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Members are reminded that the Council has a general duty to consider the following matters in the exercise of any of its functions - Equal Opportunities (race, gender, sexual orientation, marital status & any disability); Crime & Disorder, Health & Safety and Human Rights.
Nancy Chapman, Parish Clerk


Robin Carpenter (Chairman), Andy Webb, Ernest Kong, Clare Middleton, Malcolm White, Bill Turner, and Paul Vallis.


Nancy Chapman (Parish Clerk) and 6 members of the public.

Before the meeting commenced there was an opportunity for the public to speak.

A parishioner stated that while he did not object to the application for replacing a flat roof with a pitched roof at Moor Cottage, he would like reassurance that no North facing windows would be added. The applicant stated there was no intention to add any windows.

The parishioner also commented regarding the application for a new dwelling on land at Springfields. He did not object to the application but had concerns regarding the stream. He felt conditions should be imposed on the application ensuring that the bank is stabilized and made safe for children. He also had concerns that there would not be sufficient parking space.

Andy Webb commented that as a next-door-neighbour of the proposed new dwelling at Springfields, he had no objections to the application.

Peter Bysouth gave a report of behalf of the Village Hall Committee. He gave details of several improvements to the hall that have already taken place or are planned for the near future. These included painting, new noticeboards, new curtains, removing old heating vents and the oil tank, removing old curtains and replacing with blinds, new basins, water heater and flooring in the ladies' toilets, new flooring in the mens' toilets, new lighting in the main hall and chasing the trunking into the walls. The VHC have asked the Parish Council if they would approve payment of the following items from the Village Hall reserves:

