The Minutes of the previous meeting July 2014)


Members were reminded that the Council has a general duty to consider the following matters in the exercise of any of its functions - Equal Opportunities (race, gender, sexual orientation, marital status & any disability); Crime & Disorder, Health & Safety and Human Rights.
Nancy Chapman, Parish Clerk


Robin Carpenter (Chairman), Peter Bysouth (Vice Chairman), Bill Turner, Malcolm White, Andy Webb, Paul Vallis, Cathy Bakewell (District Councillor) and Gina Seaton (District Councillor).


Nancy Chapman (Parish Clerk) and 7 members of the public.

Before the meeting there was an opportunity for the public to speak.

A parishioner expressed concern that since the FOHCS (Friends of Hardington Community Space) had been disbanded there was no longer a committee to manage the community field. He was willing to help out himself but would really like there to be a group of volunteers that were willing to carry out routine and ad-hoc maintenance jobs when required.

    Apologies were received from Vanessa May.
  2. MINUTES OF MEETING held on 15th July 2014 (Already Circulated).
    1. The minutes were approved and signed by the Chairman as correct records of the meeting.
    Bill Turner declared an interest in section 6.a.i) of the agenda.
    There were no matters arising from the previous minutes.
    Cathy Bakewell reported that there had been no Area South meeting in August. There is a full council meeting on the 21st August where the latest amendments to the local plan will be examined. There are also two public drop-in workshops on the 1st and 2nd September between 3pm-7pm for the residential urban extensions. The Monday workshop covers the Keyford site and the Tuesday workshop is for the Upper Mudford, Primrose Lane site.

    Somerset Waste Partnership are intending to increase their roadside collections to include more plastic items, batteries and other items. They are also applying to the environmental agency to take commercial waste at more sites. The campaign against fly-tipping has been very pro-active and offenders can now be fined up to three million pounds.

    Gina Seaton reported that she had attended a very impressive presentation by the new head of Yeovil College. He had some great plans for the future of the college. Gina also reported that the final part of the local plan was due to be approved by early 2015.
    1. The following applications were discussed:
      1. (Bill Turner left the room.)
        App no: 14/02566/REM Lime Kiln Farm, Broad Hill, Hardington Mandeville – Reserved matters following outline permission granted 12/09/11, Applicant: Mr W Turner. There were no objections.
        (Bill Turner returned to the room.)
      2. App no: 14/03179/FUL Barry House, Broadstone Lane. The change of use of land from agricultural to extension of residential garden and the renovation and extension to dwelling house. Applicant: Mr & Mrs A Middleton. There were no objections. A resolution was passed stating that the change of use of this small amount of land from agricultural to extension of residential garden was acceptable in these circumstances to allow the creation of an access path for maintenance purposes.
    2. There were no planning applications received after publication of the agenda.
    3. The Chairman reported that an “Advice of Appeal Receipt” in respect of decision ref: 13/03897/COL had been received for the “Application for a lawful development certificate for the existing continued use of building as a dwelling house at Walnut Tree Farm, Lyatts”. No further action was required.
    4. The Chairman reported a “Notification of intent to erect extension to existing agricultural building at Land Os 3038, Coker Hill Lane” (Applicant: Mr Tim Marsh) had been received. No further action was required.
    5. The following results of previous applications were received:
      1. App no: 14/02401/FUL Partway, Partway Lane, Hardington Mandeville – Alterations and the conversion of existing outbuilding into a self contained annexe ancillary to the main house (revised application). Applicant: Mr David Marr. Approved with conditions.
      2. App no: 14/02562/FUL St Mary’s House, West Coker Hill, West Coker –The erection of a single storey extension (revised application). Applicant: Mrs Jacqui Watkins. Approved with conditions.
    6. There were no results of previous applications received after publication of the agenda.
    7. The Chairman read highlights from an email sent to Simon Fox from Robert Archer, the landscape architect for SSDC regarding the latest proposal for the former Moor Lane Nursery site, which consists of 15 units including 5 affordable ones (33%). The email stated that the latest design was “too urban in form; too dense relative to the surrounding housing pattern; extending too far northwest to be over-imposing on the field edge; and not sympathetically configured”. The Chairman stated he would put a note in the Messenger to remind parishioners that they should contact the strategic housing department to determine if they qualify for inclusion on the housing needs register. The Chairman felt there was not much more that can be done until a formal planning application is made.
    8. The Vice Chairman reported that he had received a response from SSDC Developmental Control department relating to the stables and hard-standing that has been installed on Partway Lane. They asked if the Parish Council knew who the landowner was. The Vice Chairman agreed to reply to them with the owner’s details.
    1. Neil Dyer reported that despite several requests the highways department were still not willing to carry out work to the drain at the bottom of North Lane as they had stated their budget was already committed.

