Members are reminded
that the Council has a general duty to consider the following matters
in the exercise of any of its functions - Equal Opportunities (race,
gender, sexual orientation, marital status & any disability); Crime
& Disorder, Health & Safety and Human Rights. Nancy Chapman, Parish Clerk |
Robin Carpenter (Chairman), Clare Middleton, Ernest Kong, Paul Vallis, Bill Turner, Gina Seaton (District Councillor).
Nancy Chapman (Parish Clerk) and 3 members of the public.
Before the meeting commenced there was an opportunity for the public to speak:
Malcolm White, Andy Webb, Cathy Bakewell (District Councillor) and Mark Keating (County Councillor). - MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD ON
20th JUNE 2017 (Already Circulated)
The minutes for June were approved and signed by the Chairman as correct records of the meeting. - DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST.
There were no declarations of interest. - MATTERS OF REPORT ARISING FROM
Gina Seaton discussed highlights from her previously circulated report, including the topics of the crematorium refurbishment, the Streetscene Service report, West Coker recreation ground improvements and a new specialist day surgery building at Yeovil hospital.Mark Keating’s report had been previously circulated.
- There were no new planning applications received after publication of the agenda.
- The following result of a previous application was received:
App no: 17/02073/FUL The change of use of land for the stationing of a log cabin and two shepherd huts. Location: Land OS 4985 Part Barry Lane, Hardington Mandeville. Applicant Mr J Hawkins. Approved with conditions. - There were no other results of previous applications received after publication of this agenda.
- There were no other planning issues.
- Neil stated there was only one new minor road surface issue in his monthly report.
- Neil has now received a third quote for creating a hard-standing for a disabled parking bay behind the Church. Two of the quotes were approximately £1700 + VAT and the third, which included a more elaborate proposal including curbstones, is in the region of £4000. Neil has received confirmation from highways that the area of land is council owned. Mike Fear has stated that the contractors approached have the accreditation required to work on the highway. SCC Highways would need to see a plan and spec for the work and grant a Section 171 licence.
Permission from the adjacent landowner will also be required and consideration given to ensuring any extra surface water drainage is directed towards the nearest drain. Neil has met with a representative from the access-for-all organization who gave their support for the project. Neil agreed to contact Natalie Fortt to determine if there are any grant options to help fund the work. - Permission from the adjacent landowner will also be required and consideration given to ensuring any extra surface water drainage is directed towards the nearest drain. Neil has met with a representative from the access-for-all organization who gave their support for the project. Neil agreed to contact Natalie Fortt to determine if there are any grant options to help fund the work.
- A councilor commented that the standard of verge trimming in the village was quite poor in places. A councilor also reported that road sweepings had been dumped in gateways along Penn Lane for no apparent reason. Neil agreed to pass on these issues to Mike Fear.
- Tim Watkins has now signed up with website host, Siteground for a 3 year period in order to achieve the biggest cost saving. Tim has arranged a meeting with Brian to implement the next stage of re-hosting the site.
- The Chairman read out his report of a recent CLT seminar he had attended (appended to the end of these minutes). The Chairman then asked the question, does the PC want to have another attempt at providing affordable housing within the village? Following lengthy discussion on the subject, it was agreed the Chairman would draft an article for the Messenger giving further information on the subject to determine if there is any interest. This article would be reviewed at the August meeting.
- There were no other issues.
- It was agreed that Andy should go ahead and purchase the previously circulated signs regarding keeping dogs on leads.
- A parishioner has contacted the PC over concerns that on two occasions there has now been people camping overnight at the community field. A Councilor reported that somebody had spoken to the campers concerned to inform them that this is not allowed and so the issue may now be resolved. It was agreed to ask Andy to purchase a further sign stating that no overnight camping is allowed.
- The annual playground inspection and risk assessment has now been completed. A step on the climbing wall required tightening. The Chairman reported that the Zip wire fault resolved itself prior to the manufacturer visit and so there was no cost.
- The Chairman reported that he had been in contact to determine if there were any options to improve the overflowing litter problem. It was thought a recycling wheely-bin would probably not work. Other options included a commercial recycling company, but this would involve a cost. It was agreed to take no further action at this time.
