The Minutes of the previous meeting (February 2011)
Members were reminded that the Council has a general duty to consider the following matters in the exercise of any of its functions - Equal Opportunities (race, gender, sexual orientation, marital status & any disability); Crime & Disorder, Health & Safety and Human Rights. Liz Raymont, Parish Clerk |
Robin Carpenter (Chairman), Peter Bysouth, Malcolm White, Vanessa May, David Beckley, and Rose White.
Liz Raymont (Parish Clerk), Lesley Boucher (District Councillor), Cathy Bakewell (County and District councillor) and 4 members of the public.
Before the meeting commenced there was an opportunity for the public to speak.
A member of the public expressed their concerns regarding the proposed £10million cuts to Somerset and Dorset Fire and Rescue Service budget. Their concern was that frontline services will be cut and the proposed reduction from 36 fire fighters to 14 will seriously affect overall response times and result in fire fighters weekly hours increasing to 84hrs. They asked that the Parish Council respond to the consultation document detailed under section 14(b)ii of the agenda and express their concerns regarding the proposed changes.
A member of the public asked whether the Parish Council would write to the owners of the Mandeville Arms to ask them if they intend reopening.
Mr R Brittle thanked the councillors for taking the time to come and look at the site of the proposed development detailed in 6(a)i.
Bill Turner. - MINUTES OF MEETINGS HELD ON 15th February 2011 (Already Circulated).
- The minutes were approved and signed.
- Item 6aii – All councillors expressed a personal interest.
NOTED Litter pick has been booked for Saturday 9th April 2011 at 2pm. Clerk will advertise in Messenger again. - DISTRICT & COUNTY COUNCILLORS' REPORTS (by invitation)
Cathy Bakewell (County) reported that Chinnock Hollow will be closed from 21st March for 1 week and that gully emptying will take place in Hardington during March. There is nothing further to report on library closures. The joint scrutiny committee at SCC have agreed that 4 waste recycling sites will be classified as non-designated sites, including Crewkerne, and will now charge for use. The charge is likely to be £2 to £2.50 per visit. The opening hours of all the other household waste recycling centres will be reduced. The Health Scrutiny Committee is considering changes to the set up of children’s cardiac surgery hospitals. Bristol to be retained but Southampton may not be. Public consultation will take place.Lesley Boucher (District) reported that Goldenstones is under new management and is to be run by a charitable trust from April. It is hoped that this will save £2.1m. She asked that the public be reminded not to use Chinese lanterns during the Royal wedding celebrations due to the danger they pose to cattle. Yeovil museum is to close and all artefacts are to be placed in storage. She informed that members of the public can have a bonfire at any time as long as it does not cause a nuisance. Yeovil Town Centre Manager has reported that 12% of the shops in town are empty but that this is good compared with other local towns.
- Planning Applications received.
- App no 11/00557/FUL Mr and Mrs R A Brittle. Erection of garage/store and timber store together with landscaping and alterations to access at Monks Way West Coker Hill. No objections.
- App no 11/00714/LBC and App no 11/00710/FUL Mr S Bracher and Ms E Raymont. Demolition of existing rear extensions and sheds, erection of ground floor and first floor rear extensions and erection of workshop/garden store at Midway Hardington Mandeville. No objections.
- App no 11/00869/HDG Hedgerow Notification Mr David Wall. Removal of 7m length of hedgerow to facilitate the connection of a replacement water supply at Bridge Close Farm. No objections.
- Any planning applications received after publication of this agenda. App no 11/00931/FUL Hardington Mandeville Village Hall. All Councillors declared a prejudicial interest in this as the Parish Council owns the village hall.
- Results of previous applications. NOTED App no 10/04227/DPO Mr G A Smith Lyatts Farm Bungalow. Variation of S106 agreement. Permission Granted.
- Current planning status of the mobile homes being used at Manor Farm & Lime Kiln Farm as residential accommodation. Originally raised September 2010. No report on this.
- Planning Applications received.
- Report from Highways Representative. Not present.
- NOTED Damage to village sign at St Mary’s View. Repaired by Lengthsman.
- Grit bin for Lyatts and replacement for Elliot’s Hill. Clerk asked to check with Highways if they will fill a non standard grit bin as other containers could then be used.
- South Somerset Strimmer Project. NOTED but no wish to participate.
- Clerk was asked to report the blocked drain on Wimborough Lane again. The drain top is now falling apart due to the length of time the water has been running.
- Clerk also asked to report the pot holes on Moor Lane.
- Recreation Ground at North Lane –
- Community Spaces grant. Update from Vanessa May. Sadly FOHCS has been unsuccessful in its grant application but will continue with applications as further funds become available. Fundraising is now a major issue. She reported that Louise Baulch is to be engaged as Landscape Architect for the project and the shape of the early plan will be discussed at the next meeting. She added that it is important to involve the village children in future planning and design.
- SSDC youth facility grant requirements. Update from Rose White. The match funded grant for youth facilities of £10000 must be used to provide a teenage specific piece of equipment which promotes activity. There is a need to survey the current activity levels and those following installation.
- Clarification required regarding reclaiming VAT on items for Community Space. Update from Rose White. Following a SSDC grant meeting it appears that it may not be possible to reclaim VAT on items purchased as neither the PC nor FOHCS will own the land. Rose recommends that the PC take specific advice on this when the appropriate time comes.
- Current situation regarding leasehold of land. Nothing further to report.
