The Minutes of the previous meeting (March 2014)
Members were reminded that the Council has a general duty to consider the following matters in the exercise of any of its functions - Equal Opportunities (race, gender, sexual orientation, marital status & any disability); Crime & Disorder, Health & Safety and Human Rights. Nancy Chapman, Parish Clerk |
Robin Carpenter (Chairman), Peter Bysouth, Bill Turner, Malcolm White, Vanessa May and Gina Seaton (District Councillor).
Nancy Chapman (Parish Clerk) and 5 Members of the Public.
Apologies were received from Paul Vallis, Marcus Fysh (County Councillor) and Cathy Bakewell (District Councillor). - 2. PARISH COUNCIL VACANCY
The Chairman reported that the Parish Council had agreed to co-opt Andy Webb, who has recently moved into the Village at Moor Cottage at May's meeting, by which time he should be on the electoral register and therefore eligible for the role. - MINUTES OF MEETING HELD ON 18th MARCH 2014 (Already Circulated).
- The minutes were approved and signed by the Chairman as correct records of the meeting.
Robin Carpenter declared an interest in item 7a.i. - MATTERS OF REPORT ARISING FROM THE PREVIOUS MINUTES.
- There were no matters arising from the previous minutes.
Gina Seaton reported that the Area South meeting on 2nd April was dominated by the Yeovil Town Football Club Superstore application. It was a lively debate with many arguments for and against the application put forward. The application has been recommended for refusal by the planning department who are keen to keep the major supermarkets within the central urban area. The application decision was suspended for 2 months to determine if a resolution could be found.
Gina also commented on how much her family had enjoyed their recent trip to the community field! - PLANNING & PLANNING APPLICATIONS
- Planning Applications received:
- Robin Carpenter left the room..
App no: 14/00984/FUL Weavers Cottage, Moor Lane, Hardington Moor - The erection of a garden room extension to west elevation of existing garage. Applicant: Mr Robin Carpenter. There were no objections.
Robin Carpenter returned to the room. - App no: 14/01223/FUL Woodlands, Hardington Moor - The erection of a single storey side and rear extension to dwelling. Applicant: Mr Andrew Jones. There were no objections.
- App no: 14/01218/FUL Land at Milcombe Farm, Coker Hill Lane - The erection of a cover to silage pit. Applicant: R J Turner & Partners. There were no objections.
- Robin Carpenter left the room..
- The following results of previous applications were received:
- App No.13/03897/COL. Application for a Lawful Development Certificate for the existing continued use of building and residential curtilage as a single dwellinghouse at Walnut Tree Farm, Lyatts, Hardington Moor. Applicant: Mrs Margaret Partridge. Application refused.
- 13/04414/FUL Malvern Lodge - Erection of single storey front extension to dwelling house; applicant: Mr Brad Atkinson. Application approved with conditions.
- The Chairman felt there wasn't anything further to discuss on the potential Moor Lane Nursery development at this time. Halsall Housing will be holding a drop-in presentation on the 1st May between 4pm-8pm in the village hall.
- There was no response from the planning department regarding the new stable and hard-standing at Partway Lane, Hill End.
- There were no other planning issues.
The Chairman suspended the meeting to allow the public to speak:
A parishioner stated that following the meeting with Halsall Homes on 18th March, he was lead to believe a lot of activity would be taking place at the Moor Lane Nursey site, but he had not seen any sign of this. Another parishioner commented that an independent person had been looking at the highway. The Chairman responded that hopefully more information would be given at the 1st May meeting and that he would be contacting Dan Trundle to help publicise the meeting.
The Chairman resumed the meeting. - Planning Applications received:
- Neil Dyer said there was nothing new to report this month. He would chase-up the SCC Highways promise of a supply of road scrapings that could be used for the self-filling of off-highway pot-holes.
- The Chairman read a letter from a parishioner that expressed concerns over the planting of cultivated garden bulbs in countryside verges and lanes, suggesting that these varieties not only look unnatural but that they are probably endangering the much prettier indigenous plants, such as primroses and cowslips and orchids. This was not viewed as an issue by members of the Parish Council and it was agreed that no further action would be taken.
