The Minutes of the previous meeting (January 2011)


Members were reminded that the Council has a general duty to consider the following matters in the exercise of any of its functions - Equal Opportunities (race, gender, sexual orientation, marital status & any disability); Crime & Disorder, Health & Safety and Human Rights.
Liz Raymont, Parish Clerk


Robin Carpenter (Chairman), Peter Bysouth, Malcolm White, Vanessa May, David Beckley and Bill Turner.


Liz Raymont (Parish Clerk), Lesley Boucher (District Councillor), Cathy Bakewell (County and District councillor), Mr Brian Bennett and Mr Ernest Kong by invitation and 9 members of the public.

Before the meeting commenced there was an opportunity for the public to speak.

A member of the public asked whether there was any news from the owners of The Mandeville Arms regards their plans in 2011 for reopening the Public House. Councillors have agreed to consider this at the March meeting.

A member of the public expressed their concerns about item 7a - the proposed erection of a storage building at Springfield Stores. The concerns were with regard the size and scale of the building and its position immediately on the boundary between their property and the site at Springfield Stores. They believe that it is inappropriate to build such a large industrial style building within a residential area as no justifiable need has been shown and because it would have an adverse affect on all the surrounding properties.

A member of the public expressed their dismay at the amount of rubbish in the lanes around Hardington. The councillors agreed to put this on the agenda for the March meeting.

A member of the public commented that there is a large puddle in front of the topmost seat in the Nature Reserve. Again this is to be added to the agenda for March.

    Rose White.
  2. MINUTES OF MEETINGS HELD ON 18th January 2011 (Already Circulated).
    1. The minutes were altered to show apologies for absence for David Beckley and approved and signed.
    • Item 7a – Bill Turner and Malcolm White expressed both personal and prejudicial interests.
    • Item 7d – Bill Turner expressed a personal and prejudicial interest.
    • Item 13b – Peter Bysouth expressed a prejudicial interest.
  4. GIFT OF LAND FROM ERNEST KONG and associated conveyance- presentation by Brian Bennett of Porter Dodson solicitors. (by invitation)
    He has been approached to facilitate the transfer of the land owned by Mr and Mrs Kong to the PC or other suitable body. He would do this on a pro bono basis but would expect to be recompensed for any out of pocket expenses. He hoped to be in a position to sign the paperwork towards the end of February /beginning of March. Mr Kong has stipulated that the field must be used for the designated purpose of a community space in perpetuity. There are a number of ways to achieve this but the most appropriate method is for Mr Kong to retain the freehold and to grant a long term lease for a peppercorn rent. A fundamental requirement of the gift is that occupation remains with the PC. Propose to establish a charitable trust (unincorporated association) for which the PC can be the custodian trustee. There must be at least 1 additional trustee although Mr Bennett would recommend 4 or 5 trustees be appointed. He asked that potential trustees be approached as soon as possible. The PC will consider this at the next meeting. The PC thanked Mr Bennett for his help in resolving this matter.
    NOTED Response to ‘Robin Hill’ planning app 10/03569/FUL has been received by SSDC planning and is to be updated to the planning website.
    Cathy Bakewell (County) reported that the Waste Partnership Committee met to decide which sites to close. It looks like the original proposal to close Crewkerne HWRC will go ahead but a final decision has not yet been made. The original proposal to shut 22 libraries has been reviewed and the intention is now to close 6 smaller libraries with a stay of execution granted to the others. However a 20% reduction in opening hours will be imposed. The main library in Yeovil will be included in this. The 6 mobile libraries will be reduced to 2 but it is not known if their routes will be cut or the time between visits will be extended. The full Council will meet on Wednesday 16th Feb to decide the final budget and set the Council Tax level.

    Lesley Boucher (District) reported that the District will meet to decide its final budget on Thursday 17th Feb. She advised that all premises serving food should display their hygiene ratings, 5 being the highest and 1 the lowest. She also passed on a request from a parishioner that a grit bin be placed in the Lyatts area. This will be added to the agenda for March.

