The Minutes of the previous meeting June 2015)
Members were reminded that the Council has a general duty to consider the following matters in the exercise of any of its functions - Equal Opportunities (race, gender, sexual orientation, marital status & any disability); Crime & Disorder, Health & Safety and Human Rights. Nancy Chapman, Parish Clerk |
Robin Carpenter, Malcolm White, Paul Vallis, Bill Turner, Ernest Kong, Clare Middleton and Gina Seaton (District Councillor).
Nancy Chapman (Parish Clerk) and 6 members of the public.
Before the meeting commenced there was an opportunity for the public to speak:
A parishioner enquired as to whether there had been any response to the Parish Council’s latest letter regarding Moor End Nursery. The Chairman replied that while there had been no official reply, he had received an update from David Matthews of Halsall Homes and this would be covered during the meeting.- APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE .
Apologies were received from Andy Webb and Cathy Bakewell (District Councillor). Having made several unsuccessful attempts at contacting Marcus Fysh, the Chairman requested that the Clerk should email him in order to determine if he intends to continue in his role as County Councillor representative for Hardington. - MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD ON 16th June 2015 (Already Circulated)
A minor spelling correction was made to the June minutes before they were approved and signed by the Chairman as correct records of the meeting. - DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST.
Gina Seaton reported that she had been informed that the verges should be cut by 31st July at the latest. Gina attended the SSDC planning training and said that it had been very useful.
The Chairman read Cathy Bakewell’s report. This included details of the work of the Countryside Service and the activities taking place in the country parks and the education programme they run. A report from the Streetscene Service gave details of fly-tipping in the area and also heard that the Parish Ranger Scheme is appreciated by participants. The team now use a quad bike to spray weeds rather than a backpack as this is more efficient. The Broadband rollout of “Connecting Devon and Somerset has had a setback since BT were not able to guarantee 95% coverage by the end of 2017. - PLANNING AND PLANNING APPLICATIONS
- App no: 15/02294/FUL Amended plans for the erection of a 4 bay agricultural building for calf rearing at Land OS 0075 Broad Hill, Hardington Mandeville. Applicant: Mr E Perrin. The Chairman read out a letter from a parishioner detailing their concerns that the barn will still be very prominent and that landscaping could improve this. They were also concerned that no commitment other than a verbal one, had been given regarding removing some of the existing un-sightly items on the site. Due to limited timescales for a planning response, it was agreed the Chairman would write a letter stating that the Parish Council would prefer to see some landscaping of the site, a waste management plan and also some agreement with the applicant that some of the existing on-site items will be sited within the barn.
- App no: 15/02998/LBC The installation of 2 x replacement windows and alterations to 1 x chimney stack at Grass Hill, High Street. Applicant: Mr Keith Blackwell. There were no objections.
- There were no planning applications received after publication of this agenda.
- Results of previous applications:
App no: 15/02705/S73 Application to vary planning condition 2 of approval 840444 to allow annex to be used as a holiday let. Poachers Lodge, Moor Lane Applicant: Mrs Giselle Gearing. Application withdrawn. - There were no results of previous applications received after publication of this agenda.
- The Chairman read out an email from David Matthews of Halsall Homes regarding their options following their application refusal for 15 homes at the former Moor End Nursery site. He listed their three options as Commercial use, an appeal or a new application.
- Neil’s report included details a questionable repair that had been made outside Beech Cottage, by the junction of Primrose Hill and Lyatts. The strip of highway had been replaced, but the kerb had not been raised to prevent the water running into the cottage entrance.
- Peter reported that he had discussed Andy’s report regarding the Village Hall heating system with the VHC and they agreed that it needed to be investigated in more detail. The VHC hope to appoint a consultant to review all the options and propose the most feasible package.
- Peter Bysouth gave details of the external maintenance jobs that need addressing at the village hall. They are hoping for some of these to be addressed by the Ranger and also volunteers. The electrical installation report included 2 dangerous items and 7 potentially dangerous items. The cost to address the 2 dangerous items is approx £900 including VAT.
