The Minutes of the previous meeting December 2014)


Members were reminded that the Council has a general duty to consider the following matters in the exercise of any of its functions - Equal Opportunities (race, gender, sexual orientation, marital status & any disability); Crime & Disorder, Health & Safety and Human Rights.
Nancy Chapman, Parish Clerk


Robin Carpenter (Chairman), Peter Bysouth (Vice Chairman), Bill Turner, Malcolm White, Paul Vallis, Andy Webb, Gina Seaton (District Councillor) and Marcus Fysh (County Councillor).


Nancy Chapman (Parish Clerk) and 7 members of the public.

Before the meeting commenced there was an opportunity for the public to speak:

A parishioner stated that having followed the various communications between Origin3 and Simon Fox of SSDC planning department, that have been uploaded to the website, they still had a number of concerns:

The parishioner asked if the parish council intended to attend the meeting that is being planned between SSDC planning, Origin3 and their landscape professionals and also would residents be able to attend?

The Chairman responded that he would like to attend, but that Peter Bysouth had agreed to attend to represent the Parish Council (PC). It was unknown if others could be present.

A parishioner reported that he had submitted a planning application for a support building to house kitchen facilities and disabled toilets at Brooksfield, Lyatts. The application would be available in the next few days and if anyone wanted to take a look at the site they would be welcome.

A parishioner spoke regarding the application to site a mobile home at Manor farm Cottage. They asked at what point had a 2 year time limit for siting the mobile home was introduced. The Chairman responded that this had been introduced following a change of agent from SSDC to SCC. The parishioner then asked one of the Manor Farm Cottage trustees present how long the renovations were expected to take. The trustee responded that it should not be longer than 6 months.
    Apologies were received from Vanessa May and Cathy Bakewell (District Councillor).
  2. MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD ON 18th NOVEMBER 2014 AND 2nd DECEMBER 2014 (Already Circulated)
    Two minor amendments were made to the minutes for 18th November. Both sets of minutes were then approved and signed by the Chairman as correct records of the meeting.
    There were no declarations of interest.
    Gina Seaton reported that there had been no Area South meeting this month. Gina gave details of SSDC Healthy Lifestyle Team's new initiative called Sport50. Sport50 offers anyone over the age of 50 the opportunity to try a new range of adapted sports which can include kurling, short tennis, boccia, seated volleyball, table tennis and walking football. The Healthy Lifestyles team offer four taster sessions, funded by SSDC. The team then supports each community to run the activities themselves. For more information please contact 01935 462347.

    Gina passed around a flier from Connecting Devon & Somerset detailing the latest updates to superfast broadband in the area. Gina reported that the Local Plan is being discussed at the full council meeting on 5th March and it is likely that a decision will be made to take the plan forward.

    Gina also reported that new car parking rules have been introduced at the council offices at Brympton Way. Visitors are now limited to 60 minutes parking before penalty notices are issued. If you expect to be longer than 60 minutes please notify the reception.

