The Minutes of the previous meeting (June 2013)


Members were reminded that the Council has a general duty to consider the following matters in the exercise of any of its functions - Equal Opportunities (race, gender, sexual orientation, marital status & any disability); Crime & Disorder, Health & Safety and Human Rights.
Nancy Chapman, Parish Clerk


Robin Carpenter (Chairman), Peter Bysouth, Bill Turner, Keith Blackwell, Malcolm White, Paul Vallis, Vanessa May.


Nancy Chapman (Parish Clerk) and 2 members of the public.

Before the meeting there was an opportunity for the public to speak.

A parishioner raised concerns about traffic speeding in the village and gave accounts of several incidences he had been involved in recently on various roads. The Chairman replied that the parish council are concerned about speeding, but that it was difficult for them to do anything. Unfortunately there will always be a small minority of inconsiderate drivers. A speed survey was carried out in the village several years ago, but when the statistics were analysed, it was determined that they were not of enough concern for any further action to be taken. The Chairman recommended that the best course of action to take when someone is involved in an incident of this nature was to get the vehicle registration, the make, model and colour and report it to the police within 20 minutes of the incident occurring. It was suggested and agreed that a note be placed in the Messenger asking people to be more considerate with their speeds through the village. The possibility of signs was suggested and it was agreed that the clerk would look into the cost of these.

Kenneth Dare of the The Stables, High Street, proposed that he would like to install a black railing running one metre from his property wall and parallel to the adopted highway. He would like this in order to get a moral reaction when people are parking near his property and also to improve the visual attractiveness of the area. He presented a letter and map from David Durrant of SSDC detailing the area of adopted highway and showing that it runs right up to the wall of The Stables. The Chairman stated that they were aware of this proposal and as a result had queried the Highways department on the subject. This issue would therefore be discussed further under agenda item 8a.