- The Chairman reported that the PC had received a letter from several parishioners questioning the interpretation of the Housing Survey. The letter stated that the survey response was only completed by 18% of the total households in the Parish. The parishioners also stated that their interpretation to question 15 of the survey relating to what type of tenure would be most suitable is that 7 of the 8 houses are required as low cost houses to buy and not to rent or share ownership. The Chairman's view was that he did not expect a high response to the survey and that only those who required a new home would complete the survey. He commented the survey was probably flawed in some ways.
Bill Turner commented that he still didn't feel the Moor Lane site was the right site for the building of affordable homes. Malcolm White agreed with him and felt that other sites that had been looked at previously were more suitable. Both commented on the problems with the narrow access road. The Chairman responded that this site was the only site where a real opportunity had arisen as the other sites were not for sale. The Vice Chairman stated that the Parish Council has leverage in the size and type of properties to be built. - The Chairman reported that he had spoken to Sarah Mumby (tel: 0207 5540068) from the British Heart Foundation who agreed to send an application form for a defibrillator. Should the application be approved, a £400 contribution would then be required towards the cost of the defibrillator.
- The Chairman reported that the PC had received a letter from several parishioners questioning the interpretation of the Housing Survey. The letter stated that the survey response was only completed by 18% of the total households in the Parish. The parishioners also stated that their interpretation to question 15 of the survey relating to what type of tenure would be most suitable is that 7 of the 8 houses are required as low cost houses to buy and not to rent or share ownership. The Chairman's view was that he did not expect a high response to the survey and that only those who required a new home would complete the survey. He commented the survey was probably flawed in some ways.
- A resolution was passed to approve payment of £3693 (remaining balance) to The Toy Barn for 2+1 Swings and exercise equipment, on completion of the work and on receipt of a VAT invoice.
- The Chairman reported that the new equipment had been installed and was already getting good use. The insurance company had agreed that no extra inspection was required and the slight increase to next year's insurance premium would be presented at May's meeting.
- The County Council grant secured by Marcus Fysh from the Health and Well-Being fund had not yet been received.
- The Chairman suggested it may be worth approaching the original FOHCS members to ask if they would like to help fund-raise for the Gazebo. He had informed the carpenter that the council would like to go ahead with the Gazebo subject to funding.
- No current issues arising.
- The Bank Reconciliation at 31st March 2014 (quarterly and year end) was approved.
- The Final Budget Analysis for 2013/2014 was presented and no issues were raised.
- The formal notice of the Annual Audit date of 16th June 2014 for year end 31st March 2014 has been received from Grant Thornton and advertised from the 9th April 2014.
- The Clerk's hours for March (21.5 hours) were approved. A resolution was passed to approve payment of £930.73 to Clerk for:
January-March 2014 Salary (£589.50)
Mileage (£25.65)
Other Expenses (£63.58)
Paid Annual Leave (28 Hours x £9 = £252). - A resolution was passed to approve payment of £149.88 for SALC membership fee for 2014-2015.
- A resolution was passed to approve payment of £236.25 for balance of new Village Hall Kitchen Window.
- Bill Turner reported that he was expecting delivery of four gates for various footpaths.
- The Vice Chairman reported that he had met with the Ranger on his previous visit and the Ranger had done a very efficient job of tidying the area around the Village Hall, Church and Triangle.
- The clerk was asked to add strimming of the following areas to the Ranger's task list: 10/4, 10/44 and the bridge between 10/44 and 10/46.
- The Vice Chairman agreed to make a list of Village Hall exterior painting work that was required that could be added to the Ranger's tasks.
- Somerset Levels and Moors Flood Action Plan. No further action to be taken.
- South Somerset Housing Fair 28th April 2pm-7pm at the Octagon Theatre.
- Rural Sounding Board Survey email (The Vice Chairman agreed to complete this survey - Clerk to pass on contact details).
- Chairman. Nothing to report.
- Councillors:
- Malcolm White stated that there were still concerns regarding the new telegraph poles to be installed along Coker Hill. It may be difficult to get farm machinery passed them. The Chairman responded that BT had stated this was their only option and nothing further could be done.
- The Vice Chairman requested that the Village Hall Garage roof was added to the agenda for discussion at May's meeting.
- The Vice chairman agreed to represent the PC at Village Hall Committees annual meeting on the 28th May.
- Clerk. Nothing to report.
The next meeting will be held on Tuesday 20th May 2014 at 7.30 p.m. in the Village Hall. The meeting closed at 10.08 pm.