The Minutes of the previous meeting January 2015)
Members were reminded that the Council has a general duty to consider the following matters in the exercise of any of its functions - Equal Opportunities (race, gender, sexual orientation, marital status & any disability); Crime & Disorder, Health & Safety and Human Rights.
Nancy Chapman, Parish Clerk |
Robin Carpenter (Chairman), Peter Bysouth (Vice Chairman), Bill Turner, Malcolm White, Paul Vallis, Andy Webb, Vanessa May, Cathy Bakewell (District Councillor) and Gina Seaton (District Councillor).
Nancy Chapman (Parish Clerk) and 7 members of the public.
Before the meeting commenced there was an opportunity for the public to speak:
A parishioner reported that on the previous Sunday evening at 7.45, a man who claimed to have recently moved to the village, fly-tipped 3 bags of rubbish in Hardington Moor. The parishioner has reported this to SSDC and wanted to make other villagers aware of the incident.
With regards to the Moor End Nursery application, having read various correspondence between SSDC and Origin3, and also the Chairman's report of the site meeting that took place last week, a parishioner felt that many of the issues raised had only been sketched over and he had not felt reassured that anything was going to change. He had also located the email on the SSDC website, in which Mr. Matthews quite clearly stated that site traffic access through the Royal Oak Farm had been agreed. The owners have said this is not the case at present.
Another parishioner commented that they did not think there was a need for Moor Lane to be altered by widening or straightening the road in order to create extra passing places. The Chairman responded that this view had been passed to SSDC and the applicants, who were happy to accept this.
- MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD ON 20th JANUARY 2015 (Already Circulated)
One minor typo was corrected before the minutes were approved and signed by the Chairman as correct records of the meeting.
Bill Turner declared an interest in section 6f.
Peter Bysouth declared an interest in section 8a.
Robin Carpenter declared an interest in section 6e.
Cathy reported that three applications had been discussed at the Area South meeting. These were: conversion of farm building to residential units at Stone Farm, a listed building; installation of roof lights to 99A West Coker Road (a bungalow on back land development); and renewal of holiday let status for stables at 1 Holywell Hollow. All three applications were approved.
There was a paper presented on the review of the Youth service following pilot projects at Brympton/Westfield and Wraxhill/Forest Hill/Sampsons Wood areas. These have been well attended. Youth Service Funding has now been agreed for a further 3 years.
A new Hospital participatory-arts project called "Create@YDH" has been formed to benefit patients, with a focus on old patients, particularly those suffering with dementia. Local students can gain placements to help boost morale of staff and patients. The project is overseen by the Dementia Care Team and Yeovil College music students are also involved.
The results of two appeals were reported. The replacement of the thatch roof with tiles at the back of The Castle in West Coker has been allowed. The conversion of a Dutch Barn into a dwelling at Marsh farm, Yeovil Marsh was dismissed.
- Applications
- App no: 15/00298/FUL Alterations, the erection of a first floor rear extension and the formation of a pitched roof over existing garage to provide additional accommodation incorporating 2 dormer windows (renewal) at Poachers Lodge, Moor Lane (Renewal of previously agreed application). Applicant: Mr & Mrs Mark Wilson. There were no objections.
- App no: 15/00399/FUL The erection of a support building for care farm service users at Brooksfield, Lyatts Hill, Hardington Mandeville. Applicant: Mr R J and A Brooks. There were no objections.
- The only planning application received after publication of this agenda would be discussed under section 6f.
- The following results of a previous applications were received:
- App no: 14/02566/REM Erection of agricultural workers dwelling at Lime Kiln Farm, Broad Hill, Hardington Mandeville by Mr. W Turner. Application approved with conditions.
- App no: 14/04063/OUT Woodentop Farm, West Coker Hill. Outline application for the erection of an agricultural workers dwelling. Applicant: Mr Paul Richards. Application refused. It was thought Mr Richards would be appealing against this decision.
- There were no results of previous applications received after publication of this agenda.
- Peter Bysouth reported details of the Moor End Nursery site meeting between SSDC, Halsall Homes and PC representatives. Much of the meeting was taken up discussing landscape issues. It was agreed the 5 bedroom home in the north-west corner would be removed and possibly the unit labeled "no 10" removed or reduced to single-storey. The materials and finishes were discussed with a suggested change of less render and more bricks and stone. If 13 units were included in the amended plans, there would potentially be 9 open-market and 4 affordable units, with 2 of these being shared ownership and 2 social rent. If the 14th unit was a bungalow it was suggested it could be restricted to the over 55's. The applicants aim to revise the plans and re-submit them for April. They appeared to take the majority of Robin's concerns re drainage on board. Halsall agreed they would contact the White's to make a formal agreement regarding site traffic. This would not be part of the planning permission, although a construction management plan may need to be agreed as a pre-condition. SSDC felt the applicant's transport plan would not work, but it would appear that highways did not view the increase in traffic sufficient to justify refusal. Residents concerns regarding the type of tree planted were not discussed but it was felt that this could be negotiated at a later stage. There are now currently 3 names on the housing needs register for the area.
