The Minutes of the previous meeting (July 2011)
Members were reminded that the Council has a general duty to consider the following matters in the exercise of any of its functions - Equal Opportunities (race, gender, sexual orientation, marital status & any disability); Crime & Disorder, Health & Safety and Human Rights. Jessica Vale, Parish Clerk |
Robin Carpenter (Chairman), Peter Bysouth, Vanessa May, Malcolm White, David Beckley, Rose White and Bill Turner.
Jessica Vale (Parish Clerk), Gina Seaton (District Councillor) and one member of the public.
Before the meeting commenced there was an opportunity for the public to speak.
None. - MINUTES OF MEETINGS HELD ON 19th July 2011 (Already Circulated).
- The minutes were approved and signed.
- Malcolm White declared a prejudicial interest in respect of Item 6a) part i.
- Bill Turner declared a prejudicial interest in respect of Item 6a) part ii.
- David Beckley declared a prejudicial interest in respect of Item 6a) part ii
- Robin Carpenter declared a prejudicial interest in respect of both parts of Item 6a).
Gina Seaton reminded Councillors that they must register their interests on the forms provided by South Somerset District Council within 28 days of election. SSDC staff must support them to help answer any queries they may have about this process. There are heavy maximum penalties for any breach of these rules. Any issues to do with Highways arising in the parish may be referred to SSDC's Area South Streetscene Manager. There are archaeological excavations taking place at Ham Hill and the public are welcome to come to talks taking place at 2.30 p.m. every Sunday to Thursday (probably until mid-September); for more information see For an enjoyable evening out, the Rotary Club of Yeovil is holding a Last Night of the Proms concert at the Octagon Theatre on the evening of Friday 2nd September in aid of St Margaret's Hospice, the Somerset & Dorset Air Ambulance and other charities.She also asked to receive the Messenger newsletter every month by email (NOTED for action by Parish Clerk or Messenger editor).
Robin Carpenter, David Beckley and Bill Turner left the meeting. Peter Bysouth took the Chair.- Planning Applications received:
- App no 11/02843/OUT Mr W Turner, agricultural worker's dwelling (revised) Lime Kiln Farm Hardington Mandeville. No objections, but would like clarification as to whether caravans currently on site will be removed once dwelling is built.
Malcolm White left the meeting. Bill Turner and David Beckley returned to the meeting. - App no 11/02839/FUL M & S White & Son extension to agricultural building Royal Oak Farm Hardington Mandeville. No objections.
Malcolm White and Robin Carpenter returned to the meeting. Robin Carpenter resumed the Chair.
- App no 11/02843/OUT Mr W Turner, agricultural worker's dwelling (revised) Lime Kiln Farm Hardington Mandeville. No objections, but would like clarification as to whether caravans currently on site will be removed once dwelling is built.
- Any planning applications received after publication of this agenda. None.
- Results of previous applications: noted that appeals in respect of App nos. 09/00609/FUL and 10/00332/FUL Mr P Richards Livestock shed, temporary agricultural workers mobile home, wind turbine Woodentop Farm West Coker had been dismissed.
- Planning Applications received:
- Report from Highways Representative. No report received from Rob Lloyd. Robin Carpenter reported that a drain cover in Wimborough Lane has been mended, and the bend at North Lane has been resurfaced but is still not level. Malcolm White whose land is adjacent has not heard from the Farming and Wildlife Advisory Group.
- Grit bin for Lyatts. Need for action by Lengthsman to prepare base. NOTED.
- Recreation Ground at North Lane – the desirability of Councillors' receiving minutes of the FOHCS meeting of 25th July and subsequent meetings was NOTED. The donor of the land, Ernest Kong, was congratulated for his success in obtaining a grant of £5,000 from Wessex Water and a further £2,000 from another source. Information about other potential sources of grants is coming in. FOHCS committee members are visiting various local sites to get ideas for play equipment. The Planning Department of SSDC have acknowledged receipt of the revised planning application in respect of the car park, but it was AGREED that Robin Carpenter should determine the exact nature of the surfacing and total cost of creating the new entrance before FOHCS' next meeting on the 31st of August. Fund-raising events are planned; the next one is a children's sponsored bike ride on the 10th of September.
- Recreation Ground at North Lane – the lease is effective from the 29th of July 2011.
- Recreation Ground at North Lane – work on the new car park and entrance cannot start until the plans have been ratified but it was RESOLVED that the Council should accept the quotation of Taylor Partners to undertake the works listed in sections B3 and D1a of the tender document for the sum of £9,835.00. NOTED by Parish Clerk that a form must be sent to SSDC to notify them in advance of the start of the works.
