public to speak:
A parishioner representing Moor Lane residents circulated a note containing details of their views on the amended application. They felt very little had changed. While they were not against affordable housing in principle, they felt the requirement for it within the village had not been clearly identified by either the recent housing needs survey or the hosing needs register.
Another parishioner spoke to highlight discrepancies between the drawings and statements in the application. He felt there was very little space on the site for parking and other necessities such as oil tanks and telegraph poles. He also felt they had been given little time to look through the documents and comment.
Another parishioner commented that he thought it was important to bring more young people into the village. Most of the young people that grew up in the village have already moved out and therefore it is important to encourage others to move in.
Another parishioner felt it was wrong to put affordable housing on an expensive village site, when there are already plenty located in Yeovil.- APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE .
Apologies were received from Vanessa May and Cathy Bakewell (District Councillor). - MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD ON 17th FEBRUARY 2015 (Already Circulated)
The minutes were approved and signed by the Chairman as correct records of the meeting. - DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST.
Robin Carpenter declared an interest in section 6e. - MATTERS OF REPORT ARISING FROM THE PREVIOUS MINUTES.
Gina Seaton reported that at the full council meeting on 26th February, it was agreed Council tax would be reduced by 2% due to a number of cost saving measures and also the receipt of the New Homes Bonus.At the Area South meeting on 4th march two grant applications were discussed. As a result Hardington was awarded £1374 towards the cost of a defibrillator and West Coker was awarded £2500 towards renovation of the Commemoration Hall.
There was also a full council meeting on the 5th March where the adoption of the Local Plan was agreed.
Cathy Bakewell’s report had been circulated prior to the meeting. - PLANNING AND PLANNING APPLICATIONS
- Applications
- App no: 15/00614/FUL The erection of a conservatory to the front elevation of dwellinghouse at Monks Way, West Coker Hill, West Coker. Applicant Mr Robert Brittle. There were no objections.
- Advice of appeal receipt: App no:14/04063/OUT Outline application for the erection of an agricultural workers dwelling at Woodentop Farm, West Coker Hill. Applicant: Mr Paul Richards.
- The only planning application received after publication of this agenda would be discussed under section 6e.
- Results of previous applications received after publication of this
App no: 15/00298/FUL Alterations, the erection of a first floor rear extension and the formation of a pitched roof over existing garage to provide additional accommodation incorporating 2 dormer windows (renewal) at Poachers Lodge, Moor Lane (Renewal of previously agreed application). Applicant: Mr & Mrs Mark Wilson. Approved with conditions. - It was agreed Robin Carpenter could remain in the room while the Moor End Nursery site application was discussed.
Peter Bysouth started the discussion with his view. He felt this site was a unique opportunity to provide affordable housing and he supported the development in principle. The drainage issue still needed to be addressed. The housing needs of the village have not been met by this proposal; there are still no downsizing units. He feels that 14 units on the site is still over-crowded. Without the open-book planning that Halsall promised at the beginning it is difficult to know whether 14 units is really necessary to make the project viable. Andy Webb agreed with this view. Only minor amendments have been made from the previous application and this was not enough. Malcolm White would like to see some affordable housing provided in the village but felt that there should be no more than 10 units on the site. Paul Vallis also agreed there should be less. He would like to see more down-sizing properties such as bungalows provided. Bill turner agreed with most of what had been said. He had no objection to the development but was against the high volume.
It was agreed the clerk would write a letter to Simon Fox objecting to the amended plans on the basis that there are still too many and the type of housing proposed does not meet the needs of the village. Concerns raised in the previous letter should also be re-iterated where relevant.
- Applications
- The Chairman reported that road surface work had been carried to Broad Hill (towards the A30), however it was uncertain whether they had repaired the large pothole outside Lime kiln Farm. Neil agreed to check this.
- Neil Dyer reported there were a number of potholes on his list for the month, which would hopefully soon be available on the village website.
