The Minutes of the previous meeting (November 2012)
Members were reminded that the Council has a general duty to consider the following matters in the exercise of any of its functions - Equal Opportunities (race, gender, sexual orientation, marital status & any disability); Crime & Disorder, Health & Safety and Human Rights. Jessica Vale, Parish Clerk |
Robin Carpenter (Chairman), Peter Bysouth, Keith Blackwell, Vanessa May, Malcolm White, Bill Turner, Paul Vallis, Gina Seaton (District Councillor) and Cathy Bakewell (District and County Councillor).
Jessica Vale (Parish Clerk) and 2 members of the public.
Before the meeting commenced there was an opportunity for the public to speak.
None received. - MINUTES OF MEETING held on 20th November 2012 (Already Circulated)
- The minutes were approved and signed by the Chairman as a correct record of the meeting.
There were none except for item 10d below, for which all Councillors had completed applications for dispensation on account of being Council Tax payers in respect of properties in Hardington Mandeville Parish, and all were accepted and were signed by the Clerk. - MATTERS OF REPORT ARISING FROM THE PREVIOUS MINUTES.
There were none. - DISTRICT AND COUNTY COUNCILLORS' REPORTS (by invitation)
Gina Seaton reported that South Somerset District Council’s January Area South meeting had been cancelled. Full Council will take place on the afternoon and evening of the 17th of January, when the Council Tax Benefit reduction scheme and amendments to the draft Local Plan will be main items on the agenda. Hardington Parish will see the least change in Council Tax Benefit reduction of all the parishes in Coker Ward. The District Council’s Civil Contingencies Manager is offering support to communities in preparing emergency plans.Cathy Bakewell added that the County Council will hold a Full Council meeting in February. An all-agency Scrutiny committee will meet at the beginning of March to look into the services’ response to the flooding.
- Planning Application received: Application no 12/04428/FUL Mr B R Middleton, formation of window on side elevation (retrospective), Cherry Tree House, Broadstone Lane, Hardington Mandeville; there were no objections.
- No applications had been received since publication of the agenda.
- Results of previous applications received: Application no. 12/04089/FUL erection of first-floor extension to existing bungalow, Winyards, Penn Lane Hardington Mandeville for Mr & Mrs R Grave; it was noted that permission has been granted with conditions that samples of new wall surfacing materials be submitted to Planning for approval before use.
- Results of previous applications received after publication of this agenda: there were none.
- Report from Highways Representative: Neil Dyer has reported to Highways a large pothole in North Lane near to where the road crosses the Chinnock Brook, blocked drains in Penn Lane west of the top of the High Street, blocked drain near Lynch House resulting in ice formation over a large area of North Lane. He had spotted a potentially hazardous gap between a wall and hedge beside the stream in Lyatts Lane and had been informed by the County Council that this is a matter for the landowner. He has also reported breaking up of the road surface in several places on Primrose Hill and a spot by the entrance to Manor Farm (all previously repaired in the summer). A ditch beside the road at Hardington Moor below the Spinney needs defining so that water currently running along the road from a blocked drain can run off into the field. Bill Turner asked Neil to report to Highways that water coming from a blocked drain near the pumping station on Coker Hill has caused a manhole cover to rise up in the road. Malcolm White also reported potholes at the entrance to Royal Oak Farm. Winter salt/grit provision around the village was noted. It was AGREED that Bill Turner should take 2 bags to T Cherry for the High Street. Neil noted the strength of the spring outflow through the pipe at Pig Hill and that water is currently welling out beside the road above the pipe, possibly due to a blocked drain higher up the road.
- North Lane field ditch and road edge: the state of the road at the bend where previous work had been done has deteriorated, and that on the west side a large piece of concrete from the repair has fallen into the ditch. Also that the farmer has still to clear the ditch inside the field; Robin Carpenter to take action on this.
- Grit bin for upper end of Coker Hill: Cathy Bakewell had initiated dialogue as residents in the West Coker end of this road would like to have a new grit bin. It was AGREED that the Parish Council will consider in principle helping with the cost of a new bin once West Coker Parish Council has obtained costings. The Parish Council might like a second bin lower down in Coker Hill (within Hardington’s boundaries); Cathy Bakewell will ask the County Highways area manager whether they would consider filling 2 bins in Coker Hill.
- Robin Carpenter reported that there are no issues being raised from the weekly inspections. The rapid growth of grass on the football pitch during the year was discussed; an estimate has been obtained for turf for the football pitch but it was felt that this is too expensive and it was AGREED to continue with the same mowing regime in 2013 and monitor grass growth.
- It was proposed by Keith Blackwell, seconded by Bill Turner and RESOLVED to pay M Bickerton £40.30 to reimburse expenses on setting up a sign in the car park (instead of the amount agreed in November 2012).