- The Chairman has written to Chris Cooper asking that the area around equipment support posts can have some herbicide applied in order to prevent strimmer damage. He has also suggested that now would be a good time to apply herbicide to the paths and bike-track.
- There were no risk management issues.
- The Clerk's hours for June (21 hours) were approved.
- The Bank Reconciliation at 31st June 2017 was approved.
- The Budget Analysis for Quarter 1 2017/18 was reviewed.
- A resolution was passed to approve payment of £684.64 to Clerk for Apr-June 2017 Salary (£650.00), Mileage (£16.20) and other expenses (£18.44).
- The Chairman has written to Les Braunton chasing-up the surface issues on the Moor Lane/shop footpath and Moor Lane/North Lane bridleway.
- The Chairman also commented that he had reported an issue of Maize on footpaths. The landowner stated that a footpath diversion notice is now in place.
- There were no other issues.
- No progress update for July’s visit by the Ranger had been received. Councilors discussed concerns that they are not getting value-for-money from the Ranger scheme. This is not helped by the lack of communication from those involved in the scheme. The Chairman agreed to contact Chris Cooper to discuss this. It was also agreed to investigate other options in the near future.
- The following tasks were added to the Ranger’s list:
- Stain the Village Hall Garage doors
- Weathershield the North Facing end wall of the village hall.
Following a recent Village Hall fire-risk assessment, improvement work needs to be carried out as there is currently no way of detecting a fire and no way of alerting people there is a fire. Quotes were being obtained for a mains-powered detection and alarm system, but this would involve a considerable cost. An alternative option would be to install smoke detectors. Brad Atkinson has agreed to obtain these and position them as an interim solution, while other options are investigated. - CORRESPONDENCE
- SSDC Annual Meeting with Area South Town & Parish Councils 2017. Thursday 28th September, SSDC Council Offices. A request for feedback on the content and expected attendance was made, prior to this meeting being confirmed.
- Training for Town & Parish Councilors in responding to planning applications. Thursday 5th October, 2017, 6.30pm, SSDC Council Offices.
- A request for donation was received from St Margarets Hospice. While the PC fully recognize the value of this organization to the local area, due to limited budget, it was agreed not to make an exception to the PC policy of only donating to organisations within the village.
- Chairman: Nothing to report.
- Councillors: A Councilor reported that several burglaries or attempted break-ins had taken place around the village over the last month. It was agreed to make a note of this in the Messenger to help increase awareness.
- Clerk: Nothing to report.
The next meeting will be held on Tuesday 15th August 2017 in the Village Hall at 7.30pm. The meeting closed at 9.02pm.
After the meeting there was an opportunity for the public to speak:
Peter Bysouth reported on several Village Hall issues. In addition to the fire-risk assessment, Greenslade-Taylor-Hunt have also carried out a building survey. They have valued the Village Hall at £525K for insurance purposes (it is currently valued at £478K). Recommendations for required work included repointing the front of the building, weather-shielding the external walls, and adding floorboards grills to increase airflow and prevent damp.
Appendix A - Meeting re CLT’s Norton Monday 3rd July 2017 ; CLOSURECommunity land trusts are not for profit organisations to benefit the community, often by the provision of affordable housing. Other schemes may enable the provision of shops, PO’s, car parks, toilets etc. They are supported by funding from central and local government. There are funds for buying and holding land ‘the revolving land fund’, and there is support via policy SS2, enabling planning permission to be given where otherwise it would not be (previously the rural exception policy). If a CLT is acquired and developed, it is overseen by trustees from the community, membership being open to people in the community who support its aims, and held for future generations. Development is normally in partnership with a Housing Association (eg Hastoe, Yarlington). The local CLT is the freeholder, the HA has a long-term lease, and funds, develops and operates the site. Norton sub Hamdon is a good example of a very successful site. A housing needs survey identified a need for 10 affordable homes. The land was made available by a local farmer, the local CLT (Norton, like us, has a village design statement) had a say in the number and design of the houses, and they worked with Yarlington. 5 pairs of semi-detached houses of 1-3 bedrooms were built, 8 are social rent and 2 shared ownership – max 80% of the freehold. The local trustees decide who will be offered the houses, and they remain affordable in perpetuity, so that they revert to the local CLT if a family moves. If shared ownership, the family would retain the proportion on the value increase.