    1. Planning Applications received. App no 11/00440/FUL Mr and Mrs D Creed. Erection of a replacement storage building for the use of an agricultural contracting business. Bill Turner and Malcolm White withdrew from the meeting. A letter from Mr Richard Leach in Moor Lane expressing his concerns about the size of the development was read to the PC. Following a discussion Robin Carpenter proposed that the PC object to this development on the following grounds.
      1. A business development such as this is inappropriate for such a small site within a residential area. Whilst it may have been fit for purpose in the early part of the 19th century increases in the size of vehicles and the type of business undertaken means that this may no longer be the case.
      2. The proposed building itself is, by virtue of its size and scale inappropriate on this site. It will dominate the entire area having an adverse effect on the property and land attaching to Springfield Stores and to the properties lying to the north of the site.
      This was seconded by Vanessa May.
      The Council have asked that the planning dept take into account the difference in ground level between this site and the neighbouring garden. This is not indicated on the plans and they would ask that a visit the site to see this is required. They also raised concerns over the position of the main sewer in relation to the proposed building and the integrity of the stream running to the north of the site. The Parish Council were unanimous in their decision to object to this development.
      Bill Turner and Malcolm White rejoined the meeting.
    2. Any planning applications received after publication of this agenda. None.
    3. NOTED App no 10/03569/FUL, Mr C Marshall Robin Hill, Hardington Mandeville. Erection of detached 3 bay garage. Refused.
      NOTED App no 10/04766/FUL Mr S Pinney, Malvernia, West Coker Hill, Hardington Mandeville. Erection of single storey extension to dwelling. Approved.
    4. Bill Turner explained the delay in Symonds and Sampson preparing the planning applications for the sites at Lime Kiln Farm and Manor Farm. Mr Turner offered to step down from the PC if it was felt that his position is compromised by the outstanding planning applications. The PC declined his offer but asked that he vigorously pursue the matter and report back at the next meeting.
    1. Report from Highways Representative. A strip patch on Primrose Hill will be done to rectify the various potholes that are developing on the bends.
    2. The blocked drain at the bottom of Wimborough Lane has been reported but it was suggested that it could be added to the Lengthman’s list. The 2 drains further up Wimborough Lane are both blocked and have been reported to Highways. Highways have advised that the potholes at Milcombe Bridge will not be filled due to the muddy state of the road.
    3. The PC agreed that the village sign near St Mary’s view should be added to the Lengthman’s list for repair.
    4. No response has been received for Highways regarding the grit for Elliott’s Hill or the extension of the gritting route to cover this stretch of road.
    1. Recreation Ground at North Lane –
      1. Community Spaces grant. Update from Rose White was not available.
      2. Landscape Architect. Update from Rose White was not available.
      3. Offer of second hand gates, benches and railings from Haselbury Plucknett PC. Update from Rose White was not available.
      4. Youth Facilities Grant Offer. Clerk reported that a representative from the PC has been invited to attend a project meeting at SSDC on Wednesday 2nd March. The meeting is to ensure that all grant recipients are fully briefed on what is expected of them and the support that they can expect for SSDC. It was agreed that a representative of the FOHCS should attend. The clerk will contact the Chair of FOHCS to arrange this.
    2. H M Parish Plan – Review. Rose White and Vanessa May agreed to report back on this at the April meeting.
    The clerk reported that Mr Walker had been seen by 2 walkers exercising his greyhounds in the Lyatts area and that the dogs were seen to pursue, catch and kill an animal. Robin Carpenter proposed that a letter be drafted to Mr Walker reminding him that he has been asked to keep the dogs on a lead and muzzled at all times and for the letter to be copied to PC Justin Pitman and The Dog Control Officer at SSDC (seconded by Bill Turner).
    The clerk was asked to write to English Nature to see if they would be willing to send a speaker to address the assembly on future plans for the Nature Reserve.
    1. Local Strategic Partnership Event to consider changes to public service provision for Parish and Town Councils. Full report has been received from SSDC by email but too large to print. Clerk agreed to forward to all Councillors by email.
    2. NOTED Council elections taking place Thursday 5th May 2011.
    1. NOTED Confirmation of Clerk’s hours for February 2011 (16.00 hours)
    2. RESOLVED £120 donation to St Mary’s PCC. Proposed Bill Turner, seconded Robin Carpenter.
    3. RESOLVED £120 donation to The Messenger. Proposed Malcolm White, seconded David Beckley.
    4. RESOLVED £35 Registration with Information Commissioner. Proposed David Beckley, seconded Peter Bysouth
    5. RESOLVED £167.50 planning application fee requested by Village Hall Committee for alterations to flat roof of store. Proposed Vanessa May, seconded Robin Carpenter.
    1. Report from Footpath Representative. Richard Thorne is to make the repairs detailed in last month's minutes.
    2. Robin Carpenter reported that the Activity log for SCC regards footpath maintenance needs to be kept up to date. Please notify him of any maintenance that takes place.
    1. NOTED Work carried out in January.
    2. Work for this month. Already advised see below.
      1. Y10/4 Moor to Ridge Lane adjacent Malcolm White’s wood. Top stile needs new support post(s) and footplate. Next stile down needs new lower footplate.
      2. Junction Y9/2 & 9/4 between Bill Turner’s maize fields East of Lyatts - needs complete new stile.
      3. Y10/9 stile at top of steps by Rex & Margaret Partridge’s bungalow needs new post and footplate.
      4. Y10/11 running east from middle of High Street past John & Margaret Soulsby’s house - stile by stable at end of 1st field needs new footplate.
      5. Y 10/19 running north from end of Bishop's Lane, grip netting on step as requested by walker. Other stiles may benefit from similar treatment.
      6. Partway Lane. Sign post at Y10/43 below Partway House has fallen over and needs to be put back in the ground.
      7. In addition sign at the top of Y10/41 needs to be repositioned. Clerk will add to Lengthsman’s list.
    3. NOTED Material costs for work on stiles estimated at £48.
    4. Response from VH Committee ref jobs for Lengthsman. Read to PC. No further action to be taken.
    1. Correspondence to be circulated.
    2. Correspondence received.
      1. NOTED Local Flooding Survey. Included in correspondence pack. Robin Carpenter agreed to respond.
      2. NOTED SALC Training dates.
      3. NOTED Publicity for New and Potential Councillors in District, Town and Parishes. Events taking place. Clerk asked to put in Messenger and on Website.
    1. Chairman. Reported that Yeovil Without PC is going to organise an event for chairmen and clerks to meet and discuss common issues. Further details to follow.
    2. Councillors. Peter Bysouth asked that Clerk approach SSDC to arrange a litter pick for the early part of April.
    3. Clerk had nothing to report.
    The next meeting is 15th March 2011 at 7.30pm in the Village Hall. The meeting closed at 9.40pm.