      The Chairman stated that he had not received any indication that the highways department intend to remedy the untidy repair to the verge at St. James Terrace despite repeated requests. Neil agreed to draft a letter to SCC, to be sent from the Parish Council, requesting details of the budget allocated to the parish for this type of work, in an attempt to put further pressure on the highways to carry out these tasks.

      The Chairman reported that the drains on Pig Hill also need work to remove the build-up of grit.
    1. The Chairman thanked all those who made the Hardington Horse & Dog Show a great, and very successful day. A lot of work had been put in and a lot of money had been raised for good causes.
    2. The Chairman read details of a report he had sent out relating to options for acquiring a parish defibrillator following his meeting with John Dyer, head of operations and Kim Morrissey, operations manager, for SW Ambulance Service. He felt the 1st option, which meant sharing the defibrillator with several parishes, would not be suitable. The second option with a dedicated secure defibrillator and a team of trained volunteers was more feasible. He had two volunteers so far to train as first responders. The Chairman agreed to contact various organizations to see if any grants or funds were available to help towards the cost.
    3. The Chairman read out an email from Alan Young regarding the repairs to the Village Hall Garage roof. A resolution was passed to accept the recommendations given in the email and not take any further action. The Clerk agreed to write a thank you letter to Alan Young.
    4. The Chairman reported that the parish council had received a letter from SSDC stating they would defer the increase in Messenger printing costs until 1st September as a gesture of good will. The Chairman said the vicar had trialed a print run of the Messenger consisting of 284 copies, each with 6 sides of A4 on his laser printer. The paper cost was £4.37, the toner cost was £6.13 and it took approximately 3 hours. If the PC were to purchase a laser printer, then perhaps a volunteer to carry out the printing could be found. Keith Dack stated that Martock Church could do the printing for £36. One option could be to send the Messenger out via email. Gina Seaton agreed to contact Natalie Ross to determine if there was any grants/funding available to cover the extra cost.
    1. The Community Field “Annual Inspection & Risk Assessment” report had just been received. Other than some basic maintenance including filling the gaps around some posts which had already been remedied, there were no faults identified.
    2. Rob White had started work on building the permanent brick BBQ. The Chairman agreed to investigate the wording required for a warning sign regarding correct use.
    3. The PC discussed concerns from a parishioner that there was no committee to help manage the community field. It was agreed that a note should be put in the Messenger asking for volunteers to have their names added to a list of people willing to help with small maintenance tasks such as cutting back the wild flower area and tree pruning.
    1. A resolution was passed to approve the following recently updated documents:
      1. Financial Risk Assessment.
      2. Operational Risk Assessment.
      3. Standing Orders.
    1. The Bank Reconciliation at 30th June 2014 was approved.
    2. The Chairman read the External Auditor’s Report. The update of the fixed assets register is in progress, therefore no further action is required.
    3. A resolution was passed to approve the updated Financial Regulations.
    4. The Clerk’s hours for July (21 hours) were confirmed
    5. A resolution was passed to pay the following invoices:
      • SSDC - Parish Ranger Scheme Qtr 1 (3 days) £377.40 + VAT £75.48 = £452.88
      • R Carpenter - re-imbursement for BBQ grills/trays £45.01 + VAT £8.98 = £53.99
      • Grant Thornton – Audit fee for Y/E 31/03/14 £200.00 + VAT £40.00 = £240.00
    6. The Chairman read an email and presented an invoice requesting a payment of £1461.60 (including £243.60 VAT) towards the cost of a new lighting system for the Village Hall. It was confirmed that this would be owned by the Parish Council and funded from the PC’s budget for Village Hall Improvements.
    7. A cheque for a donation of £693.43 was received from the Hardington Players.
    1. The Chairman reported that the landowner had agreed to fix the broken stile at Y10/43 at Partway lane.
    2. It was reported that the stile at Y10/11 was broken. It was agreed to add this repair to the Ranger’s list of jobs.
    1. It was agreed the following jobs shoud be added to the Ranger’s task list:
      • The footpath between Moor Lane and the shop requires strimming.
      • The Hedge by Moor Cross is overhanging and needs cutting back.
    1. None.
    1. Chairman. Nothing to report.
    2. Councillors: Nothing to report.
    3. Clerk: Nothing to report.
    The next meeting will be held on Tuesday 16th September 2014 at 7.30 p.m. in the Village Hall. The meeting closed at 9.10 pm.