- Current situation regarding Trustees for Community Space Committee. The Clerk advised that a number of individuals have come forward indicating that they may be willing to act as trustees.
- Queen Elizabeth II Field Challenge. The Clerk advised that the space could be dedicated as a QEII field which would enable future grant applications to be made as funding for such fields becomes available over time. The members asked the Clerk to contact Brian Bennett with the details of the scheme so that Ernest Kong can be consulted.
- NOTED Village Hall Planning Application. Cheque drawn and passed to VHC 3rd March 2011.
- Revision of Welcome Pack in relation to future reopening. It was agreed that the Clerk will write to the current owners of the Mandeville asking what their plans are for reopening.
- Recreation Ground at North Lane –
The clerk has contacted Fleming Ulf-Hansen from English Nature who has agreed to speak at the assembly on future plans for the Nature Reserve. Robin Carpenter offered his apologies that he will be unable to attend the Assembly. Peter Bysouth will chair the meeting. Gillian Bysouth has offered to serve the refreshments. - RISK MANAGEMENT
- NOTED Census date 27th March 2011. Clerk will put further notice in the Messenger.
- NOTED Council elections taking place Thursday 5th May 2011. Notices posted on notice boards 14th March 2011. Nomination papers supplied in each Parish Councillor pack. Final date for return of nomination papers noon Monday 4th April.
- NOTED Insurance Claim at Village Hall. Water leak. Current situation. Wessex Water will investigate leak.
- NOTED Changes to treatment of Clerks pay and NI by HMRC. Clerk will investigate requirements of HMRC.
- NOTED Confirmation of Clerk’s hours for February 2011 (19.00 hours)
- RESOLVED Clerk’s salary January, February and March 2011. Salary £462.00 plus expenses £47.93 Total £509.93 Proposed Vanessa May, seconded Malcolm White.
- RESOLVED SALC Affiliation Fee £141.42. Proposed Peter Bysouth, seconded David Beckley.
- RESOLVED to Reserve Monies from 2010/11 precept.
Proposed David Beckley seconded Vanessa May.
- Recreation Facility £2000.
- Affordable Housing £750.
- Village Hall Heating and Insulation £1500.
- Report from Footpath Representative. NOTED that new notices to change various footpaths to bridleways have been posted. Moor Lane has also been included in the list.
- Report from Lengthsman meeting held 14th March 2011. Bill Turner sent a note advising that the scheme had received a one off grant from SCC of £1800 which will be used to fund equipment. The Parish will be required to pay £1021.67 for the scheme in the next tax year. He also noted that Richard Thorne will receive a small loan from the scheme to help him purchase a new truck.
- NOTED Work carried out in February.
- Work for this month. Outstanding items from February list. Already
advised see below.
- Junction Y9/2 & 9/4 between Bill Turner’s maize fields East of Lyatts - needs complete new stile. Also following items already completed but Council unhappy.
- Partway Lane. Sign post at Y10/43 below Partway House has been repositioned but Councillors are unhappy as it is not firmly fixed. Request that it is dug in more deeply.
- In addition sign at the top of Y10/41 has been repositioned but Councillors are unhappy as it is not firmly fixed. Request that it is dug in more deeply.
- New items - Re fix sign at Y10/44 West Coker Hill.
- Coarse gravel to be placed in the depression in front of the top seat at the nature reserve. This area becomes flooded during wet weather. This is at the request of a parishioner. Clerk will add to Lengthsman’s list.
- Correspondence to be circulated.
- Correspondence received.
- NOTED Thank You letter from Messenger Team.
- NOTED Dorset and Somerset Fire and Rescue Service Corporate Plan consultation. Clerk asked to draft a letter stating the Council’s concerns about the proposed reduction in the number of fire fighters at Yeovil Fire Station.
- Clerk has received an invitation from Dorset and Somerset Fire and Rescue Service to visit the fire station week commencing 4th April. Rose White, Malcolm White and David Beckley all offered to attend but could not commit until nearer the time. Clerk will remind them.
- NOTED Letter received from The MG Car Club notifying that the Kimber Classic Trail will take place Sat 16th April 2011 and will pass through the village between 9.30 and 10.30am.
- Letter from Mr Peter Walker, in reply to Council’s letter date 7th March, was read to the Council. Mr Walker disagrees with the witnesses report and confirms that the dogs were muzzled. Council asked the Clerk to ensure that the dog warden and the police were advised of this.
- Invitation from Yeovil Without Parish Council, inviting Councillors to attend a meeting of the Area South Parishes on 20th April was read to the Council. Clerk and Peter Bysouth agreed to attend. David Beckley may also be able to attend clerk to remind him nearer the time.
- Chairman.
- Councillors. Peter Bysouth reported back from a recent Village Hall Committee meeting. Improvements to the heating have been made and the water problems on the North wall have also been looked at. The committee is looking into installing a hearing loop. The hall has suffered environmental health problem with the dishwasher which has been dealt with. Committee has asked if the Lengthsman could treat the old tables and benches with wood preservative. This will be added to next month’s agenda. Over door heaters have been removed and the fuse box is to be overhauled. Additional sockets are to be installed and all electrical items used in the hall are to be PAT tested.
- Clerk had nothing to report.
The next meeting will be preceded by the Annual Village Assembly on 19th April 2011 at 7.30pm in the Village Hall. The meeting closed at 9.50pm.