- Recreation Ground at North Lane – insurance; The Parish Council's insurers confirm that the land is automatically covered under the terms of the existing policy, but the Council will need to seek additional cover for any structures etc. placed there in the future.
- Welcome Pack update; the Clerk produced a draft copy of an updated version of the Welcome Pack for new residents. Subject to some amendments, it was agreed that this will now be distributed but in a different style of folder.
- Proposals for activities to celebrate the 2012 Diamond Jubilee; a letter received from Lady Gass, including the matter of beacons, was noted. Possibilities for an Open Day at the Recreation Ground to be considered at the next meeting.
- Procedures for updating the Parish Plan; Vanessa May undertakes to select priority matters for updates to be discussed at next meeting.
- Freedom of Information - Model Publication Scheme; deferred pending further information. Risk Management Plan and Annual Financial Risk Assessment; the most recent Risk Management Plan available is still applicable and more detail will be provided to the next meeting.
- Terms of Reference for the Recreation Ground Committee. Peter Bysouth will produce a more detailed document for the next meeting.
- Register of Members' Interests; the Parish Clerk confirmed that all required forms are in order (as of May 2011, any changes in circumstances since then must be notified).
- Village Hall Insurance Review. Peter Bysouth reported that he has raised the matter further with the Village Hall committee. ACTION Parish Clerk to contact the three groups involved and get results in time for next meeting.
- New Clerk - contract; the Clerk's comments on the proposed contract were discussed. A revised contract is to be drawn up by Peter Bysouth and Robin Carpenter. References have been received and will be held by the Chairman.
- Parish Clerk postal redirection request; it was agreed that Jessica Vale should pursue the setting-up of postal redirection arrangements.
- Portable appliance testing of Village Hall equipment; this is being coordinated by John Gilmore. Some testing has been done and the electrician will return to carry out work to stage wiring and test further items not accessible at first visit.
- Clerk's hours for July were CONFIRMED as submitted (26.5 hours).
- RESOLVED to make Final payment to Liz Raymont as Parish Clerk of £1037.13, subject to deductions as may be required by HMRC under PAYE for salary April - July 2011. Proposed by Rose White, seconded by Robin Carpenter.
- RESOLVED to add Jessica Vale to the list of authorised signatories in the Parish Council's current Mandate, for the Accounts detailed in Section 2 of the Change of Signing Authority form provided by the Council's Bank. The form was then duly signed by the Chairman and Vice-Chairman and passed to Jessica Vale for action.
- Budget Analysis as at 31st July was produced for consideration.
- PAYE; Parish Clerk has copies of previous correspondence with HMRC and is to take further action to register the Council and employees beginning from April 2011.
- Report from Footpaths Representative; Owner Richard Brooks has installed the new sign for path Y10/8 at Lyatts. The sign for Y10/20 at Prospect Farm has been damaged and it was agreed to ask the lengthsman to repair this. Further action is needed by the lengthsman on Y10/11 (see next item below).
- NOTED Work carried out in June
- Work for August.
Outstanding from July:- put in concrete bases for grit bins at 2 roadside locations (Robin Carpenter to advise slight amendment to location of the Elliotts Hill bin)
- as a priority, to finish work started at Y10/11 by removing remaining metal bar and installing short wooden handrail beside steps.
- Correspondence to be circulated
- Correspondence received:
- from the Royal Horticultural Society about Britain in Bloom
- by email from the Somerset Association of Local Councils about forthcoming events including Annual Meeting (24th September) and Clerks' training (October) - further details to be provided by SALC about these.
- latest local bus timetable - Jessica Vale to find out if there are locations in the village where more could be placed.
- Chairman; the Council might consider whether to update the information in the Parish Profile, however when the 2011 Census data emerges in 2012, this should provide the data that is needed.
- Councillors; Peter Bysouth reported that the Village Hall funds are healthy and a new external notice board is to be obtained. The VHC is also considering replacing some kitchen equipment and internal wall boards. Work on the garage roof is almost finished.
- Clerk; communications and IT equipment were discussed. Jessica Vale needs to update Microsoft Office programs; in the meantime there will be issues with reading recent versions of documents. She has updated email message header.
The next Parish Council meeting will be held on Tuesday the 20th of September at 7.30 pm in the Village Hall. The meeting closed at 9.29 pm.