- An amended application for Manor Farm Cottage had been received with a change of location to site the mobile home in the adjacent field owned by Bill Turner and the temporary permission reduced from 24 months to 12. There were no objections.
- In response to an enquiry he had received, Peter Bysouth stated he had been informed that all three portacabins at Lime Kiln Farm had legal permission to be there.
- Neil Dyer asked the PC if they felt it would be useful if his monthly highway report was made available to the public, possibly via the website. The PC agreed that it would be and asked Neil to contact Brian to discuss this. Once this had been agreed a note informing villagers of this should be placed in the Messenger.
Neil reported that he had been informed the 'No Parking' signs for Bishops Farm were on SCC's list of jobs. SCC's response to Neil's request to jet the blocked drain on North Lane was that in the first instance they would attempt to rod it.
- The Chairman commented that he thought the large pothole on the westward approach to Crewkerne was now a hazard and its priority for repairing should be escalated. Neil agreed to do this.
- BT have now received consent from SSC for the removal of public payphone opposite the Mandeville Arms. The adoption contract has been signed previously and a cheque for £1 was made out to BT so that the adoption of the BT phone kiosk could proceed. It was agreed the clerk should place a note in the Messenger asking for suggestions for its future use.
- The Chairman had been informed that it would be better to have the defibrillator in place before training is given. There are already 5 volunteers to undergo training and an advert will be placed in the Messenger for anyone else that may be interested. The defibrillator is to be mounted on the wall adjacent to the Village Hall entrance (thanks to Bill Turner for his permission to allow this). The total cost will be £2758, but hopefully a grant for up to 50% may be awarded by SSDC.
- A resolution was passed to make a £240 donation to St Mary's Church. Peter reported that the north aisle roof required immediate replacement and that a grant application for this had been made. Gina suggested that the PCC should also contact the Community Council for Somerset.
- A new quote for the Ground maintenance contract for the year beginning 01/03/2015 had been received from SLL. This was for £1596.00 per annum (£133 plus VAT a month). It was agreed that SLL have been doing a very good job of the maintenance, and as the rise in cost was not significant the council passed a resolution to continue the contract with SLL for another year.
- The Chairman thanked the Hardington & Pendomer WI for their £50 contribution towards the Gazebo fund, and stated he would be obtaining the Gazebo base dimensions from the carpenter so that a base can be constructed.
- A meeting is to be held on 28th February with Francis Jones, the local tree warden, to inspect and maintain the trees where necessary. This includes work such as pruning, staking and adding rabbit protection.
- There were no current issues.
- The Clerk's hours for January (23 hours) were confirmed.
- A resolution was passed to pay the following invoice:
Information Commissioner - Data Protection Registration renewal fee: £35.00.
- The Chairman reported that the stile at Y10/11 had been fixed. The style at Y10/9 has collapsed and is now hazardous. He suggested that it should be replaced with the gate already supplied by SCC to the landowner.
- The Chairman stated that as Ernest Kong has agreed to dedicate the path from the end of Moor Lane to North Lane as a bridleway, the cost should be minimal and will hopefully proceed shortly.
- The Chairman met with the ranger, Matthew, on his last visit to the parish, who then cleared the ditches on North Lane, the drain into Timmy Marsh's field and mended the broken stile at Y10/11.
- The following tasks are to be added to the Ranger's list:
- A build-up of washed-up debris has formed a large mound on the road bend on Lyatts Hill and requires clearing.
- The leaves around the Village Hall require clearing.
- The ditches on the East side and bottom of the Community Field require clearing.
- An email had been received from SSDC suggesting it may be of interest to Parish Councils to sign up for SSDC's weekly list of Planning applications in order to keep PCs informed of applications as well as other matters that SSDC do not consult PCs on. It was agreed that the clerk would sign up for this service and forward any relevant issues to members of the council.
- SSDC Water Management Community Event. The Chairman felt it might be worthwhile somebody from the PC attending this event.
- The next Community Forum Meeting is on 20th April 9.30-11.30. The Chairman hopes to attend this.
- It was agreed the clerk would attend the clerk training event for the local elections on 24th February.
- Chairman. Nothing to report.
- Councillors. Nothing to report.
- Clerk. Nothing to report.
The next meeting will be held on Tuesday 17th March 2015 at 7.30 pm in the Village Hall. The meeting closed at 8.30 pm.
Following the meeting further discussions took place with the public regarding the Moor End Nursery application. Residents are disappointed that views regarding density had not been addressed. The Hydroc report was not very realistic and the Highways department did not appear to have questioned this. There is still no sign of the open-book plan that Halsall originally said they would submit. The meeting held the previous Thursday only sketched over the surface of issues raised.