- The Chairman reported that the PC had received notice of a temporary road closure at Primrose Hill on 20th – 21st April 2015. Primrose Hill will be closed from the junction with Lyatts Cross to the junction with Ridge Lane.
- The contract for adoption of the phone kiosk opposite the Mandeville Arms was now complete and the payphone will be removed shortly. Any suggestions for its future use are now invited!
- The Chairman reported that the PC will be receiving a grant for 50% of the total cost of the defibrillator (£1374) from SSDC. He thanked SSDC for this grant and Gina for the suggestion. Once the defibrillator was installed, the Chairman would contact Clive Setter to arrange a training event. Details of this will be publicised. The vice chairman stated the electrician had given a quote of approximately £300 to install the defibrillator.
- A letter has been received from the Somerset Local Authorities’ Civil Contingencies Unit regarding Somerset Emergency Community Contacts. They are developing a database of names that can be used as a first point of contact when an emergency (such as flooding) is happening in an area. The following contacts were nominated: Robin Carpenter, Bill Turner, Andy Webb and Daphne Creed. The clerk agreed to circulate the relevant paperwork to the contacts.
- The booking form for the Annual Playground inspection & risk assessment offer had been received from SSDC. The cost would be £78.50 which is the same as last year. A resolution was passed to accept this service.
- The Chairman thanked those who came to help sort out the trees with Francis Jones, on the tree maintenance day arranged by Mike Bickerton.
- The Chairman reported that he was meeting with Matthew Browning, the carpenter on Friday to discuss the Gazebo base dimensions.
- Rob White has suggested it may be desirable to have a new pedestrian entrance near the nature reserve. The Council agreed with this and the Chairman said he would discuss the installation of this with Rob White.
- The Chairman reported that a camper van has been parking on the field side of the fence while using the Bbq. It was agreed that vehicles should be encouraged to park on the gravel and not on the field.
- There were no current issues.
- The Clerk’s hours for February (22.5 hours) were confirmed.
- A resolution was passed to approve the payment of the following:
AED Locator (E.U.) Ltd - Heartsafe digital elec comb package (£2290 + VAT £458) £2748
- The Chairman reported that he had removed the wood from the stile at Y10/9 so that it was no longer hazardous.
- Although Stephen Fox has agreed that Matthew should liaise with the chairman on the days he is working in the parish and also to provide feedback on the work carried out, this had not happened. The Clerk agreed to contact Stephen Fox.
- It was uncertain what tasks had been carried out at last month's visit.
- No new tasks were added to the Ranger’s list.
- Invitations for the annual assembly have been sent to village groups. No guest speaker had been found at present.
- The Chairman reported that the nomination period ends on Thursday 9th April (4pm). All nominations papers must be submitted to SSDC by hand. The Chairman announced that Peter had decided to stand down at the next election. He will be greatly missed by all. It was agreed a note should be put in the Messenger to encourage people to stand for the election.
- The election date is 7th May and the first meeting of new council is Tuesday 19th May.
- The MG Car Club Event is being held on Saturday 25th April, 2015, 9.20-10.30 am. Further details are available from the village notice board or Bruce Weston (tel: 01963 440941).
- The PC has received an email regarding the National Plant Monitoring Scheme. All PC members have been forwarded details of this, should they wish to participate or know of someone else who might be interested.
- Chairman. Nothing to report.
The Chairman gave his apologies that he would not be able to attend the annual assembly and April PC meeting as he is away. The Chairman is also unable to attend the next Community Forum Meeting on 20th April (9.30-11.30). - Councillors:
Malcolm White said he had been asked to report the arrival of another static caravan at The Stables. It was agreed that this should be put on the agenda for discussion at next month’s meeting. - Clerk: Nothing to report.
- Chairman. Nothing to report.
The next meeting will be held on Tuesday 21st April 2015 at 7.30 p.m. in the Village Hall. The meeting closed at 8.50 pm.