The Minutes of the previous meeting (May 2013)
Members were reminded that the Council has a general duty to consider the following matters in the exercise of any of its functions - Equal Opportunities (race, gender, sexual orientation, marital status & any disability); Crime & Disorder, Health & Safety and Human Rights. Nancy Chapman, Parish Clerk |
Robin Carpenter (Chairman), Peter Bysouth, Bill Turner, Keith Blackwell, Malcolm White, Paul Vallis, Marcus Fysh (County Councillor), Cathy Bakewell (District Councillor) and Gina Seaton (District Councillor).
Nancy Chapman (Parish Clerk) and 5 members of the public.
Before the meeting there was an opportunity for the public to speak.
Brian Dodd asked if there was any feedback regarding the website. The response received was that it was very good and better than many other parish websites.
The chairman welcomed Marcus Fysh, the new county council representative and gave introductions.
Apologies were received from Vanessa May. - MINUTES OF MEETINGS held on 21st May 2013 (Already Circulated)
- A minor amendment was made to paragraph 5a before the minutes were approved for signing by the Chairman as a correct record of the meeting.
There were no declarations of interest. - MATTERS OF REPORT ARISING FROM THE PREVIOUS MINUTES.
- The Chairman summarised the contents of the letter from Jim Hedges
where a number of points of were raised and the chairman and members of the
parish council where highly criticised. While the points raised had been
superseded by events the chairman felt it was necessary to discuss the
criticism made to determine if it was justified.
Cathy Bakewell responded to this stating that Hardington Parish Council was one of the better run councils in the area. The Parish council is proactive in many ways, including creating an outstanding play area, being proactive regarding the affordable housing issue and supporting a carnival week. She felt, with regards to this letter, that not enough weight had been given to the very sudden death of the previous clerk. There was a period where it was difficult to access emails and other information held by the clerk. Given this situation her recommendation was not to take the matter further.
Gina Seaton stated she agreed with everything Cathy Bakewell has said, and that the parish council should be proud of what they have achieved. She felt it would be appropriate to write a letter of response to Jim Hedges.
The Chairman agreed to write a response to Jim Hedges. - It was agreed the new clerk would produce the monthly report for the Messenger.
- The Chairman summarised the contents of the letter from Jim Hedges
where a number of points of were raised and the chairman and members of the
parish council where highly criticised. While the points raised had been
superseded by events the chairman felt it was necessary to discuss the
criticism made to determine if it was justified.
The existing contract required changes to the name, start date and salary. It was suggested that SALC should be contacted to confirm the contract was current. The chairman agreed to do this and distribute copies for approval at the next meeting. - DISTRICT AND COUNTY COUNCILLORS' REPORTS (by invitation)
Marcus Fysh gave details of a council meeting he had attended regarding visions for the four years ahead. The subjects were broken into two different but parallel streams:- Scrutiny of place matters which covered issues such as highways and planning.
- Scrutiny of people matters which covered issues such as healthcare.
They intend to run a pilot project for integrating different health services that are currently done by different groups or under different contracts. This should result in significant change to processes and their outcome. Marcus stated that he is mainly involved with the highways issues and would be happy to hear the council’s issues and help to progress them. He was aware that potholes were currently a major issue and also the need to check contractors have completed their work effectively.
Cathy Bakewell gave details of a meeting attended where a strategy was being implemented for District councillors to run as parish councillors where there is a shortage, until an election takes place.
Gina Seaton summarised details of the proposal by Yarlington Housing Group to build 6 affordable homes at Font, in West Coker. There is concern that the bank where these are to be built is very wet. There are also concerns of parking congestion in the area, which is already an issue.
Gina Seaton circulated a list of Grade I and II listed buildings which she had found on the website, - PLANNING & PLANNING APPLICATIONS
- Planning Application received; App.No.13/02033/FUL Modifications to existing approved plans at Winyards, Cold Harbour Hill Lane. Applicant Mr R Grave. There were no objections.
- Planning applications received since publication of the agenda. App. No.13/02179/FUL Demolition of detached garage and erection of a new extension to side and rear of bungalow with integral garage at Foxearth, Hardington Moor. Applicant Mr C & Mrs V Eve. There were no objections.
- Any results of previous applications. None.
- Any other planning issues. The chairman asked for details of development behind Yeovil Court Hotel. Gina Seaton gave details of the development location, stating the plan contained 144 dwellings including 35% affordable homes. Access would be from the main A30 and there was no plan to improve the main road. Gina also gave details of a development off Bunford Hollow where there was plans submitted for 84 homes. This development was within the current Local Plan. Gina stated she would be happy to receive the council’s views on this. The council responded stating it felt the development would not directly impact Hardington and therefore no further action would be taken at this time.
