The Minutes of the previous meeting May 2015)
Members were reminded that the Council has a general duty to consider the following matters in the exercise of any of its functions - Equal Opportunities (race, gender, sexual orientation, marital status & any disability); Crime & Disorder, Health & Safety and Human Rights. Nancy Chapman, Parish Clerk |
Robin Carpenter, Malcolm White, Andy Webb, Bill Turner, Ernest Kong and Gina Seaton (District Councillor).
Nancy Chapman (Parish Clerk) and 9 members of the public.
Before the meeting commenced there was an opportunity for the public to speak:
A parishioner gave details of their objection to the application to vary a planning condition to allow the Poacher’s Lodge annex to be used as a holiday let. The private driveway is shared between 3 houses who share the cost of maintenance. There are already 10 cars using this driveway and a holiday let would only increase this. The parishioner also highlighted that the property deeds prohibit the use of the property as a business.
A parishioner read out a letter objecting to the planning application for a 4-bay calf-rearing building on land off Broad Hill. Their concerns included management of waste products, smell, noise, visual impact and proximity to their own home. There are already several items on the site without planning consent, such as a mobile caravan.
A parishioner enquired as to whether anyone knew if there is a time limit for Halsall Homes to appeal against the Moor End Nursery site application refusal. This was not known.- APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE .
Apologies were received from Paul Vallis, Cathy Bakewell (District Councillor) and Neil Dyer. - PARISH COUNCIL VACANCY.
Clare Middleton was co-opted to fill the remaining Councillor vacancy. Clare then signed the declaration of Acceptance of Office and joined the meeting. - MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD ON 19th May 2015 (Already Circulated)
The minutes were approved and signed by the Chairman as correct records of the meeting.
A correction was made to section 6a) of the April 2015 minutes following an observation from a parishioner. The sentence was corrected to state “The erection of a two storey side extension to dwellinghouse…..” - DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST.
Robin Carpenter declared an interest in section 14.c)i). - MATTERS OF REPORT ARISING FROM THE PREVIOUS MINUTES.
Gina Seaton reported that the Community Health & Leisure Service is doing a lot of work to encourage people to follow a healthy lifestyle including activities and courses. SSDC’s countryside team have put together a range of events for the Summer, with one of the highlights being the Armed Forces Day on 27th June, when a flag trail will be set up at Yeovil Country Park.Gina also reported that a Mobile Police station is being held for the local parishes in Morrisons’ car park on 17th July and 7th August between 12pm-1pm. Further details can be found at
Gina also gave details of various funding opportunities available including ones to improve village halls. This included supporting projects to improve energy efficiency and disabled access. James Duvall has details of this (01935 46221).
The Chairman read Cathy Bakewell’s report. This included details of discussions taking place to re-schedule the starting time of the Area South meetings from 2pm to an evening time in order to make it easier for members of the public to attend.
SSDC are holding a meeting to consider committing £640,000 of capital to the Superfast Rural Broadband extension programme, to raise the number of premises served in rural areas from 90% to 95%.
The now adopted Local Plan Policy SS2 is significant for rural villages and will guide any future development proposals. It can be seen that the community is much more in control of development than previously. - PLANNING AND PLANNING APPLICATIONS
- App no: 15/02294/FUL The erection of a 4 bay agricultural building for
calf rearing at Land OS 0075 Broad Hill, Hardington Mandeville. Applicant:
Mr E Perrin.
Mr Perrin spoke to state that last year he reared 200 calves and would now like to have a barn to incorporate everything in one area and to provide shelter to improve his venture.
Following lengthy discussion by the PC, it was agreed a letter of objection should be written. While the council are keen to support a local young farmer in starting up his own venture, it was viewed that the proposed building was too high, in a prominent position. The following concerns were also raised:- There was no evidence supplied to prove the business is viable.
- There was no mention in the application on how the effluent and muck produced would be handled.
- There were concerns that raising calves undercover with this intensity would require significant ventilation.
- There were significant discrepancies between the sizes given in the covering letter and on the drawings.
- There were no details for tree-planting and landscaping.
- It was not clear what existing structures would be removed from the site (although Mr. Perrin clarified he was not living on the site).
- App no: 15/02705/S73 Application to vary planning condition 2 of approval 840444 to allow annex to be used as a holiday let. Poachers Lodge, Moor Lane Applicant: Mrs Giselle Gearing. The PC had already heard concerns of increased traffic on a private driveway. The previous permission had expressly been given for use by the family. The PC resolved to object to this application having been informed that the property deeds prohibit the use of the property as a business and the proposed change of use would contravene this.
- Results of previous applications:
- App no: 14/05063/FUL Demolition of existing bungalow, erection of 14 dwellings, together with associated landscaping, access and infrastructure at Moor End Nursery, Moor Lane. Applicants: Halsall Homes. Application refused. “The scheme does not meet an identified housing need, it is not commensurate with the scale and character of the settlement and does not have the support of the local community. As such it is contrary to Policy SS2 of the South Somerset Local Plan.” It was agreed a further letter should be written to SSDC re-iterating that the PC would prefer to see a maximum of 8-10 units on the site and also an open-book viability report should be produced for any further submission.
