The Minutes of the previous meeting (February 2012)
Members were reminded that the Council has a general duty to consider the following matters in the exercise of any of its functions - Equal Opportunities (race, gender, sexual orientation, marital status & any disability); Crime & Disorder, Health & Safety and Human Rights. Jessica Vale, Parish Clerk |
Robin Carpenter (Chairman), Peter Bysouth, Vanessa May, Keith Blackwell, Bill Turner, David Beckley and Malcolm White.
Jessica Vale (Parish Clerk), Gina Seaton (District Councillor), Cathy Bakewell (District and County Councillor), Tony Fife (District Councillor), Kim Close (Development Manager, Area South, South Somerset District Council (SSDC)) and 2 members of the public.
Before the meeting commenced there was an opportunity for the public to speak.
There were none. - MINUTES OF MEETINGS HELD ON 21st February 2012 (Already Circulated).
- The minutes were approved and signed with one correction; the footpath referred to at 10a is Y10/50..
Bill Turner declared a prejudicial interest in Items 6a and 6b. Robin Carpenter declared a prejudicial interest in Items 6a and 6b. David Beckley declared a personal interest in Items 6a and 6b. - MATTERS OF REPORT ARISING FROM THE PREVIOUS MINUTES.
- The form provided by the Council’s Bank for notification of a change of authorised signatories (9d) was duly signed as required.
- Tony Fife and Kim Close reminded the meeting of the various services offered by SSDC Area South Development team at the Petters House (Petters Way Yeovil) offices. They produce a quarterly bulletin, to which Parish Councils may contribute. They also run a 2-monthly new Community Safety Action Panel meeting and would welcome councillors to raise matters of concern there. SSDC produces a Parish Profile on its website, although most of the statistical information on it is still taken from the 2001 Census. There is an Area South Committee meeting on the first Wednesday of every month with an “open mic” session at the start, and SSDC would like to develop a more effective working relationship with the Parish Councils of the area.
- Cathy Bakewell advised of overnight road closures on the A303 at Cartgate from the 26th to 28th of March. The election of a new Police Commissioner will take place in November, and after this there will be a new policing plan and a new Scrutiny Panel. Next year the Police will take over the Community Safety role and budget from the District Council. She has contacted an officer of Somerset County Council about resolving the ongoing issues with footpath Y10/19 at Hardington Mandeville.
- Gina Seaton reported on Yeovil town centre and Pen Mill Station development issues discussed at the recent meeting of the Area South committee. SSDC’s Draft Core Strategy will be the subject of a special Executive meeting on March 26th. She is concerned that a grant of £5000 allocated to the Recreation Space at Hardington Mandeville but not yet claimed needs to be carried over to the next financial year in order remain available to Hardington.
Bill Turner and Robin Carpenter left the meeting. Peter Bysouth took the Chair.
- Planning Applications received: 1.Application no. 12/00856/OUT Mr W Turner, erection of agricultural worker’s dwelling at Manor Farm, Hardington Mandeville. David Beckley took no part in the discussion. The Council objected to the proposed building as follows:
- The site is quite high and a 2-storey building here will be too intrusive on the skyline. A bungalow might be acceptable
- There are other available units of accommodation on the Farm, but the application does not say why they have not been considered for use instead of a new dwelling
- If a dwelling is permitted on the proposed site, the Council would like to see tree-planting on the southern boundaries made a condition of the permission, to mask the dwelling from neighbouring properties.
- The application ought to make reference to the future of the temporary dwelling already in this vicinity – is it to go or stay if the new dwelling is permitted?
- Any planning applications received after publication of this agenda. 12/00854/OUT Mr W Turner, erection of agricultural worker’s dwelling at Lime Kiln Farm, Broadhill, Hardington Mandeville. The papers provided with the application were found to be incomplete (lacking the Agricultural dwelling need justification appraisal), so no decision could be reached. David Beckley took no part in the discussion. The Parish Council also objected because they believe that the application ought to make reference to the future of the temporary dwellings already in this vicinity – are they to go or stay if the new dwelling is permitted?
Robin Carpenter and Bill Turner returned to the meeting. Robin Carpenter resumed the Chair. - Results of previous applications; Application no. 11/05023/FUL Poachers Lodge Hardington Moor, alterations and extensions for Mr & Mrs M Wilson – approved with conditions on obscure glazing.
- Results of previous applications received after publication of agenda – none.
- Planning permission conditions at The Stables, Partway Lane; the Parish Clerk reported that South Somerset District Council (SSDC) has communicated that they will be arranging a visit to the site.
- Planning Applications received: 1.Application no. 12/00856/OUT Mr W Turner, erection of agricultural worker’s dwelling at Manor Farm, Hardington Mandeville. David Beckley took no part in the discussion. The Council objected to the proposed building as follows:
- Report from Highways Representative; Rob Lloyd has reported to Somerset County Council Highways a defective manhole cover and depression across the road at Hardington Moor near the turning to Lyatts. A water leak apparent in the road from a property near the top of the High Street is being repaired.
- Parish Clerk to advise Highways that the patchy road repairs in North Lane are unsatisfactory because the road is relatively too high in the centre, and only passable with care in places. The Highways Representative will advise Highways when the potholes at Milcombe Farm are fit for inspection.
- Parking in turning bay, Bishops Lane; Parish Clerk reported that there had been at least two more reports of vehicles there in the last month. Robin Carpenter offered to put up a temporary notice to see whether this would deter parking.
