The Minutes of the previous meeting (January 2014)
Members were reminded that the Council has a general duty to consider the following matters in the exercise of any of its functions - Equal Opportunities (race, gender, sexual orientation, marital status & any disability); Crime & Disorder, Health & Safety and Human Rights. Nancy Chapman, Parish Clerk |
Robin Carpenter (Chairman), Peter Bysouth, Bill Turner, Malcolm White, Paul Vallis, Cathy Bakewell(District Councillor) and Gina Seaton (District Councillor).
Nancy Chapman (Parish Clerk) and 10 members of the public.
Before the meeting there was an opportunity for the public to speak.
A parishioner enquired if there had been any updates regarding the potential Moor Lane Nursery development site. The Chairman reported that Simon Fox, the SSDC Area South Lead Officer for Development Management, had requested a meeting following receipt of a pre-application enquiry. They were shown plans submitted by Halsall Housing which consisted of a mix-tender development. The Chairman read a statement of policy from the Halsall Housing website.
A member of the public raised concerns that flooding could be a problem in the area, as had been experienced recently on Moor Lane. Cathy Bakewell stated that there was currently a lot of plastic and concrete on the site and that any development would only result in greater absorption than the current situation. Drainage would be improved and all water that fell on the site would be dealt with on site. Engineer's reports re surface water would be sought before any development takes place.
Concerns were raised by members of the public over the issue of increased traffic on the very narrow Moor Lane. Potentially ten homes could result in an extra twenty or so vehicles using the road.
Cathy stated that the development would need to be a combination of affordable homes and open-market homes in order to make it viable for developers.
Apologies were received from Vanessa May. - NOTICE OF NO-ELECTION
The Chairman reported that the notice of no-election had been received from SSDC. As no-one has yet expressed an interest in the vacancy, it was agreed to continue advertising it on the parish notice boards and in next month's Messenger. - MINUTES OF MEETING HELD ON 21st JANUARY 2014 (Already Circulated).
- The minutes were approved and signed by the Chairman as correct records of the meeting.
The letter regarding concerns raised by a parishioner about the relationship between the Parish Council and Village Hall Committee (VHC) had been forwarded to SALC for their opinion. Following their request, a copy of the VHC constitution had also been sent to them. It was agreed that this subject would be on the agenda for March’s meeting, by which time the council should have received a response from SALC. - DISTRICT AND COUNTY COUNCILLORS' REPORTS (by invitation)
Cathy Bakewell provided details of the Rural Growth Network Business Support Sessions taking place in the near future. Cathy reported that the Octagon Theatre had experienced a very successful pantomime season and was now considered a regional theatre with a very good reputation. SCC are reorganising their children’s activities including Jigsaw (based at Barwick) and the Oaklands centre. These were reorganised in 2010, but now needed to be rationalised and include more outreach work.In the House of Lords they are developing a water bill for upstream extraction. This should increase competition amongst providers. It also includes a scheme to help households that are at high risk of flooding, obtain affordable insurance.
Gina Seaton reported that, as a result of some hard work, and with the support of English Heritage, the Twine works in West Coker has been restored and now has completely operational machines. It has planning for offices, classrooms, workshops and a Museum. Gina agreed to provide details of the opening hours to the Clerk. The Community Health & Leisure scheme has been encouraging a series of health walks. Gina agreed to supply dates for these. They are also encouraging other sport events including hockey, golf, badminton and tennis. Yeovil Bus Station is open again following closure due to vandalism. A workshop was held on the western-corridor from Bunford to Thorne Lane. Concerns were raised regarding the high number of traffic-lights planned and another workshop is to be held to discuss this. The final presentation for the Local Plan is to be held on 13th March at 7pm in Yeovil. - PLANNING & PLANNING APPLICATIONS
- Planning Applications received: None
- There were no planning applications received after publication of the agenda.
- There were no results of previous applications.
- No further feedback has been received from the planning department regarding their meeting at Woodentop Farm.
- The Chairman reported that Simon Fox from SSDC planning department had
requested a meeting to discuss a pre-application they had received
regarding the Moor Lane Nursery site. The meeting took place on Friday 14th
February with Simon Fox, Robin Carpenter, Peter Bysouth, Cathy Bakewell and
Gina Seaton in attendance. The Parish Council needed to decide what they
would like from the development. The plans submitted consisted of 8
affordable homes and 15 open market homes, a modest communal/garden area
and an allotment area. This was clearly more than is desirable for the
site. Ernest Kong was meeting with Halsall Homes to discuss the access to
the site which is privately owned.