- App no: 15/01708/FUL The erection of a two storey side extension to dwellinghouse at Dimple Cottage, 2 Mandeville Terrace by Mr & Mrs S Smith. Application permitted with conditions.
- There were no results of previous applications received after publication of this agenda.
- The Chairman reported the receipt of an “Advice of Informal Hearing” re the appeal in respect of App no: 14/04063/OUT Woodentop Farm, West Coker Hill
- There were no other planning issues.
- App no: 15/02294/FUL The erection of a 4 bay agricultural building for
calf rearing at Land OS 0075 Broad Hill, Hardington Mandeville. Applicant:
Mr E Perrin.
- The Chairman read Neil’s email that stated his reports are now available on the website and thanked Brian Dodd for his time spent doing this.
- The Clerk agreed to ask Neil to request the road verges are cut as soon as possible as visibility is poor at present.
- The Chairman reported that the defibrillator training course was well attended. The next Messenger will include details of people willing to help in an emergency. The Chairman said it is important that everyone knows 999 calls can be made from anywhere, regardless of network. The ambulance service will give the caller the location and code of the defibrillator and the box will give you clear instructions on its use.
- Andy reported back details of his investigation into the proposed Solar Photo-Voltaic system and the new heating system for the Village Hall. Andy felt that the VHC’s proposal was not necessarily the ideal solution and that further alternatives and also funding options need to be investigated. Peter Bysouth agreed to pass this report to the VHC. A resolution was passed that further investigation should be carried out before the PC agrees to help fund this project.
- The Chairman thanked Ernest Kong for donating the wood and Gordon Chapillon for installing the seating for the new Gazebo in the Community Field. It was felt the white concrete base was a bit bright and the Chairman agreed to look into options for painting it.
- The Chairman has ordered flexible corner posts for the carnival week games (he agreed to donate these). Given the already replaced goal nets already have holes in them, the Chairman proposed ordering some poly-propylene ones that are more durable for £69 from Huck Nets of Bridport. A resolution was passed to approve the purchase of the nets.
- SLL have agreed to mark the pitch for the games planned for carnival week. This will cost approximately £20.
- The Chairman reported that the Blomfield wedding reception would take place in the field on 11th July. The marquee would be set-up from Thursday 9th, but the rest of the field will still be available for use. The Chairman agreed to discuss the parking restrictions with the organizers.
- The Chairman reported that the new pedestrian gate had been installed towards the top left-hand side of the community field. Bill Turner stated that he felt this gate was in a dangerous location as it was a blind entrance, and passing traffic may not be able to see people using it. Concerns had also been raised for children’s safety as it potentially meant children could more easily leave the field without parents noticing. While the Parish Council had initially agreed to the gate, following discussion it was felt the risks the new gate had added out-weighed the benefits, and that the entrance should be blocked off again.
- The Chairman reviewed the SSDC annual playground inspection report. No major faults had been found.
- There were no current issues.
- The Clerk reported that the Accounts have been submitted for external audit.
- The Internal audit report has been completed and there were no concerns raised.
- The Clerk’s hours for May (22.5 hours) were confirmed.
- A resolution was passed to approve payment of the following:
- Mr Rob White – Re-imbursement for Postcrete for Community Field Gate ~ £22.50
- Mr M White – Re-imbursement for concrete for Gazebo base ~ £115.92
- A resolution was passed to add Ernest Kong and Clare Middleton signatures to the PC bank accounts and remove Peter Bysouth and Vanessa May.
- The Chairman reported that the Bridleway dedication of the path between Moor Lane and North Lane had taken place and thanked Ernest once again for this. The Chairman read a letter from Mark Weston of the British Horse Society thanking the PC for their support with this project.
- The next path for consideration is Coldharbour Lane. This runs from Prospect Farm, by Townsend Farm and comes out by Hardington Marsh. The Chairman intends to approach the landowners to determine if they would consider a similar dedication.
- On his last visit the Ranger had dug more of the ditch near the footpath between Moor Lane and the shop.
- The following tasks were added to the Ranger’s list:
- Strim the triangle near the Church and also the Church wall.
- Clearing the area around the Village Hall.
- Cutting back 2 over-hanging trees on Y10/18 between rectory Lane and Broadstone Lane (requires chainsaw).
- Clear the stiles on Y10/11, 200m east of the High Street.
- A Councilor asked if the gardening club would consider planting in the tyre around the Hardington village sign again this year. The Chairman agreed to contact them.
- The Chairman stated that he intended to attend the South Somerset Together meeting on the 8th July and if anyone else was interested they should book a place.
- The Chairman reported that the postponed flood-risk planning meeting was being re-scheduled for September.
- The Clerk reported that SALC are running a series of training courses entitled “How to be a good Councillor” and that she would forward the website link for this information.
- Chairman. Nothing to report.
- Councillors: Nothing to report.
- Clerk: Nothing to report.
The next meeting will be held on Tuesday 21st July 2015 at 7.30 pm. in the Village Hall. The meeting closed at 9.28pm.