- Renewal of Village Hall insurance: the Clerk reported that she had signed and sent the form provided by the insurers to enter into a three-year agreement. She had delivered the policy summary and employers liability certificate to the Treasurer of the Village Hall Committee.
- Progress on PAT testing of Village Hall appliances: Robin Carpenter asked Peter Bysouth to ask further of Hall users to ensure that all equipment brought in to the Hall has been tested.
- Confirmation of Clerk’s hours for November and December 2012: these were confirmed as presented. It was proposed by Peter Bysouth, seconded by Vanessa May and RESOLVED to pay the Clerk for October, November and December 2012 £519.49 (after deduction of Income tax) plus expenses of £177.95, and to pay to HMRC PAYE Income Tax of £42.00.
- Quarterly Bank Reconciliation to 31st December 2012. It was proposed by Peter Bysouth, seconded by Robin Carpenter and RESOLVED that the reconciliation was correct as presented, and Robin Carpenter signed the document.
- The quarterly Budget Comparison (previously circulated) was NOTED.
- Parish Precept for 2013-4: figures produced by SSDC to indicate the amount that would be lost from the Parish Council’s budget for the year, due to the reduction in Council Tax Benefit support, were discussed. It was proposed by Bill Turner, seconded by Vanessa May and RESOLVED to request SSDC to precept £15,500 from Council Tax payers for the Parish in order to maintain the Parish Council’s budget. Clerk to submit request to SSDC by 30th January.
- It was proposed by Robin Carpenter, seconded by Vanessa May and RESOLVED to pay £5.00 for hire of the Village Hall on 1st October 2012.
- Village Hall Improvements: Stewart Ogden addressed the meeting to describe the works proposed by the Village Hall committee in consultation with hall users to make improvements in the Village Hall. These are 2 new heaters and associated wiring, new cooker (with improved wiring) and dishwasher, new sink and replacement kitchen table, kitchen extractor fan, and enlargement of the serving hatch. The Committee seeks funding from the Parish Council for this work, and the Parish Council has some money in reserve for this. It was recommended that more precise quotations be obtained and grant support be requested from SSDC. The Clerk to investigate availability of grants.
- Membership of Somerset Community Council: it was agreed to not renew the Parish Council’s membership.
- Report from Footpath Representative: Robin Carpenter reported that a temporary electric fence that he had found across one path had been removed.
- November’s work: the Lengthsman’s report was considered. Since his visit, a resident of Moor Lane has done some effective clearance of the drain beside the footpath between Moor Lane and the Stores.
- Work for January:
- Clear drains in Wimborough Lane and gully opposite sewage works.
- Clear drain in Hardington Moor north side of road by bungalow east of St James Terrace.
- Dig out ditch/culvert in Partway Lane on left-hand side going down towards Coker Hill where water currently flows onto road.
- Dig out drain at foot of signpost at junction of Barry Lane/Pen Lane just east of Hill End crossroads, also partially-blocked drain on corner of Partway Lane at the crossroads.
- Open out roadside gullies especially Pen Lane west of south end of High Street.
- Return to investigate blocked ditch at Nappers Cottage Lyatts.
- Clear gullies at dip in Pen Lane to east of Lyatts road junction where water is gathering both sides of road.
- Remove piece of concrete out of ditch from verge on west side of North Lane near double gateway.
- Correspondence to be circulated was issued.
- Correspondence received:
- Flood Resilience Community Pathfinder scheme proposal; it was agreed to take no further action.
- Notice of consultation on draft countywide housing strategy framework – until 15th February (previously forwarded by email); noted.
- Request from SSDC Civil Contingencies Manager for information on recent flooding incidents; no-one knew of flooded properties in the parish to be reported.
- Invitation from South Somerset Association for Voluntary and Community Action for organisations to register on new website; it was agreed that the Parish Council should be registered on this website. Clerk to action.
- Chairman: none to report.
- Councillors:
- Peter Bysouth said that he was unable to go to the SALC area meeting on the 10th of December as he had intended.
- Paul Vallis reported that he had received 3 complaints from local residents about dog fouling, some in places hazardous to livestock as well as people; Clerk to include note in Messenger. It was further noted that SSDC no longer supply free notices, so if any were to be obtained the Parish Council would have to buy them.
- Paul Vallis said that recent damage done to verges around the village by 4-wheel drive vehicles had been brought to his attention, especially in some places where daffodils had been planted; Clerk to include note in Messenger.
- Clerk: none.
The next Parish Council meeting will be held on Tuesday the 19th of February 2013 at 7.30 p.m. in the Village Hall. The meeting closed at 9.05 p.m.