The council then discussed their views on the maximum number of homes. It was noted that the Parish Council can make requests from the developers regarding contributions towards sport & leisure facilities in the area (such as the village hall or community field). The Chairman stated that the Parish Council has been looking for a suitable site to meet the affordable housing requirement for some years, but are keen to make this opportunity available for local people.
A resolution was passed for the clerk to write to SSDC to inform them that the Parish Council would like the development to meet up to 50% of the affordable housing requirement. - The Chairman reported that as a result of SSDC’s intervention, the derelict property on Ragg Lane was now up for auction, to be held by TRG Lawrence on April 10th.
- Neil Dyer informed the council that he had reported a long list of potholes and blocked drains to SCC Highways, but had not yet received a response. Any major hazards were given a higher priority, such as the repair to the large pothole outside The Spinney on Primrose Hill.
- Neil stated that he had reported the water run-off at Chasers Farm to SCC Highways but their response was that they would be unlikely to carry out any work there. Their view was that it was the landowner’s responsibility to prevent the run-off from the fields. The landowner has already said that they did not believe it was their responsibility. The newly installed grit bin would help solve the ice problem, but the council should probably be prepared for more complaints relating to flooding in the area.
- The new grit bin for Hill End had been installed. A resolution was passed to approve re-imbursement of payment for the grit bin (£127.82 + VAT £25.56 = £153.38).
- Paul Vallis asked if a latch could be provided for the grit bin on Lyatts to stop the lid flapping during windy weather. Paul agreed to check the bin to determine if something could be done to resolve this.
- No further requests for a grit bin at the top of the High Street had been received from parishioners and so it was agreed there was not enough requirement at this time.
- The Parish Council received £100 contribution from West Coker Parish Council for the grit bin on West Coker Hill.
- The chairman reported that he had been assured that the surface would be made good for any telegraph poles or power cables installed along Coker Hill Lane for phone and power supplies to Underhill Cottage.
- The Parish Council would like to record their thanks to Bill Turner for his recent good work unblocking drains. It was suggested that a private gully-jetting company, such as Dynarod could be employed to clear drains, as the highways department seem unable to keep up with the work. Neil Dyer agreed to supply a list of drains that may need attention. The Clerk agreed to get some prices from private jetting companies.
- No current issues.
- The Chairman presented a previously circulated summary of quotes from equipment providers for the swings and exercise trail. He intended to make an application to the Health and Well-being grant to help fund the exercise equipment. The remainder of the cost could be met from existing reserves. A resolution was passed to place an order with The Toy Barn for the 2+1 swing and the exercise equipment.
- Two quotes were presented for a Gazebo style shelter. One was £1650 and the other was £3108. It was viewed that the more expensive quote, provided by a local carpenter, was a far more robust design that would last much longer. More fundraising would be required before an order could be placed though. The position of the Gazebo would also need further consideration.
- Two quotes were presented for the Community Field mowing contract for March 2014-February 2015. A resolution was passed to accept SLL’s quote.
- A resolution was passed to approve the payment of £35.00 to ICO for the Data Protection Registration renewal fee.
- Peter Bysouth reported that Andrew Middleton has said he would like to continue in his role as the person named on the Community Licence.
- The Clerks hours for January (23 hours) were approved.
- An enquiry was made as to whether a field gate with an integral pedestrian gate could be provided at the top of Lyatts for footpath 10/9, at the South end (junction with Penn Lane). A similar gate has already been promised for footpath 10/11. Also a pedestrian gate has been promised for 10/9 further down the path. The Chairman agreed to follow this up.
- It was agreed the clerk would forward January’s approved minutes to Wendy Burge giving details of the Parish Council’s support for the Bridleway application from North Lane to Coker Hill.
- A resolution was passed to approve payment to SSDC for the Ranger Scheme for 3 x 8 hours (Oct- Dec). £408.00 + VAT £81.60 = £489.60.
- It was agreed the clerk should contact Chris Cooper again to ask for more feedback on the work carried out by the Ranger, as none had been received recently.
- It was agreed that clearing of the leaves around the Village Hall and the Church should be added to the Rangers list of jobs. The clerk agreed to obtain the date of the Ranger’s next visit, so that Peter could liaise with him regarding the problem areas.
- The Vice Chairman agreed to provide a list of Village groups to the Clerk so that invitations to the annual assembly could be sent out.
- NALC Conference: “What next for Localism?” 26th March 2014.
- Huish Episcopi PC email re “Action on Rural Planning Chaos”.
- Chairman. Nothing to report.
- Councillors: Nothing to report
- Clerk. Nothing to report.
The date for next meeting will be Tuesday 18th March 2014 at 7.30 pm in the Village Hall. The meeting closed at 9.13 pm.