- Report from Highways Representative.
- The Chairman circulated a draft letter from Neil Dyer expressing our views with regards to highways. The councils view was that the letter accurately did this and that it should be sent by Neil with a comment adding that the council had endorsed this.
- The drain at North Lane has been fixed, but only across one of the entrances by Bill Turner where it had collapsed in the higher gateway. Tim Marsh will get the ditch inside the hedge lower down deepened to permit the water to drain from the highway.
- Malcolm White stated that he had spoken to Vic regarding the drain outfall from Primrose Hill opposite the Spinneys and he had not cleared it yet.
- Any Other issues
- A parishioner has raised concerns regarding the water flow above Chasers’ Farm. This was causing serious disruption when the road floods. It was agreed that the clerk would write a letter to Mrs Goodwin asking her to meet with the Chairman to discuss this issue.
- A complaint was raised regarding the state of the roads with regards to cow manure. With the street fayre not far away, it was felt that this is not acceptable. Bill Turner responded stating the cows would not be using this route for much longer.
- There were also concerns raised regarding the speed of tractors and tanker drivers driving through the village and also the use of mobile phones while driving. Keith Blackwell to speak to Wiseman Dairies who own the tanker.
- A discussion took place regarding obstructions to waterways, including Broad River and Chinnock Brook. It was the council’s view that this was the responsibility of landowners.
- Follow up reference minor repairs by Landowners. No reply has been received from SCC highways yet.
- Report from Highways Representative.
- Housing Needs Survey. SSDC received a complaint regarding the forms and the data protection act. The forms supplied by SSDC were drawn up prior to a change in legislation and a reference will be made in the Messenger stating that forms submitted are now secure with SSDC. Prepaid envelopes are now available with the Chairman, the Clerk and the shop, so that forms can be posted, and a statement from SSDC will be written in the Messenger explaining the issue and assuring parishioners that no breach of the data protection act had occurred. The Chairman proposed the deadline for the surveys to be returned should be extended to the end of July.
- There was no response to the article placed in the Messenger reference High Speed Fibre Optic Broadband.
- A resolution was passed to pay SSL £40 plus VAT to paint lines on the football area for the carnival week events.
- Malcolm White has filled the defect by the tunnel with top-soil. A resolution was passed to sow grass seed to the fresh soil areas once the soil had been levelled.
- It was suggested that consideration be given to using a selective weed killer in the football area, but no decision was taken for the time being.
- Enquiries relating to insurance for carnival week events have been sent to the village hall insurers. They have stated that the insurance will not cover pony rides and that it is the owner’s responsibility to take out public liability insurance.
- Confirmation of Temporary Clerk’s hours for May 2013 at 11 hours. Expenses £7.50. It was agreed that this should be paid gross as the temporary clerk was self-employed.
- It was resolved to remove Jessica Vale’s signature from bank accounts and add new clerks signature. Clerk to contact the bank to arrange this.
- Bonus Saver Account. Clerk to follow this up with the Bank
- The cheque for the Parish Council Insurance was signed, having been agreed at the previous meeting.
- Peter Bysouth stated that the parish council does not currently have a set of standing orders for financial regulations. He had obtained a copy of Merriot’s regulations and agreed to review these to see if they were suitable for Hardington to adopt.
- Nothing to report.
- The chairman stated that he had again sent an email to Chris Cooper requesting a list of jobs done and outstanding tasks and still had not received a reply. The chairman was not happy with the lack of information and feedback regarding the scheme. The council still has no idea of how many man hours had been carried out. The chairman agreed to follow this up.
- A parishioner has commented that water coming into the verge and road on Pig Hill is a blocked drain. Investigation of this problem is to be added to the Ranger’s list of work.
- Strimming of the triangle and adjacent verge by the church has been added to the list for the Parish Ranger.
- It was noted that the tyre near the Hardington sign post that usually contains flowers needed some attention. Keith Blackwell agreed to approach the gardening club to discuss this.
- Correspondence to be circulated. The current correspondence was circulated.
- Correspondence received. None that needs reporting at the meeting.
- Chairman. The Parish Council have been asked to propose a hymn of their choice for the carnival Songs of Praise. The Chairman agreed to do this.
- Councillors. Nothing to report.
- Clerk. Nothing to report.
The date for next meeting will be Tuesday 16th June 2013 at 7.30 p.m. in the Village Hall. The meeting closed at 9.07 pm.