- The Parish Clerk was asked to report to Highways
- A pothole in Lynch Lane at the entrance to Manor Farm, and subsidence on the opposite side of the road at that point,
- Collapse of part of the north side of the road which runs alongside Chinnock Brook as a spur of North Lane in the direction of Hardington Moor.
- Recreation Ground at North Lane. Robin Carpenter reported that the Phase 1 ground works were completed on the 19th of March. Planting of trees had taken place. Seeding of ground with grass and wild flowers is to take place, and three picnic benches will be donated. It was RESOLVED to pay Yarcombe Woodland Products Ltd £83.50 (excl. VAT) for tree guards and stakes (proposed Vanessa May, seconded Bill Turner). It was noted that the site is NOT yet OPEN to the public. Signage for the site will be on the next FOHCS meeting’s agenda, as will be further play structures, which will need to be the subject of a further planning application. Three quotations have been obtained for a buddy swing, modest tower structure, monkey bars and zipwire.
- The Parish Council noted with thanks the donation of £14,000 from FOHCS in respect of works at the Recreation Ground.
- Recreation Ground grass-cutting; it was RESOLVED that Somerset Landscapes Ltd.’s estimate for a year’s maintenance at £1470.00 excluding VAT be accepted (Proposed by Vanessa May, seconded by Peter Bysouth). The contract was signed by the Clerk and a standing order mandate for payment in monthly installments was signed.
- Regular inspection of recreation ground facilities; the Clerk produced a message from the Parish Council’s insurers about the need for weekly inspection of facilities, and was advised to seek further clarification. The insurers require a payment of £25.00 to cover the new structures now installed and it was RESOLVED that this be progressed.
- Plans for Diamond Jubilee celebration:
- It was proposed that Ernest Kong be invited to open the Recreation Ground on Tuesday the 5th of June. Keith Blackwell and Sheila Carpenter have kindly agreed to join in with arrangements for the event.
- A beacon on Windmill Hill might be a possibility; the Parish Clerk was instructed to find the information about beacons previously circulated.
- RESOLVED to pay the Somerset Association of Local Councils’ annual subscription £148.15 (Proposed David Beckley, seconded Keith Blackwell).
- RESOLVED to pay the Information Commissioner renewal fee £35 (Proposed David Beckley, seconded Keith Blackwell).
- Clerk's hours for February were CONFIRMED as submitted (29 hours).
- Information required from Councillors for the Bank’s Review of Customer Information form was submitted to the Clerk as required.
- Report from Footpaths Representative; Robin Carpenter reported that footpath Y10/45 off Partway Lane is obstructed at the corner of the field due to a collapsed stile, and barbed wire placed in two places to render the corner stock-proof. The adjacent gateway is in poor condition so not a suitable alternative. The footbridge across a field ditch at the junction of Y10/37 and Y10/38 (Cold Harbour Hill) has collapsed; the lengthsman to be asked to replace it. The Parish Clerk to ask the Footpaths team for any progress about the stile on Y9/4
- Marking of Y10/19; further information from the County Council Rights of Way team is awaited.
- Work carried out for February was noted. It was RESOLVED to pay RT Services’ invoice for £12.21 in respect of materials for repair of a wall (proposed Robin Carpenter, seconded Vanessa May).
- Work for March:
- Replace timber footbridge over ditch at junction of Y10/37 and Y10/38 (Cold Harbour Hill)
- Check drains which seem to be blocked situated in the Yeovil direction from Hardington Moor on Primrose Hill
- Check the Parish noticeboard in the High Street opposite the Mandeville Arms, currently swings slightly from side to side on its post.
- The Clerk reported that the person first considered as a speaker for this event had declined the request, with regret, so it was proposed that Mike Bickerton be approached, to talk about natural history of the parish.
- A list of the local groups to be invited to give presentations which had been drawn up by the Clerk was considered and refined, and the Clerk asked to proceed with invitations.
- Correspondence to be circulated was presented.
- Correspondence received:
- From MG Car Club (South West Centre) about rally to take place at Hardington Saturday 14th April 2012 - noted.
- Advance information about new website for Avon & Somerset Constabulary - noted.
- Draft Recommendations for Electoral Review of Somerset received from Local Government Boundary Commission for England, including changes to the electoral ward in which Hardington is located – noted.
- Information about draft charging scheme for proposed Community Infrastructure Levy, from SSDC – this is a charge made on developers of new housing, to support the costs of providing more facilities for an enlarged population - noted.
- Chairman; provided Clerk with information about the Garden Club to be included in future issues of the Welcome Pack.
- Peter Bysouth reported that the Village Hall Committee are arranging for some electrical works and will be removing the (non-functioning) coin-operated electricity meter. They are considering raising the cost of hire of the Hall to £8 per hour because of rising electricity costs, also will raise the charge made for commercial hire of the crockery. Peter Bysouth will arrange transfer of the Parish filing cabinet to the Clerk. David Beckley commented that completion of PAT testing at the Village Hall is still awaited.
- Parish Clerk; will investigate fireproof boxes for secure storage of important documents and report to a future meeting.
The next Parish Council meeting will follow the Annual Parish Assembly to be held on Tuesday the 17th of April 2012 at 7.30 p.m. in the Village Hall. The meeting closed at 10 p.m.