- The Chairman reported that the Gazebo seating had been completed. He had enquired at Bradfords as to whether there was any type of paint that would reduce the glare of the concrete base, but they didn’t know of any, and so it was decided to leave it as it is.
- The Clerk reported that a £500 cheque had been received from Mr and Mrs Brooker following their wedding reception held at the Community Field. The Clerk agreed to write a letter of thanks for their donation. The Chairman said the reception had been a success and the only difference that should be made when considering holding other similar events on the field in the future, is to request that the music is turned down at midnight, so as to avoid keeping neighbours awake all night.
- The Chairman reported that the new pedestrian gate had been blocked up and that one person has said they were not happy with this.
- The Chairman agreed to check the zip wire height and tension and also stabilize the top jump of the steeplechase.
- The Chairman had met with Mrs Hall, following concerns of flooding of her garden at Honeystone Cottage. It was agreed the Clerk would investigate what is required to make an application to the SCC Flood Alleviation Fund.
- The Chairman agreed to schedule a Clerk appraisal sometime in the next month.
- The Clerk’s hours for June (23 hours) were confirmed.
- The Bank Reconciliation at 31st June 2015 was approved.
- The Budget Analysis for Quarter 1 2015/16 was reviewed.
- d)A resolution was passed to approve payment of £699.74 to Clerk for:
- Apr-June 2015 Salary: (£621.00)
- Mileage: (£17.55)
- Other Expenses: (£61.19 (inc VAT £2.73))
- A resolution was passed to approve payment of the following:
- Bowshers – Defibrillator Installation: £360.00
- SSDC – Annual Playground Inspection & Risk Assessment £94.20
- Huck Nets (UK) Ltd Soccer Goal Nets: £70.80
- Vivien Cherry – re-imbursement for compost for Hardington sign: £8.80
- The Clerk agreed to write a letter of thanks to Vivien Cherry for maintaining the flowers around the Hardington sign. The Chairman thanked Malcolm for his help supplying the water. The Chairman read out a letter from the Gardening Club, who felt they are not able to take on any further commitments.
- The Chairman gave details of a landowner application to divert rights of way for Y10/27, Y10/33 and Y10/26. There were no objections to these diversions.
- The Chairman reported that he had spoken to the landowners concerned regarding Coldharbour Lane and all three seemed happy with a dedication order for bridleway status for this path. This runs from Prospect Farm, by Townsend Farm and comes out by Hardington Marsh. There is gate across the track in one area, but there is room for a horses, bicycles and walkers to pass comfortably to one side. There are also some lumps of concrete further up to stop vehicles. Apparently a lot of sat-nav systems try to take vehicles up this lane, and so a ‘NO VEHICULAR ACCESS’ sign may be appropriate here.
- Bill Turner reported that he had spoken to Les Braunton and agreed to place diversion signs for the footpath near Pendomer rectory.
- The Chairman read out details of the Adopt-a-Path scheme where members of the public can commit to maintaining a public right-of-way.
- A ‘substitute’ ranger had been sent out last month following Matthew’s unscheduled absence and little guidance had been provided.
- The following tasks were added to the Ranger’s list:
- Strim the walled area (both sides) below the triangle near the Church.
- The entrance to the Phone box near Moor Lane needs strimming.
- The list of village hall external maintenance jobs should be passed to the ranger to determine those that he can carry out.
- The next few scheduled SALC training courses entitled “How to be a good Councillor” are some distance away and so the clerk agreed to let councilors know when the next course is being held at Somerton.
- The Clerk read out details for the next SSDC run “Planning” training. Councilors were asked to let the clerk know if they are able to attend this valuable training.
- Chairman. Nothing to report.
- Councillors: Nothing to report.
- Clerk: Nothing to report.
The next meeting will be held on Tuesday 18th August 2015 at 7.30 p.m. in the Village Hall. The meeting closed at 9.12pm.