    Apologies were received from Gina Seaton.
  2. MINUTES OF MEETINGS held on 18th June 2013 (Already Circulated)
    1. The minutes were approved and signed by the Chairman as correct records of the meetings.
    Bill Turner declared a personal interest in agenda item 8a.
    1. The Chairman stated he had sent the previously circulated letter to Jim Hedges and there had been no response.
    2. Other matters arising:
      • Keith Blackwell stated he had contacted Wiseman Dairies, with regards to their speeding tanker drivers and that they had been quite reasonable and agreed to speak with their drivers.
      • Keith Blackwell reported that he had enquired as to who was responsible for maintaining the flowers in the tyre near the Hardington sign and that it was Vivienne Cherry and not the Gardening Club.
      • Keith Blackwell also proposed that the Parish Council should record their thanks and congratulations to all those involved in the Carnival week. It was a brilliant week and lots of people had put in lots of effort. All members of the Parish Council agreed with this!
    Minor alterations suggested by SALC were discussed. It was agreed that the issue of performance incentives would be discussed further at the end of the meeting, when the clerk was not present.
    No reports.
    1. Planning Application received; App.No.13/02310/FUL Erection of single storey side extension to be used as greenhouse at Malvernia, West Coker Hill. Applicant Mr S. Pinney. There were no objections.
    2. Planning applications received since publication of the agenda. App. No.13/02698/FUL.The erection of an agricultural lean-to building at Brooksfield, Lyatts. Applicant Mr.R.Brooks. There were no objections.
    3. It was reported that the following application had been approved: App.No.13/02033/FUL Modifications to existing approved plans at Winyards, Cold Harbour Hill Lane. Applicant Mr R Grave.
    4. There were no other planning issues.
    1. Neil Dyer’s report included the SCC highways department response regarding the erection of a fence or barrier alongside property which abuts the highways. Their advice stated “No barriers or fences can be erected on highway land without a licence or agreement. It would effectively stop up the highway for the use of the public.” Further discussions on the erection of a railing alongside The Stables took place. The Parish Council’s view was that the railing would probably not stop people from parking alongside the road, although this could cause problems if the cars were pushed further into the road. There was also concern that a safety issue might arise from children climbing on the railings. The Chairman stated that in principle, he would not object to a modest height railing, that was not much more than a half-a-metre away from the wall. However, this needs to be discussed with highways first.
    2. The Chairman reported he had spoken with Mrs Goodwin regarding the water flow above Chasers’ Farm and her opinion was that no drains required digging out on her property. The Chairman asked the council for clarification on specifically where the problem was, and agreed to make a visual inspection to determine what the next course of action should be.
    3. Neil Dyer received a response from SCC highways regarding minor repairs to off-highway potholes by Landowners. SCC stated that the council would require a place to store it, an agreement to issue it and a list of possible sites. Their advice was that the Landowner would not bear any responsibility for its use, other than the liability everyone bears for any negligent actions. The parish council’s view was that if the material was road-sweepings, the repair would not be very effective. The Chairman agreed to follow this up with Neil.
    4. It was agreed that the clerk would write to the West Coker Parish Clerk to further discussions relating to sharing the burden of cost for one or more grit bins on Coker Hill.
    5. No other Highways issues were raised.
    1. The Chairman stated that he had not received any more Housing Needs Survey forms. He also reported that he had received an email from Simon Fox of the SSDC Planning department. Simon Fox stated that he had received an enquiry regarding a development in Hardington Moor. He was enquiring about the housing needs survey and was interested in the Parish council’s input on affordable housing. The Chairman replied to the email, and referred him to Natalie Ross for details of the Housing Needs Survey.
    2. No review comments on the updated Welcome Pack had been received. It was agreed that Peter Bysouth would discuss some minor amendments with the Clerk.
    The Chairman reported that Rob Parr will be visiting to do the annual check and Risk Assessment sometime in July.
    1. Although the defect by the tunnel has been filled with soil, the area is still quite rocky. The Chairman believes that another ten tonne of high quality top soil is needed on top of this. Rodney Ateyo can provide sieved soil at £20 per tonne. The Chairman agreed to look into alternative suppliers before making a decision.
    2. The following issues were raised:
      • Peter Bysouth suggested that someone should be identified to manage community field event bookings, so that a situation does not arise where two different parties both turn up to use the field on the same day. It was agreed to place a note in the Messenger and on the website, asking people to contact the clerk should they wish to hold a large event at the community field.
      • Peter Bysouth reported that he had enquired into obtaining an event licence for the community field. He had been told that this would require a new licence at a cost of £200. The renewal fee for the current licence is only £30-£40. It was the council’s view that we should be able to add the community field as an amendment on renewal of the existing licence. Peter Bysouth agreed to investigate this further.
    1. There were no current issues.
    1. It was agreed that approval of the Bank Reconciliation at 30th June would be postponed until the next meeting due to lack of data available at the meeting.
    2. The Budget Analysis was discussed. No major issues were raised.
    3. It was reported that Jessica Vale’s final salary and PAYE payment had been completed.
    4. A resolution was passed to pay the temporary clerk £306 + £7.50 expenses. It was agreed that the clerk would also write a letter, expressing the Parish Council’s gratitude for her help.
    5. Confirmation of Clerk’s hours for June 2013 at 33 hours. Expenses at £7.20.
    6. A resolution was passed to pay Clerk salary and expenses for June 2013 £304.20.
    7. The Clerk reported that the Bonus Saver Account was no longer available to new business. The only alternative account was an online account which was not suitable for the Parish Council due to the signature mandate.
    8. A resolution was passed approving the new financial regulations.
    9. Peter Bysouth reported that the council had received a penalty of £156.00 from the HMRC due to late filing of the end-of-year return, following the sudden death of Jessica Vale. It was agreed that the clerk would contact HMRC to appeal against this penalty.
    1. Nothing to report.
    1. The chairman reported that he had finally received an email response from Stephen Fox who is the first line liaison officer for the Ranger scheme. The only work carried out so far was the cutting of the inside hedge of the community field and a repair to the bridge by Ray Turner’s farm, that was considered dangerous and therefore urgent. There was still no report on man-hours worked so far.
    2. The Chairman has a meeting with Steven Fox on Friday 19th July. They are intending to walk around the village to discuss the future work proposal. It was agreed that another note should be included in the Messenger to communicate that the Parish Council is happy to receive suggestions on beautifying the village.
    1. Correspondence to be circulated. The current correspondence was circulated.
    2. Correspondence received. None that needs reporting at the meeting.
    1. Chairman. Nothing to report.
    2. Councillors. Nothing to report.
    3. Clerk. Nothing to report.
    The date for next meeting will be Tuesday 20th August 2013 at 7.30 p.m. in the Village Hall. The meeting closed at 8.54 pm.