  1. Replacement basins and water heater to Ladies' toilets (£802 +VAT).
  2. New safety flooring for Ladies and Gents Toilets. (£777.50 + INC VAT)
  3. Chasing in existing trunking and replastering, etc. (£1570.13 + VAT)
  4. Chasing in of new cables for potential wall lighting (£272.99 + VAT).
    Apologies were received from Gina Seaton (District Councillor), Cathy Bakewell (District Councillor) and Marcus Fysh (County Councillor).
  2. MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD ON 17th JANUARY 2017 (Already Circulated)
    The minutes for January were approved and signed by the Chairman as correct records of the meeting.
    Andy Webb declared an interest in sections 6a i) and 6a ii).
    1. The Chairman reported that the BT website now stated that the fiber broadband update was in progress. If it was not available by the end of the month, the Chairman intends to contact Paul Coles to chase this up.
    The Chairman read highlights from Gina Seaton and Cathy Bakewell's previously circulated reports. Marcus Fysh's report had also been previously circulated and was available on the Hardington website.
    1. Planning applications received:
      Andy Webb left the meeting.
      1. App no: 17/00271/FUL Replacement of existing flat roof at rear of the property with a pitched roof at Moor Cottage, Pig Hill, Hardington Mandeville. Applicant: Mr Andrew Webb. There were no objections.
      2. App no: 17/00115/FUL The erection of a dwelling house at land rear of Springfield, Hardington Moor. Applicant: Mrs D Creed Mbe. The Chairman commented that he felt it was up to the property owner to decide what stabilization may be required for the banks to the stream and what might be required for child safety, and that it was not necessary to make this a condition of planning consent. There were no objections.
        Andy Webb returned to the meeting.
      3. App no:17/00197/LBC The erection of an extension, part demolition and refurbishment to existing dwelling. Restoration of farm buildings. Erection of two new farm buildings; and App no:17/00196/FUL The erection of an extension and refurbishment to existing dwelling. Restoration of farm buildings. Erection of two new farm buildings. Erection of a replacement cottage. Location: White Vine Farm, Common Lane, Haselbury Plucknett. Applicant Mr and Mrs Robert Appleby. There were no objections.
    2. There were no planning applications received after publication of the agenda.
    3. There were no results of previous applications received after publication of the agenda.
    4. The Chairman reported that the Moor End Nursey is to be developed by a company called Shepperton Homes, that is associated with Halsall Homes. They have commented that they intend to use the scheme for 10 dwellings and to start work in the middle of the year.
    1. Neil's monthly report for January contained a long list of defects many of which have already been addressed.
    2. Neil had spoken to Mike Fear regarding the collapsing wall at the top of North Lane. This issue has now been referred to their "structures" team and a response is awaited.
    3. The Chairman reported that the historic sign post at the Moor Lane junction has now been fully repaired. The invoice is expected to be sent to the Clerk for forwarding to the firm responsible for the accidental damage. The Chairman is still looking to enlist volunteers for signpost painting!
    1. The Hardington Street Fayre Committee will be chaired by Natalie Cole and organized on behalf of the Parish Council. The date is Saturday 24th June, 2017.
    2. A lengthy discussion regarding the proposed work on the Village Hall took place. The Clerk reported that there is currently £3750 in the Parish Council Village Hall Reserve. The total amount the VHC are requesting the Parish Council to fund is approximately £3293. It was agreed that as this amount is less than the reserve set aside, it was up to the VHC to decide how it is best spent. A resolution was passed approving an agreement in principle to pay for the proposed work.
    3. A parishioner has suggested that the non-operational phone kiosks in the village could be used as information pods, containing general information about local services, allowing the notice boards to be used for up and coming events. It was viewed that if they are to be used for anything, then they would first need to be "tidied-up". It was agreed to put a note in the Messenger asking for a volunteer for this.
    4. Henry Siebert-Saunders of Ariel Atom has agreed to be the guest speaker at the Annual Assembly on 18th April, 2017. The Chairman and Clare Middleton gave their apologies as they are unable to attend the April meeting.
    5. The Clerk reported that the Welcome pack update was in progress.
    6. The "Great British Spring Clean" litter pick event was scheduled for Saturday 4th March 10:00 – 12:00. The Clerk agreed to organize the equipment and put a note in the Messenger. The Chairman agreed to collect the equipment from SSDC and put up a poster.
    7. The clerk stated that St Mary's Church Insurance was currently £915 a year and that there was still £400 in the budget for donations to village organisations. A resolution was passed to donate £200 towards the cost of the church insurance.
    8. There were no other issues.
    1. A resolution was passed to accept SSDC's Annual Playground Inspection Offer and Risk Assessment Service. The total cost will be £78.50 + VAT, which is the same as the previous year.
    2. The Ground Maintenance agreement is due for renewal on 1st March, 2017. SLL had provide a quotation of £1,707.00 per annum (an increase of £57 from previous year). A quote had also been obtained from SSDC for £1,431.37 a year. While the SSDC quote was £276 less than SLL, which would give a significant saving, some PC members felt that as SLL had always provided a good service it might not be worth risking this by changing contractors. The Chairman agreed to contact SLL to determine if there was any possibility or re-negotiating the price.
    1. There were no issues.
    1. The Clerk's hours for January (21 hours) were approved.
    2. Following a query at January's meeting, Peter Bysouth reported that Parish Council hire fee for the Village Hall began in October 2008 as the result of guidance received from the Community Council for Somerset. The guidance stated "The Hallmark visitors have occasionally come across a hall which does not charge the PC for the use of the hall for its meetings. This should not be happening, as a charity should not be subsidizing a local authority. It makes no difference if the PC is or isn't the Custodian Trustee or if the PC has given a grant to the hall."
    3. A resolution was passed to pay the following:
      • SSDC Ranger Scheme Quarter 3 (£382.50 + VAT £76.50) £459.00
      • Data Protection Registration (to 24/03/2018) £35.00
      • SSDC Drain Clearing (£154.00 +VAT £30.80)£184.80
    1. The Chairman reported that the Stile on Y10/21 at 351013/111594 Bishops Lane to Broadstone Lane had been repaired.
    2. The Chairman reported that Les Braunton had visited the village to inspect some of the recent maintenance issues including the path between the Post Office and Moor Lane (Y10/51) and the road surface at Backhouse Lane.
    3. There was no update regarding road surface at Backhouse Lane.
    4. The Chairman reported there was a temporary closure of the Y10/27 Bridleway due to an unsafe bridge.
    5. The Clerk reported there was also a temporary closure on footpath Y 10/42 due to an unsafe bridge.
    1. Nick Allen reported that the following tasks have been completed:
      • Clearing of drain gullies along Penn Lane from top of High Street to Pendomer House.
      • Clearing of leaves around the Village Hall and Church walls.
      • The Ranger was unable to locate Y10/52 on the map (this is due to it being a new bridleway).
    2. The latest task list is as follows:
      • Clear gullies along Wimborough Lane (opposite Sewerage works)
      • Clear gully on North Lane, 200 metres past the entrance to the Community Field on the left-hand side.
      • Clear over-hanging branches on the bridleway Y10/52 (Coker Hill Lane to Ridge Lane).
    • Community Forum Meeting - Monday 20th March 2017, 9.30am -12.00 SSDC Council Offices, Brympton Way, Yeovil.
    • SALC Regional Conference for all South West Town and Parish Councils. 16th March Taunton Rugby Club (£60 + VAT).
    • Coker Councils Forum Thursday 2nd March 2017, 7-9pm, East Coker Village Hall. Guest Speaker: Avon and Somerset PCC, Sue Mountstevens.
    1. Chairman: Nothing to report.
    2. Councillors: Nothing to report.
    3. Clerk: The Clerk reported that the VHC had agreed to store the Parish Council Filing cabinet at the Village Hall. The Parish Council agreed that they were happy with this.
    The next meeting will be held on Tuesday 21st March 2017 at 7.30pm in the Village Hall. The meeting closed at 9.10pm.

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