    The Chairman then read Cathy Bakewell's written report. On the subject of flooding, Cathy reported that the deadline for reimbursement claims for Repair and Renew grants has been extended to 30th June 2015. Guidance and application details are given on the SSDC website. Cathy gave further details on the Sport50 initiative, the Council offices new parking rules and the next Local Plan meeting. She also gave details of Yeovil town Council's public consultation on the future of their stadium and another public consultation regarding the new primary schools being built at Wyndham Park and Lufton in Yeovil. The clerk reported that Vanessa May was attending this consultation and would provide feedback to the Parish Council.
    1. There were no planning applications received after publication of the agenda.
    2. The following results of previous applications were received:
      1. App no: 14/04704/LBC The carrying out of minor external alterations to north gable end. Weavers Cottage, Moor Lane. Applicant: Mr Robin Carpenter. Approved with conditions.
      2. App no: 14/04994/FUL Use of land for the siting of a mobile home. Manor Farm Cottage. Applicant: Mrs Amy Knight. Application approved with conditions including a restriction of 2 years from the date the mobile home is sited and the erection of a 2 metre hurdle fence.
        The Chairman reported that previous to this application being approved, he had spoken to Ric Pallister who had informed that a 12 month time limit for siting of the mobile home would be imposed. He was unable to explain why this had been changed to 24 months, but Ric has informed him that the District Council Officers had met with the Trustees and as a result, there is an agreed plan of actions and the Council are working pro-actively with the Trustees to effect repairs as swiftly as possible and to minimise the time that the mobile home will be on the property. The Chairman commented that the trustees' view that renovations would take less than 6 months provided re-assurance of this.
      3. App no: 14/04941/FUL The erection of a two storey extension to rear of dwellinghouse (revised part retrospective). Hill End Cottage, Hill End. Applicant: Mr Martin Pease. Application approved with conditions.
    3. A 13-week extension has been given for the Moor End Nursery site application, and the application has been referred to the Area South Committee on the 5th March. The Chairman read an extract from an email from Simon Fox, SSDC to Origin3 planning consultants that stated, "You have had the benefit of pre-application advice and the comments above are consistent with that advice. As such, unless the scheme is to be altered so I can support it I will proceed to issue a delegated refusal within the 13 week timescale. You may of course choose to withdraw the application."
    4. No update had been received regarding the outline application for the erection of an agricultural worker's dwelling at Woodentop Farm, West Coker Hill. It was agreed the clerk would contact Simon Fox for an update. The Chairman read part of an email from 'Coker Residents' to Simon Fox detailing concerns at the number of people living there and unauthorized activities taking place.
    5. There were no other planning issues.
    1. Neil Dyer gave details of his recent correspondence with SCC regarding the road surface issues along North Lane to Coker Hill Lane. The road condition now prevents access to normal vehicles. His report also gave details of various potholes in the area, as expected for the time of year.
    2. The drain at the top of North Lane had been unblocked by Bill Turner, but requires jetting further down. Neil agreed to add this to his next report for SCC.
    1. The Clerk reported that BT are waiting for approval from SSDC before adoption of the BT phone kiosk could proceed.
    2. The Chairman reported that despite being informed that South West Ambulance Service are funding external defibrillators, they have said there is currently no more funding available. The Chairman feels that the Heartsine AED, as demonstrated previously, was still the best option as they provide CPR training. The cost of the monitor is £1995 + VAT and the cost of the accessory pack which includes training is £295 + VAT. It has a 10 year guarantee. New pads are required after 4 years. When the emergency services are called, if necessary the code will be given to the caller. A number of volunteers willing to undertake training have already been identified. The Chairman agreed to contact Natalie Ross of SSDC to determine if any grants are available.
    3. The Winter village litter-pick was attended by a very small band of keen volunteers and plenty of litter was collected!
    1. The Chairman reported that the new signs have been put in place and the gates were being closed on most occasions.
    2. The Chairman stated he would be obtaining the Gazebo base dimensions from the carpenter so that a base can be constructed.
    3. A meeting is to be held on 28th February with Francis Jones the local tree warden to inspect and maintain the trees where necessary. This includes work such as pruning, staking and adding rabbit protection. A notice will be put in the Messenger asking for volunteers to help.
    1. The Vice Chairman read highlights from a NALC legal briefing regarding the new Transparency code for councils with turnover of less than £25k. As this does not come into effect until April 2017 it was agreed this should be looked into in more detail and the requirements discussed at future meetings.
    1. The Bank Reconciliation at 31st December 2014 was approved and signed.
    2. The Budget Analysis at 31st December 2014 was reviewed.
    3. The Vice Chairman discussed the draft of the precept application for 2015-16. It was agreed that the defibrillator accessory pack cost of £295 should be included in planned expenses and the general reserve decreased by the equivalent amount. A resolution was passed to set the precept at the same rate as last year: £15,500.
    4. The Clerk's hours for November (23.5 hours) and December (11.5 Hours) were confirmed.
    5. A resolution was passed to pay Clerk salary for October, November and December (£513.00), expenses (£24.65) and mileage (£17.55) = £555.20.
    6. A resolution was passed to pay the following invoice: SSDC Parish Ranger Scheme Quarter 3 - £452.88.
    7. A letter to Nat West Back requesting the transfer of £3000 from the business reserve account to the current account was approved and signed.
    1. The Chairman reported that the stile at Y10/11 is still a mess.
    2. An email from the SCC Rights of Way group had been received notifying the Parish Council of their use of delegated powers to authorize a field gate and 2 pedestrian gates on the Y10/30 footpath near Kingswood Farm for the purpose of stock control.
    3. The Chairman explained that while the cost of modifying a footpath/bridleway is usually quite expensive, if the land in question is dedicated (ie the landowner gives permission for the modification), the cost is usually significantly less. Ernest Kong had agreed to dedicate the path from the end of Moor Lane to North Lane. No work needs to be carried out to bring this path to bridleway standard.
    The Chairman emailed Stephen Fox stating, that while Matthew's work was good, he was concerned at the lack of communication between the PC and Ranger team. Stephen agreed to provide a monthly report on the jobs carried out and the Chairman agreed to liaise with Matthew on his monthly visit to the parish, to update him on the tasks that need doing.
    The following jobs are currently outstanding on the Ranger's task list:
    • Clearing of the hedgecuttings from the ditch along North lane up to the Nature reserve.
    • Clearing the drain on the corner of the nature reserve.
    • Further hedge-trimming along Ridge Lane.
    • Repair stile at Y10/11.
    It was suggested that the continually blocked drain near the junction of Moor Lane and the footpath to the shop may benefit from having a piece of drainpipe installed. The Chairman agreed to get the relevant dimensions and contact the Ranger team.
    1. An email from the SSDC Democratic Services Manager had been received detailing clerk training events for the local elections on 7th May 2015. It was agreed that the information given at this training session would be readily available and therefore it would be unnecessary to attend the training.
    1. Chairman. Nothing to report.
    2. Councillors. The Vice Chairman reported that the gable end wall of the Village Hall had had the lead flashing replaced to prevent water coming in. Some of the rendering needed replacing and the internal wall may need re-plastering, but this would be carried out later in the year, when the wall was drier.
      An electrician has been sourced to improve the outside lighting by installing automatic sensors. The electrician would also carry out testing to the emergency lighting and the rest of the village hall electrics.
      The Vice Chairman also reported that the St Mary's Church Quinquennial report stated that roof lead on the North aisle needs replacing. This would cost in the region of £80,000. The tower also needs re-pointed to prevent water ingress at an approximate cost of £60,000. In all, a total of approximately £200,000 needs to raised for repairs.
    3. Clerk. Nothing to report.
    The next meeting will be held on Tuesday 17th February 2014 at 7.30 p.m. in the Village Hall. The meeting closed at 9.06 pm.